Psy 8612 MMPI-2 1
Psy 8612 Assessment II: Objective Personality Assessment
William M. Grove (612) 625-1599 (651) 578-8004
Version 3 03/31/14
Spring 2014
N423 Elliott Hall 12 noon-3 p.m.
Purpose. The purpose of this part of Assessment II is to teach the student about personality and psychopathology inventories, using the MMPI-2 as the main example but also giving limited coverage to the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MCMI).
Specific Learning Objectives.
- To learn basic content and psychometric facts about the MMPI-R and, to a more limited degree, the MCMI.
- To learn how to choose a personality inventory for use with a particular client, how to administer it, how to score it (both as MMPI-2 and MMPI-RF, to be explained in class, how to profile it, and how to code it.
- To learn about the concepts behind, development of, and how it fits into the whole MMPI-2 profile.
- To learn about the concepts behind, and use of scales in, the MCMI. The use of Base Rate scores
- To learn to judge the validity of an inventory protocol.
- To interpret an inventory scale by scale.
- To interpret an MMPI-2 profile by the whole profile, i.e., configurally.
- Acquire basic factual knowledge about the Millon Multiaxial Clinical Inventory.
Warning: The above is not meant to imply that the class will focus on writing out MMPI-2 interpretations of profiles. That skill is taught in the laboratory section. Instead, this part of the class is devoted to the scientific underpinnings of MMPI-2 (and –RF) interpretation.
Class Format. Lecture with integrated discussion from all class members.
Evaluation and Grading: Based on performance in in-class discussions (55%), plus a 50-item multiple-choice final examination (50%). This grade will then be integrated with evaluation information from the first half of the course, plus lab performance.
The multiple-choice final exam will be given during finals week, Wednesday May 14, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in N423 Elliott Hall.
Text: There are four assigned texts, i.e., buy, rent, beg or steal the first2, get the third and fourth ones for free from me (in your mailbox, #3 put in box before this part of course starts, #4 will be put in box significantly before Tellegen’s lecture), and find a copy of the fourth to borrow:
- Butcher, J.N., & Williams, C.L. (2000). Essentials of MMPI-2 and MMPI-A interpretation, 2nd ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. This can be obtained at they have reduced-price used copies.
- Butcher, J.N. (Ed.) (2000). Basic Sources on the MMPI-2. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
- Butcher, J.N., Graham, J.R., Ben-Porath, Y.S., Tellegen, A., Dahlstrom, W.G., & Kaemmer, B. (2001). Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2: Manual. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. I will get you a copy of this free and put it in your mailbox significantly before this part of the course starts. There’s also a copy of a previous edition, almost word-for-word identical to the current versi0n, scanned and put on your readings CV/DVD.)
- Tellegen, A., Ben-Porath, Y.S., McNulty, J., Arbisi, P.A., Graham, J.R., & Kaemmer, B. (2003). The MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical Scales: Development, validation, and interpretation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Hereafter referred to as Restructured.) I have to obtain these yet, but when I do (and significantly before Prof. Tellegen’s class session on the RC scales, I’ll put a free copy of this manual in your second floor Elliott Hall mailboxe in the not too distant futures. (It’s also scanned in and put on your readings CD/DVD.)
The readings assigned for each class session need to be read before that class, so we can have a productive and interesting discussion about them. I have put the readings into two categories, following the concensus opinion of the class: 1/3 of them, approximately, are in an “Optional Reading” category which will reward you if you read it, and contain useful information, but are not critically important for acquiring a basic, working understanding of the MMPI-2 and its interpretation. The other 2/3 of the readings are not specially marked (i.e., do not say “Optional” on them), and these are mandatory readings.
Dates, Topics, and Assigned Readings
3/24MMPI-2 introduction, developmentGrove
Basic Sources on the MMPI-2 book (hereafter referred to as Sources), chap. 1-8
Butcher & Williams book, chapters 1-2
MMPI-2Manual (hereafter referred to as Manual.) “Introduction, and Basic qualifications for use; administering, scoring, and profiling the MMPI-2.”
Optional Reading: Butcher, J.N., Graham, J.R., Williams, C.L., & Ben-Porath, Y.S. (1990). Development and use of the MMPI-2 content scales. (Hereafter referred to as Content Scales book). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Chapter 1.
Optional Reading: Manual, Appendix G: Itemmetric data (just scan the leftmost column, as it gives the verbatim content of each of the 567 items)
Optional Reading: “Restandardization project” chapter from Content Scales book
3/31MMPI/MMPI-2 Psychometrics, special scalesGrove
Optional Reading: Manual, Appendix E-4, E-5, E-1, E-2 (tables of reliability coefficients (skim only)
Optional Reading: Manual, Appendix F-1 Intercorrelations of the validity and clinical scales, skim only)
Sources book, chapter 10
Optional Reading: Leonelli, B.T., Chang, C.-H., Bock, R.D., & Schilling, S.G.
Interpretation of a full-information item-level factor analysis of the MMPI-2:
Normative sampling and nonpathognomonic descriptors. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 74, 400-422.
Dahlstrom, W.G. (1992). Comparability of 2-point high-point code patterns from original MMPI norms to MMPI-2 norms for the restandardization sample. Journal of Personality Assessment, 59, 153-164.
Sources book, chapter 15
Optional Reading: Content scales book, chapter 3
Content scales book, chapter 4
Optional Reading: Block, J. (1965). The challenge of response sets: Unconfounding meaning, acquiescence, and social desirability in the MMPI. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts. Chapters 4, 7. (Read for gist)
Sources book, chapter 22
4/7MMPI-2 Validity ScalesGrove
Sources book, chapters 25, 27
Butcher & Williams book, chapter 3
Optional Reading: Manual, “Determining protocol acceptability”
4/14MMPI-2 Clinical scalesGrove
Manual, “Standard clinical scales” pp. 25-30
Butcher & Williams book, chapter 4
4/21Restructured Clinical Scales, MMPI-RF Prof. Tellegen)
Optional Reading: Tellegen et al.: Entire Restructured Scales monograph (“Tellegen et al.” folder on CD/DVD)
JPA Special Issue on RC Scales (entire, folder on CD/DVD)
4/28Configural interpretation of MMPI-2 profilesGrove
Butcher & Williams book, Chapter 5.
Optional Reading: Gynther, Altman, & Sletten article (on CD/DVD)
Lachar book (folder on CD/DVD; skim this don’t try to memorize it)
5/5Millon Clinical Multiaxial InventoryGrove
Manual for the MCMI-II p. 19 table, pp. 93- 100, 18-20 (skip 21-27) & 28-35
Millon, T. (Ed.). (1997). The Millon inventories: Clinical and personality
assessment. New York: Guilford Press. Chapters 2-3.
Optional Reading: Grove & Vrieze article (in root directory of CD/DVD)
Rogers, Salekin, & Sewell article (on CD/DVD)
Repko & Cooper article (on CD/DVD)