Published 2017-18 SGS Calendar for editing purposes only: exported 2017/07/06

Ethnic and Pluralism Studies: Introduction

Lead Faculty

Arts and Science

Participating Degree Programs

Anthropology—MA, PhD
Educational Leadership and Policy—MA, MEd, EdD, PhD
European and Russian Affairs—MA
Geography—MA, PhD
Global Affairs—MGA
History—MA, PhD
Industrial Relations and Human Resources—MIRHR, PhD
Language and Literacies Education—MA, MEd, PhD
Political Science—MA, PhD
Public Policy—MPP
Religion—MA, PhD
Social Justice Education—MA, MEd, EdD, PhD
Social Work—MSW, PhD
Sociology—MA, PhD
Women and Gender Studies—MA, PhD


Ethnic and Pluralism Studies at the University of Toronto offers students with interests in ethnic and pluralism studies the opportunity to widen their horizons, to expand their knowledge beyond a single disciplinary base, and to take advantage of the wealth and diversity of academic resources available at the University of Toronto—a great university situated in a large and culturally cosmopolitan city.
The graduate programs listed above participate in the Collaborative Specializationin Ethnic and Pluralism Studies. They contribute courses and provide facilities and supervision for graduate research.
Upon successful completion of the degree requirements of the participating home department and the collaborative specialization, students receive the notation “Completed Collaborative Specializationin Ethnic and Pluralism Studies” on their transcript and parchment.

Contact and Address

Telephone: (416) 946-0118
Collaborative Specializationin Ethnic and Pluralism Studies
Munk School of Global Affairs
University of Toronto
1 Devonshire Place, room 064S
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3K7

Ethnic and Pluralism Studies: Master's Level

Admission Requirements
  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specializationmust apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specializationand a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.
  • Applicants to the Master of Arts, Master of Education, Master of Global Affairs, Master of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, Master of Public Policy, Master of Science, and Master of Social Work degree programs are admitted by the participating graduate unit under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.
Specialization Requirements
  • Students must follow a plan of studies acceptable to both the participating graduate unit and the Ethnic and Pluralism Studies specialization.
  • Collaborative specializationrequirements may be met concurrent with, or in addition to, departmental requirements. Students should consult specific departmental listings for information.
  • 1.0 full-course equivalent (FCE) in ethnicity, of which at least 0.5 FCE will be in a discipline other than the one in which the student is enrolled. Normally, these courses are taken as options within regular departmental or faculty degree requirements, not as additional courses.
  • A coordinating 0.5 FCE seminar in ethnicity. The seminar is the place to discuss, compare, and bring together the various approaches to the study of ethnicity. As well, students will be expected to present and discuss their projects.
  • When a practicum is required, it will focus on ethnicity.
  • It is understood that the major paper or thesis as required by the graduate unit will be in an ethnic studies area.

Ethnic and Pluralism Studies: Doctoral Level

Admission Requirements
  • Applicants who wish to enrol in the collaborative specializationmust apply to and be admitted to both the collaborative specializationand a graduate degree program in one of the collaborating graduate units.
  • Applicants to the Doctor of Education and Doctor of Philosophy degree programs are admitted under the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies.
Specialization Requirements
  • Students must follow a plan of studies acceptable to both the participating graduate unit and the Ethnic and Pluralism Studies specialization.
  • Collaborative specializationrequirements may be met concurrent with, or in addition to, departmental requirements. Students should consult specific departmental listings for information.
  • 2.0 full-course equivalents (FCEs) in ethnicity, including master's-level courses, of which at least 1.0 FCE will be in disciplines other than the one in which the student is enrolled. Normally, these courses are taken as options within regular departmental or Faculty degree requirements, not as additional courses.
  • A coordinating 0.5 FCE seminar in ethnicity. The seminar is the place to discuss, compare, and bring together the various approaches to the study of ethnicity. As well, students will be expected to present and discuss their projects. Students who have taken this course for the master's degree need not repeat it.
  • When the student's graduate unit requires more than one comprehensive examination, one of the examinations will be in ethnicity.
  • When there are no comprehensive examinations, but an examination on the thesis proposal is required, the examination will focus on ethnicity, and in all cases the thesis will be on subject matter dealing with ethnicity.
  • The PhD thesis will focus on ethnicity. The supervisor of the thesis committee will be a specialist in the area of ethnicity.

