Midweek Message

Midweek E-mail from First Presbyterian Church of Jamestown, New York

June 27, 2018

The Reverend Donald E. Ray

I awoke Monday morning ready to go. Well, not really ‘ready’ but feeling like I needed to get going. I’m leading worship the next two Sundays. The sermon for July 1 is brewing in my mind. In the midst of that, my sons and their families are coming for my birthday the first week in July. I want to have the Sundays mostly planned so I can devote time and attention to our grandchildren. After our recent garage sale, there is stuff to organize. Yard work needs constant attention. I looked at my calendar—this is my turn for Midweek. “Kick in, coffee.”

No, it wasn’t the caffeine charge that I needed. I picked up the book I use for meditation and noted that the bookmark was on June 22. I turned to June 25th immediately. Then I took a deep breath and let the book drop in my lap. Leisurely, I picked it up and God, as through my moments with Sarah Young never fails to do, pulled me back to center.

Christ through her spoke:

“Open your hands and your heart to receive this day as a precious gift from me. I begin each day with a sunrise, announcing my radiant Presence. By the time you rise from your bed, I have already prepared the way before you. I eagerly await your first conscious thought. I rejoice when you glance my way.

Bring me the gift of thanksgiving, which opens your heart to rich communion with me. Because I am God, from whom all blessings flow, thankfulness is the best way to draw near me.”

Early Monday morning was still cloudy,but at that moment, the sun shone through. God’s light I have been reading so intensely about in I John 1 shone through. The “to do” list didn’t melt away,but I was in a different place. I trust that in God’s presence, I will be enabled to do what is my calling from God for this day, this week, for however.

How easily I, and maybe you too, slide into that pattern of taking on our day by ourselves. When we greet each day, each minute as a gift and give thanks for God’s presence in our life, we may not be grateful for all a day might bring but we live in the hope and joy that God is our strength and guide and peace.



Thanksgiving and praise for Lorraine’s successful surgery, Barb’s healing, Nancy’s on the last leg of Chemotherapy, Shawn is doing better, and so is Mick, Merrilee, Laurie and Claire; thank you for their prayers and continue them also for Nan and little Summer too. Remember those who are traveling this week and the families who are dealing with our immigration crisis.

ACP Family for June:Bryson Peterson, mom Brittany, dad Josh, brother Jayton

Staff Member:Lynn Dollard

If you need a ride to church or a doctor's appointment, would like a visit from the Pastor, could use support from our Casserole and Cookie Crew, or would like to let us know about a prayer concern, please let the church office know. The Member Care Committee is ready to help you out.

NEW for this Sunday, July 1st

We have begun our Summer Worship in the Bellinger Chapel

Join us at 9:30am for Worship

Communion will be served

The Reverend Donald E. Ray will be presiding.

Then stay after for the coffee hour in the SJM Fellowship Hall

This Sunday, July 1st

Liturgist: Emylia Hallberg

Greeter: Mark Naeser

Ushers: Catherine Willard and Gayle Schulte

Next Sunday, July 8th

Liturgist: Cyndi Lorenc

Greeter: Julie Dudgeon

Ushers:Lisa and Doug Schutte

Coming Soon!

Bibliodrama and Brunch

Sundays, July 15ththru August 5th

We’re trying something new

Come for Worship at 9:30, then stay for Brunch and Sunday School

It will be in the Sandra J Merwin Fellowship Hall, all ages

(there will be nursery care, if desired, for our youngest ones)

Save the Date!

Presbytery Meeting!

Right Here at First Presbyterian Church

Tuesday, July 17th from 4:00 – 8:00pm

Summer Camp Cabin Retreat

August 3rd and 4th

Youth Group Overnight Event

The Camp at Findley

Thank You

Thank you to everyone at First Pres for making this retirement thing start off with a bang! The wonderful reception, the kind gift for my September travels and all of your kind words of love and encouragement made this goodbye easier.

Blessings to all,

Peggy A.

Help Wanted:


Ruth Schreck is looking for anyone who could give her a ride home to Gerry from the Buffalo Airport at 12:00 am (midnight), Saturday morning, July 28th.

