Psychology and Literature
Mrs. Malanka
Senior Research Paper
Fall 2009
Research Paper Handout #9: Presenting Your Evidence of Research
I will check your evidence of research at two points:
Check #1: Monday 11/16: Have your Working Bibliography and at least 15 note cards, along with the sources you’ve found to date.
Check #2: Week of 11/30: Have at least 25 additional note cards (as well as your updated Working Bibliography and your sources). For this check, I will again conduct conferences with each student. The purpose of the meeting is not to ask me questions about your sources, but to show me what you’ve gathered. You may meet with me later to discuss the sources or questions.
While I am conducting conferences, I want everyone else in the class to be reading materials, taking notes, or drafting an outline for the paper. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO. NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING OTHER WORK OR TALKING. If people waste this valuable in-class work time, I will take it away.
REQUIREMENTS for Evidence of Research check:
· Working Bibliography (see handout #3)
· Index cards (any size, any color) MUST be used.
· Notes should not be cut and pasted from sources, unless a direct quote is being used. If you have any questions about how to take notes, see Handouts #6 (Notecards) and #8 (Paraphrasing).
· You MUST have a summary card for EACH source used.
· You MUST show me your working bibliography, and the sources must be numbered. Remember to include your primary source in your working bibliography.
· Bring your secondary sources with you to our conference so I can help you evaluate them.
Order of ConferencesNOTE: You need to be prepared to go on Monday in the event that the people scheduled before you do not show up for class.
Monday 11/16 / Tuesday 11/17 / Wednesday 11/18 / Thursday 11/19
Billy Xing / Peters, Preston / Paul Hyun / Abisror, Nicole L
Yasumura, Kousuke J / Quinn, John / Kubikisha, Grace / Savannah Werner
Yon, Kristie / Sienra-Canas, Alessandra / Lo, Raymond / Esther Chang
Zhang, Han / Stanley-Ayre, Shane / Lum, Monica / Han, John
Noah Buchwald / Tier, Melissa / Hakim, Eric / Jin, Andrew
Nielson, Kyle / Mantel, Kevin / Nam, Cindy
Monday 11/16 / Tuesday 11/17 / Wednesday 11/18 / Thursday 11/19
Birns, Aaron / Abdal Haleem, Wigdan / Abdal Haleem, Marafi / Dess, John
Cho, Young Na / Ben-Harosh, Amit / Galperin, David / Afshar, Amin
Chung, Suzy / Amano, Jasmine / Garson, Marshall / Weisz, Hadas
Clark, Sarah / Anbarserri, Mohannad / Kasten, Cayley / Yoo, Chris
Copur, Merve / Azevedo, Ricardo / Moran, Vince
Monday 11/16 / Tuesday 11/17 / Wednesday 11/18 / Thursday 11/19
Lee, Chris / Pollock, Sydney / Yuhjtman, Nir / Barriga, Leo
Lee, Jennifer / Pope, Victoria / Zigouras, Alexandra / Breakfield, Danielle
Lee, Jung Min / Uematsu, Emily / Haber, Jonathan / Calzoni, Leo
Lee, Rebecca / Vargas, Alexandra / Housni, Dounia / Cho, Andrew
Lee, Michael / Wist, Milton / Kim, Ja Hyun / Disalvo, Madeleine
Mar, Jason / Yu, Emily / Kim, Shin / Grossman, Matthew
Working Bibliography & Note cards Check Rubrics
I will use this rubric for the Monday 11/16 check:
Working bibliography (completeness of information, etc.)
Number of sources
In working bibliography
Quality of sources-includes primary source(s)
Number of cards
Quality of notes (paraphrasing, quoting, summarizing)
Psychology and Literature
Mrs. Malanka
Senior Research Paper
Fall 2009
Research Paper Handout #9 PART II: Presenting Your Evidence of Research (again)
Seniors, beginning 12/1, I will meet with each of you again to see how you’re progressing with your research, note taking, and writing of research paper. Please see below the rubric I will use to evaluate your progress for this second conference.
First of all, it is very important that you follow my feedback from the first conference. I want to see that you made changes or adjustments based on our conversation and my comments.
