How many high school players receive Lacrosse Scholarships?
1 in a 1000
There are 54 Division 1 and 30 Division 2 colleges that offer lacrosse scholarships for men. That's a total of 1,009, or only 250 per year. A VERY small number of scholarships are full-ride like scholarships in football or basketball.College lacrossecoachesdistribute their allocation among a larger number of players. At a fully funded program, 12.6 scholarships are split among the 40-plus players on the roster. The average player receivesless than half of a school's tuition; some get more and some get none.
The process of finding and contacting coaches and dealing with the rules and regulations enforced by the NCAA is quite a daunting process for both athletes and parents. The use of a Recruiting Service helps you focus on schools that have available aid, or steers you to focus on academics where there is10X more aid available. Ivy League schools and ALL Division 3 schools do not offer athletic aid, but do offer financial aid options.
Many great athletes are overlooked each year because they didn't submit their athletic profile to the "right" colleges or left out important information. It’s also a fact that many colleges simply don't allocate all of their lacrosse recruiting funds because "suitable" athletes didn't approach them. This is were we can help.
The NCAA allows each Division 1 lacrosse program 12.69 scholarships for men and 12 for women. In Division 2 there are 10.8 scholarships for men and 9.9 for women.
As a high school lacrosse player you should be aware that the standard of NCAA college lacrosse is very high. I would recommend that you attend a few games to gauge the actual intensity of lacrosse at this level. Remember that only the absolute top lacrosse players will be approached with offers.
Most lacrosse players will have to market themselves. You can try to do this yourself or use a recruiting service. There are no guarantees if you use a service that you will get a scholarship, but we will help you through the process of finding a suitable school for you in both academics and athletics.
IMPORTANT: You are not breaching any NCAA rules by using our lacrosse recruiting service to apply for a lacrosse scholarship.
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