Ethnic and Pluralism Studies: Courses

  1. Courses eligible for credit towards meeting specialization requirements in Ethnic and Pluralism Studies are listed below.
  2. Students should check with the professor responsible for each course since a prerequisite may be required.
  3. Not all courses are offered each year. Please consult the collaborative specializationoffice or the appropriate graduate unit for course availability.
  4. Students wishing to use courses other than those listed below for credit towards meeting specializationrequirements must submit a formal request in writing.
Coordinating Seminar
JTH 3000H / Ethnic Relations Theory, Research, and Policy
ANT 5150H / Nation, State, and Language in Francophone Canada
ANT 6033H / AdvancedResearch Seminar III
Curriculum, Teaching and Learning
CTL 1424H / Religion, Ideology, and Social Movement in the Development of North American Education
CTL 1428H / Immigration and the Development of Canadian Education
CTL 1429H / Ethnicity and the Development of Canadian Education
CTL 3023H / Introduction to Aboriginal Land-Centered Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
CTL 3026H / Pragmatics in Language Education
CTL 3038H / Aboriginal Civilization: Language, Culture, and Identity
CTL 3799H / Special Topics in Language and Literacies Education: Master's Level
CTL 3803H / Ethnographic Research in the Language Disciplines
JTE 1952H / Language Culture and Education/M. Heller
ECO 2800H / Labour Economics I (prerequisite: an undergraduate course in statistics and a graduate course in applied statistics)
European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies
ERE 1188H / European Identities: Ethnicity, Citizenship, and Culture
PLA 1503H / Planning and Social Policy
JPG 1505H / The Multicultural City: Diversity, Policy, and Planning
JPG 1506H / Urban and Regional Social Policy: An International Perspective
JPG 1805H / Transnationalism, Diaspora, and Gender
HIS 1117H / Canada: Colonialism/Postcolonialism
HIS 1287H / Polish Jews Since the Partitions of Poland (joint graduate/undergraduate)
HIS 1297H / National Survival in Eastern Europe
HIS 1440H / Irish Nationalism in Canada, 1858–1870
Industrial Relations and Human Resources
IRE 1725H / Cross Cultural Differences in Organizational Contexts
Participation in LAW courses is at the discretion of the Faculty of Law upon presentation, to the Faculty of Law Records Office, of a signed permission form from the student's home department. Note that preference is given to JD students and that many LAW courses are full by the end of the Faculty of Law add/drop period.
LAW 5022H / Introduction to Islamic Law
LAW 7024H / Citizenship: Inside and Out
LAW 7052Y / Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Law
LAW 7053H / Intensive Course: Who Belongs? Dilemmas of Citizenship and Immigration
LAW 7060Y / Discrimination Law
LAW 7066H / Canadian Migration Law
LAW 7076H / Refugee Law
LAW 7078H / Law of Forced Migration
Leadership, Higher and Adult Education
LHA 1029H / Special Applications of Educational Leadership and Policy: Master's Level
LHA 1042H / Educational Leadership and Diversity
LHA 3042H / Field Research in Educational Leadership and Policy
Political Science
POL 2026H,Y / Topics in Political Thought I
POL 2102H / Topics in Canadian Politics I
POL 2103H / Topics in Canadian Politics II
POL 2167H / The Politics of Immigration and Multiculturalism in Canada
POL 2207H / Topics in International Politics III
POL 2361Y / Globalization and Indigenous Politics
JRA 2391H / Topics in Comparative Politics
POL 2392H,Y / Topics in Comparative Politics IV

Public Policy

PPG 1005H / The Social Context of Policy-Making (this course often includes content related to ethnicity and immigration; please verify a particular instructor's course with the Ethnic and Pluralism Studies specialization)
PPG 2001H / Legal Analysis of Public Policy


RLG 2027H / Law and Religion: Critical Conversations
RLG 3236H / Religious Pluralism and the Church
RLG 3512H / Introduction to Islamic Law
RLG 3931H / Topics in North American Religions

Social Justice Education

JSA 5147H / Language, Nationalism, and Post-Nationalism
JTE 1952H / Language, Culture, and Education
SJE 1921Y / The Principles of Anti-Racism Education
SJE 1922H / Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
SJE 1926H / Race, Space, and Citizenship: Research Methods
SJE 1927H / Migration and Globalization
SJE 3933H / Globalisation and Transnationality: Feminist Perspectives

Social Work

SWK 4210H / Promoting Empowerment: Working at the Margins
SWK 4304H / Globalization and Transnationalism: Intersections of Policy and Community Practice Locally and Globally
SWK 4306H / Theoretical Approaches to Defining Social Injustice and Engaging in Social Change
SWK 4617H / Cross Cultural Social Work Practice
SWK 4658H / Social Work with Immigrants and Refugees


SOC 6002H / Immigration I
SOC 6003H / Immigration II
SOC 6009H / Ethnicity I
SOC 6109H / Ethnicity II

Women and Gender Studies

WGS 1026H / Special Topics in Race and Feminism