2015-2016ENGAGE Academy Application, Eligibility and Acceptance Process
Offsite requirements:- Scholar must be proficient in both Lang Arts and Math as of last school years state testing date.
- Scholar must have a 3.0 GPA or higher as of last semester grades.
- Scholar must be at grade level.
- Scholar must have a computer or daily access to a computer. (ENGAGE may provide laptopupon availability)
- Parent/Scholar must show proof of high speed internet availability (copy of current bill or statement from internet provider).
Section 1: Please review the Process for Enrollment
Step 1: Parent/Guardian submits a completed Engage Application Packet on behalf of the student.
Step 2: Scholar/Parent completes required district enrollment documentation.
Step 3: WCSD6 determines whether the scholar is accepted for enrollment and notifies scholar and
Step 4 Scholar will meet with Engage Guidance Counselor to determine schedule of courses. / Initial
Section 2: Please read each statement and initial
1.Submission of a completed Engage Application Packetdoes not guarantee acceptance for enrollment. WCD6 must first determine that there is space available and that the scholar meets ENGAGE Academy’s eligibility requirements.
2.Until a scholar’s enrollment is finalized in ENGAGE Academy, the scholar
must remain in his or her current placement (i.e.: WCSD6 school, private school, home-based
education program, etc.).
3.SPECIAL EDUCATION: Is your scholar currently on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?
Scholars will be considered for enrollment in ENGAGE Academy once the identified IEP team
determines that:
- The home school will set up an IEP meeting with the ENGAGE IEP Team to determine if ENGAGE is the appropriate placement.
- An IEP is developed for change of placement referral to the ENGAGE Academy.
5. LIMITED ENGLISH Proficiency: Is your scholar currently identified as an E.L.A. student? / YES / NO
5. LIMITED ENGLISH Proficiency: Is your scholar currently identified as an E.L.A. student? / YES / NO
6. Section 504 Plan: Is your scholar currently on a 504 plan? / YES / NO
7. Gifted and Talented: Is your scholar currently identified as G/T? / YES / NO
*(If you have checked yes to any of these areas above, please provide a copy of all plans.)
By signing below, I understand and acknowledge that the foregoing terms and conditions govern my child’s application, eligibility and acceptance to ENGAGE Academy.
Signature of Parent/Guardian:______Date:______
The ENGAGE Academy application, eligibility and acceptance process is subject to District Policy (Choice/Open Enrollment) and to the terms and conditions set forth above.