If interested, please call her at 985-4114. Thank you.

Feeding our Children over the Summer

In partnership with the YMCA, the St. Susan Center is preparing 500 bag lunches per day for their summer lunch program. A staff member from the James Prendergast Library said that during the summer, many children arrive when they open the door at 10:00am and stay until they close that night. “This is the only safe place for them to be, and they never bring food with them.” You can see how this program will really make a difference. The Library is one of the open sites in the City of Jamestown which means that children don’t have to be signed up to participate, they can just drop in from 12:30–1:30 for lunch.

The St. Susan Center will be preparing those lunches on Sundays from 3:00–7:00pm, and Monday thru Thursday from 4:00-8:00pm, and volunteers would be greatly appreciated for this immense task. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Sandra J. Merwin Fellowship Hall after church this Sunday for Thursday, July 5th, a time that currently has a big volunteer hole yet to fill. If you could help us then, or any other day, all you need is closed toed shoes and a hat. If you need a ride or directions to the Gateway Center, call the church office (487-1984). Thank you in advance.

Help the House!

There will be a “House” set up in the Sandra J. Merwin Fellowship Hall with bins to place donations of paper products, cleaning supplies, soap, towels, twin bed sheets, 2 living room table lamps, and hygiene supplies.

Presbytery Meeting Helpers,July 17th

Our church has been blessed with the opportunity to host the Presbytery meeting on Tuesday,July 17 at 4pm. We need your help in making this a warm, hospitable event! After the service,a sign-up sheet will be awaiting your signature to help: we need parking lot attendants, kitchen and child careworkers, registration workers, and volunteers to clean-up.

We have a lot to live up to. The last time we hosted Presbytery, Marion Clark, Shelley Dahlieand their entire team became famous in the Presbytery for a lovely event and fabulous dinner. That was in in 2003! This version need not live up to theirs, however, we would like it to be avery welcoming evening.

Please consider helping-- our team consists of enthusiastic andfun people.

To volunteer, signup on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall or call the church office (487-1984).


The 6th Street lower parking lot is being repaired this Friday; should be good to go before Sunday’s Service.

The Personnel Committee

of the First Presbyterian Church

is pleased to introduce our two

new staff members…

Michelle butman —financial secretary

David horne — Minister of Music

David C. Horne, emeritus faculty of Tabor Academy, Marion, MA, comes to First Presbyterian Church of Jamestown, NY, as the newly-appointed Minister of Music. David has extensive experience as choral conductor, pianist and organist, musical theater director, actor, and composer. David is one of eight children of Rev. Dr. Nelson “Bud” Horne, retired Presbyterian minister, and the late Betty Horne. Rev. Horne resides in Chautauqua.

On the Tabor faculty for 22 years, David served as director of choral music, chapel organist, musical theater director, applied music supervisor, and house parent. He directed four choirs and two a cappella groups, including a madrigal group that toured nationally and internationally. He supervised the purchase and installation of a 4-manual, 5-division organ in the Tabor chapel.

David previously served as choir director and organist for Episcopal, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran churches in MA, NY, and Washington, DC. He worked as an English as a Second Language instructor in Spain and Japan and incorporated a high level of foreign-language skills in his teaching. He studied at Westminster College (New Wilmington, PA) and graduated from Lafayette College (Easton, PA).

David’s first Sunday with First Pres. will be September 16.



Church Business Hours:

Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

June 27 – Artist Workshop 6:30 pm (Last one this summer)

July 02 – Sherry Cadwell Memorial Service 2:00 pm

July 04 – Independence Day Observed ACP and Church Office closed

July 05 – St. Susan Center Lunch Prep Volunteers 4:00pm

July 07 – ACP Training 8:30 am

July 15 – BibliodramaBrunch Sunday School following Worship

July 17 – Presbytery Meeting 4:00 pm

July 19 – Building and Grounds Committee 5:00 pm

August 3&4 – Youth Group Retreat at the Camp at Findley