Psych 1216 - Health Psychology

Review #2

Chapter 3: Stress - It’s Meaning, Impact, & Sources

1)What is stress? Stressors? Transactions?

a)Discuss the definition of stress described in the text.

i)What was said in class to be the most important issue related to our understanding of stress?

2)Discuss appraisal.

a)What is primary appraisal? Secondary appraisal?

i)What kinds of primary appraisals may be made?

(1)What are the three implications if something is perceived as stressful?

3)Discuss biological aspects of stress.

a)Discuss Selye’s GAS and its stages.

4)Discuss psychosocial aspects of stress.

a)Discuss the implications with cognitions, emotions, and social behaviors.

5)Discuss sources of stress:

a) Within the person and in the family.

i)What three kinds of conflict may occur in a person?

ii)Discuss the special stress of divorce on adults and children.

iii)Discuss the special stress of illness, disability, and death in a family.

b)In the Community

i)With jobs.

ii)In the environment.

6)How is stress measured?

a)Discuss physiological measures discussed in class and in the text.

b)Discuss the SRRS.

c)Discuss Lazarus’s Daily Hassles Scales.

7)Differentiate between distress and eustress.

a)What is the Yerkes-Dodson Inverted U function as it relates to optimal level of arousal and functioning?

Chapter 4: Stress, Biopsychosocial Factors, & Illness

1)Discuss psychosocial modifiers of stress:

a)Social support:

i)What are types of support?

ii)Who gets support?

(1)What is a social network?

iii)How is social support related to health?

(1)Discuss the buffering hypothesis and the direct effects hypothesis.

iv)Discuss reasons why social support may not help reduce stress and benefit health.

2)Discuss the concept of personal control.

a)Discuss the types of control.

i)What is locus of control? Self-efficacy?

b)Briefly discuss determinants and development of personal control.

c)What is learned helplessness?

i)Discuss the attributions involved in control and learned helplessness in humans.

d)Discuss personal control and health.

3)Discuss the hardy personality.

a)How is the hardy personality related to health?

b)Relate hardiness to Antonovsky’s concepts.

c)Relate these concepts to learned optimism.

4)Discuss Types A & B Behavior Patterns.

a)What are the characteristics?

b)How are these behavior patterns measured?

i)What are the differences between the Structured Interview and the JAS in terms of administration and interpretation?

c)How does Type A relate to health?

i)Based on what was discussed in class, what does the latest research say about the Type A behavior pattern and health?

5)Discuss how stress affects health.

a)Discuss stress and the:

i)Cardiovascular system

ii)Endocrine system

iii)Immune system

(1)Discuss the new field of Psychoneuroimmunology?

(a)Briefly describe classical conditioning and the immune system.

6)Discuss stress and psychophysiological disorders:

a)Digestive diseases


c)Cardiovascular disorders:


(1)What is essential hypertension?

(2)How are stress and emotions involved?

(3)What sociocultural differences have been found in hypertension?

ii)Coronary heart disease


Chapter 5: Coping with & Reducing Stress

1)What is coping? Functions and methods?

a)Discuss the emotion-focused and problem-focused coping.

b)Discuss methods of coping described in class and in the book (e.g., Table 5.1).

c)Discuss coping methods.

i)discuss the roles of: positive emotions, positive appraisals, emotional; approach.

d)Discuss gender and sociocultural differences in coping..

2)Discuss reducing the potential for stress.

a)Social support

b)Personal control

c)Time Management



3)Discuss reducing stress reactions through the use of:


b)Behavioral and cognitive methods:


(1)What are the different types discussed in class?

(2)What is systematic desensitization?

(a)What is counterconditioning?



iv)Cognitive restructuring

(1)What is REBT?

(2)What are cognitive distortions or irrational ways of thinking?

(3)Describe Beck’s Cognitive Therapy.

(4)Describe Meichenbaum’s Stress-Inoculation Training.




4)Discuss using stress management to reduce CHD and hypertension.