PSMA November Meeting Minutes 11/17/16 7pm
Attendance: Chris Hogan, Heather Hogan, Jen Sylvester, Judith Atherton, Nancy Canducci, Sandy Osborne, Thomas Bott, Kristine Kiley, Jessica Negrini, Patti Hart, Richard Ciccheti, Cheryl Nolan
- October Minutes approved. Treasurers report reviewed and approved. Jen Sylvester suggested that the minutes be posted/available to all members of the PSMA (via email/facebook/website). PSMA agreed. This way those than cannot attend meetings are still able to see what is being discussed.
- Presentation of (large) Arbella check (for photos) has been postponed to January meeting when Diane can attend. Donation provided by Diane’s husbands company, and the actual check is already in the mail.
- Treasurers report (reviewed and approved) show taxes prepared, paid for, and copies are sent to treasurer. PSMA voted and approved to help the color guard pay for their uniforms with a $350 check. Check was written at this meeting by Kristine.
- Chris has meetings set up with VPA/performing arts teachers. Mike Caple, as well as elementary level teachers to see what their visions are and to affirm our vision as the PSMA. We are in this for the kids, and need to always go back to our mission statement to help increase involvement. Mrs. Holmes said that the glory jackets have been ordered and she doesn't take payment until they arrive. Band recognition night will be the 12th or 19th of December. Pot luck style with a google spread sheet for sign ups.
- Communication structure clarified.
Facebook - Jen Sylvester
Email/Weebly Website - Nancy Canducci
Instagram/Twitter - Jen Sylvester to set up
6. Future of swag- ideas to help kids feel united but also create a sense of community that PSMA is encouraging. Lots to choose from like pants, shirts, shorts, hats. String backpacks. Logos from individual groups to order.Logos from PSMA to give out.Branding the kids to promote enthusiasm as a group. At the same time showing that we are here to support the music students and programs in this town. Promoting PSMA presence at ALL music events at the four schools (and even elementary level to create excitement).
7. Fundraisers:
Fruit - unsuccessful this year. Lee working with teachers to return parents money.Perhaps not advertised enough.Perhaps needing to change it up to keep things new and fresh.
Amazon smile - free money! Easy to order. It’s the same as using amazon, just starting at the amazon smile URL. Perfect for this time of year and doesn’t cost the consumer anything extra.
Annual Program - Nancy has a new sheet on the website. Updates as donations/pages come in.
Spring Fundraiser ideas - Comedy night/silent auction was a success. Maybe do something focused around music this year. Potentially a music show with local musicians at a local venue. Adults only, Cash bar. Appetizers? Jess with message Bob Hollis owner of the spire. Potential other location is New World Tavern. *UPDATE* Jess has not yet heard back from Bob, will reach out again to find out either way.
Craft fair - potential idea for next year.Charge money for the table for the vendors. Make sure it’s not competing with other craft fairs/events. We are in this together!
8. Insurance requirements - Chris will go over this with Mr. Caple and make sure we have what we need.
9. Open discussion - look through bylaws/change laws if need be so that school faculty can be members of the board. Not holding officer positions, but board members. If the bylaws need to be changed then we will need to contact a lawyer. Back to the main purpose of spreading the word. Talk about what we do, share it with other parents of children that you know in music programs, get their email addresses to add to lists. Let’s all get involved! It also creates that sense of excitement and ultimately community with the kids.