Psy 120 – Exam 2, Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8 -- Spring 2005

Chapter 5

·  What are pheromones, where do they come from, how are they detected and what are their effects?

·  What is Rohypnol used for (both legally and illegally), how is it administered, how quickly does it take effect, and what are its effects? What is the best defense against having this used against you?

·  In what ways does alcohol affect sexuality, thought and behavior?

·  What are the effects of frequent cocaine use on sexual functioning and desire?

·  What role do the adrenal glands play in the creation of the sex hormones, in men and in women?

·  When do hormones cause differentiation of the genitals and internal reproductive structures? How about the hypothalamus (part of the brain)?

·  What role might hormones play in the organizing of a transsexual’s brain? When might this happen? Which hormones are most likely involved?

·  Review the four phases of sexual arousal (Masters & Johnson model) in both men and women. What are the important similarities and differences when comparing men and women?

·  What are vasocongestion and myotonia? What are their functions?

·  Compare the refractory phase in men with multimple orgasms in women.

·  What is a dry orgasm, what are possible causes, and when is it a cause for concern, if ever?

·  Is female ejaculation possible? Where would it come from? What is the fluid?

·  What is the G-spot and where is it? Will all women experience it in the same way?

·  Which hormones are most responsible for sexual desire in men? In women?

·  Where are the contractions during a woman’s orgasm? How about men?

·  What are the two phases of the male orgasm? How is this related to refractory?

Chapter 6

·  How is gender different from sex, according to your authors?

·  Review the process of sexual differentiation in detail.

·  Compare gender identity to gender role and gender assignment.

·  What is gender dysphoria? What do we call people who suffer from it? What do they often want as a cure?

·  How are intersex and transsexual different?

·  How can gender differences in intellectual abilities between males and females best be explained? (Compare cultural expectations, innate abilities, individual temperament and childhood development.)

·  Review research on differences in male and female communications.

·  What is the relationship between self-concept and cultural gender expectations?

·  What is psychological androgyny?

Chapter 7

·  What do your authors say about the relationship between culture and the beholder when it comes to the perception of beauty?

·  Review the research on how men and women view female breast size.

·  Which of the following might affect perception of attractiveness? Name, family of origin, friends or politics

·  According to research what was the trait most desired in a long-term partner?

·  What is the central motive of the matching hypothesis?

·  According to the NHSLS study who were men most/least likely to have a sexual relationship with?

·  Review Sternberg’s definitions of intimacy, passion and commitment. Be able to recognize examples of each in a hypothetical relationship.

·  According to Sternberg, what makes for a good match between people?

·  Review the different types of love triangles and be able to recognize examples of each type of love (according to Sternberg).

·  What is Sternberg’s model in terms of an ideal marriage?

Chapter 8

·  Why is self-disclosure central to building intimacy?

·  What reasons do people for “playing games” with their romantic partners?

·  Compare active vs. passive responses to the deterioration of a relationship.

·  What suggestions are made for coping with loneliness?

·  What is the core feature of intimacy? (a trait, not a behavior)

·  What is the importance of knowing and liking yourself in a romantic relationship?

·  Review the qualities and activities of active listening.

·  What is the most important question to ask yourself before confronting a partner with criticism?

·  Review and practice: evaluation of motives, right timing, constructive criticism and expressing displeasure in terms of your own feelings (I statements)

·  How can you prevent criticism from becoming a major argument?

·  What is recommended for couples at a problem solving impasse?

·  Review the research regarding the importance of rewarding positive efforts vs. punishing mistakes.

·  Is it always best to bring issues up right away? Are there situations when it is better to wait? Compare.