A range: / o 2 typed pages of draft, based on your note cards—can be from any part of your paper.o Three or more sources, all literary criticism and/or high quality and relevance to your topic.
o All notes are detailed and include paraphrases, summaries, and direct quotations.
o Presents considerably more note cards from last check, notes taken on all sources in Working Bibliography.
o Working Bibliography is totally updated since first check.
B range: / o 1 ½-2 typed pages of draft based on your note cards—can be from any part of your paper.
o Three or more sources are a mix of fairly high quality literary criticism and web sites or book reviews
o Notes include some additional paraphrases, summaries, or quotations, but could have been more detailed. Some additional note cards since the last check.
o Working Bibliography is mostly updated from first check.
C range: / o ½ typed pages of draft based on your note cards—can be from any part of your paper.
o Three sources of high quality
o Notes are mostly underlining or highlighting on Xeroxes, with very little paraphrasing, summaries, or quotations
o Working Bibliography is not totally updated.
D range: / o Less than one page of typed draft
o Fewer than three sources provided, most of which are poor
o Almost no notes taken. Working Bibliography not updated.
F / No sources or pages provided—unprepared
Here is a reminder checklist of the REQUIREMENTS for an Evidence of Research check:
o Working Bibliography (see handout #5) You MUST show me your working bibliography, and the sources must be numbered. Remember to include your primary source in your working bibliography.
o Index cards (any size, any color) MUST be used. You should have significantly more note cards since the first conference.
o Notes should not be cut and pasted from sources, unless a direct quote is being used. If you have any questions about how to take notes, see Handouts #6 (Notecards) and #8 (Paraphrasing).
o You MUST have a summary card for EACH source used.
o Type up a few pages of your paper based on your note cards—ideally 2 pages. These pages can be from anywhere in your paper—the beginning, middle, or end.
o Bring a copy of your PRIMARY source to the conference.
o Bring your SECONDARY sources with you to our conference so I can help you evaluate them.
Remember: While I am conducting conferences, I want everyone else in the class to be reading materials, taking notes, or drafting an outline for the paper. NO ONE SHOULD HAVE NOTHING TO DO. NO ONE SHOULD BE DOING OTHER WORK OR TALKING. If people waste this valuable in-class work time, I will take it away.
Also, I’ll need you to be ready to meet with me prior to your conference appointment, in case people are absent or unprepared.
Order of Conferences—Tues. 12/1-Fri. 12/4NOTE: You need to be prepared to meet with me prior to your scheduled appointment in the event that the people scheduled before you do not show up to class or are not prepared.
Tuesday 12/1 / Wednesday 12/2 / Thursday 12/3 / Friday 12/4
Paul Hyun / Abisror, Nicole L / Billy Xing / Peters, Preston
Kubikisha, Grace / Savannah Werner / Yasumura, Kousuke / Mantel, Kevin
Lo, Raymond / Esther Chang / Yon, Kristie / Sienra-Canas, Alessandra
Lum, Monica / Han, John / Zhang, Han / Stanley-Ayre, Shane
Hakim, Eric / Jin, Andrew / Noah Buchwald / Tier, Melissa
Nam, Cindy / Quinn, John / Nielson, Kyle
Tuesday 12/1 / Wednesday 12/2 / Thursday 12/3 / Friday 12/4
Abdal Haleem, Marafi / Dess, Jack / Birns, Aaron / Abdal Haleem, Wigdan
Galperin, David / Afshar, Amin / Weisz, Hadas / Moran, Vince
Garson, Marshall / Kasten, Cayley / Chung, Suzy / Azevedo, Ricardo
Ben-Harosh, Amit / Yoo, Chris / Clark, Sarah / Cho, Young Na
Amano, Jasmine / Anbarserri, Mark / Copur, Merve
Tuesday 12/1 / Wednesday 12/2 / Thursday 12/3 / Friday 12/4
Yuhjtman, Nir / Barriga, Leo / Lee, Chris / Lee, Jennifer
Zigouras, Alexandra / Breakfield, Danielle / Pollock, Sydney / Pope, Victoria
Haber, Jonathan / Calzoni, Leo / Uematsu, Emily / Lee, Jung Min
Housni, Dounia / Cho, Andrew / Lee, Rebecca / Lee, Michael
Kim, Ja Hyun / Disalvo, Madeleine / Vargas, Alexandra / Wist, Milton
Kim, Shin / Grossman, Matthew / Mar, Jason / Yu, Emily