
Professor Robert Lee (Chair)

Dr Haydn Davies

Kate Howell

Christian Jowett

James Molland

Linda Farrow

Norma Barry

Apologies for Absence

Professor Mark Stallworthy

Dr Victoria Jenkins

Welcome and Introductions

  1. The Chair opened the meeting by welcoming UKELA’s Executive Director, Linda Farrow, and thanking Kate Howell for hosting the meeting. He informed those present that Rob Jones of Environ had resigned from the sub-committee due to pressure of work and suggested that an attempt should be made to identify someone from the environmental consultancy sector to replace him. Action: all to consider possible candidates.

Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matter Arising

  1. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed. The majority of actions had either been completed or were on the agenda for further discussion. The Wales Coordinator provided an update on the speakers for the Environmental Crime and Enforcement event, stating that as a result of Welsh Water being unable to provide a speaker she had approached a UKELA Council member to help identify a suitable speaker. Haydn Davies and Linda Farrow summarised the discussions at UKELA conference about the future of working parties and regional groups. It was commented that Wales is one of the most active groups. A need has been identified for clarifying the differences between the regional groups and working parties by drawing up terms of references to ensure consistent approaches throughout the UK. There are also plans to disseminate good practice. Linda Farrow stated that the first phase is to improve the performance of groups and working parties, and agree their terms of reference. The second phase will be the introduction of a shared calendar as there have, on times, been clashes of topics and dates.

Paper 1/4/2014 – Events Programme 2014-15

  1. The Chair stated that the planning events for October are currently being marketed and reiterated that a speaker for the event on Environmental Crime and Enforcement is being sought. There was some discussion around an event that would be appealing to rural practices and it was concluded that either the Royal Welsh Show or another agricultural show should be the venue for such an event. ACTION: NB to explore and report back. It was agreed that an event on the Well-being of Future Generations should be held as there is significant interest in this from a number of sectors, in particular the construction industry. The timing of this event is yet to be decided, although dates next May or June may be appropriate. ACTION: NB. As regards a careers event for students, it was confirmed that this should be done in partnership with UKELA South West and all efforts should be made to support students with transport. ACTION: NB to look into costs and logistics. For the period November to March 2015, it was suggested that we should seek views from partners, including the Law Society. ACTION: NB. Linda Farrow asked about the possibility of holding an event on the Environment Bill. Norma Barry undertook to check on the current situation. ACTION: NB. The Chair mentioned that he had been asked by Lowri Frater of Welsh Government to talk to her team on climate change and energy in October. The Wales Coordinator stated that she would follow up with the Welsh Government Energy Adviser to ascertain the policy interest in these issues. ACTION: NB. It was also agreed that the Wales Coordinator would circulate a draft events programme. ACTION: NB. Linda Farrow expressed her appreciation for the work that is being done by the Wales Working Party.

Paper 2/4/2014 – Well-being of Future Generations Bill

  1. The Chair introduced the topic drawing attention to the copy of the evidence paper on the Well-being of Future Generations Bill that is being submitted to the National Assembly for Wales’s Environment and Sustainability Committee. He added that UKELA has also been invited to present oral evidence. There was discussion around the sensitivity of the timing and content of press releases. The benefit of producing an article for IWA’s website was acknowledged and it was agreed that the Wales Coordinator should draw up and circulate a communications plan with the aim of portraying UKELA as a neutral party, acting as a honest broker. ACTION: NB. It was further agreed that a PDF version of the evidence paper should be widely circulated to members.

Oral Item - UKELA’s Communications Review

  1. Linda Farrow outlined the work being done on the review of UKELA’s national communications, including reviewing the corporate branding and website presence. She referred to the work undertaken by Beautiful Corporations and asked the Wales Coordinator to circulate the relevant power point presentation. ACTION: NB. It was stated that there is a need to re-fresh the branding and to update the website for use by members. A tender inviting bids for the work is to be issued in the third week of September with the aim of commissioning it by mid October.

Paper 3/4/2014 - Responses to Welsh Government Consultation Exercises

  1. Members noted that responses had been submitted in relation guidance on the collection of separate waste streams and a draft fly-tipping strategy.

Paper 4/4/2014 –Draft Marketing Strategy

  1. This item was linked to the oral item on the Communications Review. Norma Barry introduced the paper and updated attendees on the views of Jessie Cohill, the Work Placement, on how to engage effectively with students. Appreciation was expressed of the work that Jessie had undertaken. Linda Farrow spoke about the work that was underway nationally in relation to attracting more student members, in particular the defining of the offer for students. James Molland commented that the importance of utilising social media cannot be underplayed and that students need to have immediate access to UKELA information through various social media platforms. The Chair stressed that having a stand and other display materials for Freshers’ week, including a list of links such as the Twitter feed and Instragram was vital for successful recruitment from the student population. There was a discussion on the advantages of also picking up Jessie’s ideas for student ambassadors, which concluded that this would be worthwhile. ACTIONS: NB to adopt the strategy for contact with Welsh Universities. LF to consider in relation to national discussions and policy development.

Paper 5/4/2014 – Partnership Working

  1. The Chair introduced the paper saying that UKELA had received a good reception from all potential partners, which had included the RTPI, ICE, RICS and the Landscape Institute. He added that the key messages were the advantages of partnership working for mutual benefit, stating the ICE has mentioned that it would be prepared to promote UKELA at in lunches and breakfast meetings. It was said that a repeat visit take place with the RICS in order to establish contact with the training manager. ACTION: NB. The Chair also referred to a meeting with the Law Society and the possibility that UKELA could be in competition to events held by its specialist panels. He also fed back that there was a view that CPD is not being taken so seriously since the setting up of the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority (SRA). Kate Howell and James Molland both commented that in reality firms’ CPD records were being monitored quite closely by the SRA. It was agreed that UKELA should continue to develop partnership working in Wales and suggested that contact should be made with Wales Commercial Law Association; the Public Law Project; and the Public Law and Human Rights Association. ACTION: NB

Wales Coordinator Project

  1. Attention was drawn to the quarterly report on the work of the Wales Coordinator. The Executive Director was asked about continuation of funding to which she replied that she would be attending a training event on funding with the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and seeking a meeting with UKELA’s grant officer, whilst looking at other possible funding sources. She said the there was a meeting of the Executive team on 23 September where this would be discussed prior to Council consideration of the options in October.

Any Other Business

  1. Haydn Davies raised the arrangements for the next UKELA annual conference with is to be held on 3 – 4 July, 2015 with the theme of water. He asked about potential contributions. The Wales Coordinator committed to contacting the Counsel General of Welsh Water to see whether there would be any interest in a session on the implications of the proposed Environment Bill on water supply and services in Wales. ACTION: NB
  1. The Chair asked members to consider nominations from the environmental sector for the sub- committee. ACTION: All.

Date of Next Meeting

  1. The next meeting is to be held in late November. ACTION: NB

6 SeptemberNorma Barry

Wales Coordinator