Canterbury Inland Wetland & Watercourses Commission

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.

CanterburyMunicipalBuilding, 1 Municipal Drive


  1. Call to Order

J. Tetreault called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Members present:J. Tetreault, T. Poehler, K. Kelly, N. Geragotelis

Members absent:D. Ginnetti, R. Shinkiewicz

Alternates present:J. Sangermano

Alternates absent:D. Malo

Others present:S. Sadlowski, B. Sear, N. Thibeau, S. Buchko, D. Held

J. Tetreault made a motion to add the following items to the agenda: the site walk minutes from April 20, 2010 and May 18, 2010; IWC Application #10-5-NC; a determination of permit need by J. Labossiere and a discussion on the rain garden. Also IWC Application #10-2-Bridge/Gravel had to be removed from public hearings on the agenda. K. Kelly seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

III. Secretary’s Report –

April 20, 2010

N. Geragotelis made a motion to approve the minutes. K. Kelly seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

May 18, 2010

K. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes. J. Tetreault seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

April 28, 2010

K. Kelly made a motion to approve the minutes. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  1. Old Business
  2. IWC Application #10-2-BRIDGE/GRAVEL, Rawson Materials, LLC, gravel removal and construction of a bridge, Depot Road, Assessor’s Map 52, lot 16B.

S. Sadlowski gave the members a copy of his suggested conditions of approval. The Commission discussed the recommendations.

K. Kelly made a motion to approve IWC Application #10-2- BRIDGE/GRAVEL, Rawson Materials, LLC, gravel removal and construction of a bridge, Depot Road, Assessor’s Map 52, Lot 16B with the following conditions: 1/ This application is approved as per the supplied plans submitted by KWP Associates, dated 8/25/09 and revised to April, 2010, entitled, “Proposed Gravel Removal Plan Prepared For Rawson Materials Canterbury and Lisbon, CT”. 2/ Stabilization mats are to be used on the side of the driveway near the crossing to minimize erosion until the bank fully stabilizes. 3/ Access drive to be covered with pavement millings to minimize dust while allowing infiltration. 4/ E/S controls are to be installed before any excavation occurs and dust generation shall be kept to a minimum. 5/ The Phase II pond shall be dug leaving a berm between it and Phase III. Phase III will then be dug allowing the berm to remain. At the conclusion of Phase III, the berm shall be removed, linking the two phases. 6/ Access drive to remain outside the 100 foot URA of the isolated wetland West of Phase II. 7/ This permit is good for 5 years and is non-transferable without approval of the Commission. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  1. IWC Application #10-3-Crossing, Stephen Buchko, installation of a culvert crossing (completed), 231 Bingham Road, Map 3, Lot 23.

K. Kelly made a motion to approve IWC Application #10-3-Crossing, Stephen Buchko, installation of a culvert crossing (completed), 231 Bingham Road, Map 3, Lot 23 with the following conditions:

1/ This permit is approved, after the fact, for the installed crossing at 231 Bingham Road. 2/ Stone shall be installed at the outlet of the pipes to minimize possible erosion. 3/ Owner to keep the pipe openings clear from debris. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

  1. New Business
  2. Jurisdictional Ruling and, if needed, IWC Application #10-4 – Municipal Improvement,Modification to existing Solid Waste Facility, 111 Kinne Road, Map 21, Map 5.

B. Sear was present at the meeting. He explained the he was proposing a modification to the existing waste facility on Kinne Road. He stated that S. Pauly designed the plan. B. Sear stated that S. Pauly was unable to attend the meeting. He reviewed the plans with the Commission.

K. Kelly expressed concern that the new access road was located in wetlands. She stated that although the work that is currently being done in the area was permitted, she did not feel the swales were able to handle the additional runoff. K. Kelly stated she would like calculations from S. Pauly.

N. Geragotelisexpressed concern that the new access would encroach further upon the wetlandsto the north. He questioned if there where any alternatives to this. K. Kelly stated the area was all wetlands.

The Commission requested more information from S. Pauly and stated the application would be discussed further next month.

V.A.IWC Application #10-6-NC, Thomas & Constance Florence, construction of new home, septic and well, Water Street, Map 12, Lot 18.

D. Held was present at the meeting. The previous application was withdrawn and resubmitted with revised plans. He stated the most of the property was wetlands. The request was for approval to build a 3 bedroom home with 3,700 square feet of wetland disturbance. The septic system was approximately 800’ from the house. The Commission discussed if the application would be considered a significant activity.

K. Kelly made a motion to send IWC Application #10-6-NC to public hearing for Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

S. Sadlowski stated the Commission would waive the application fee at the applicant request but would have to collect the $200 in advertising fees because the application would now be going to public hearing and would require legal advertising in the newspaper. .

  1. Determination of Permit Need, John LaBossiere, North Canterbury Road

N. Thibeau was present at the meeting. He came before the Commission because J. LaBossiere would be installing a driveway to access a cornfield on his property. As this was an agricultural use, N. Thibeau felt the activity should not require a wetlands permit.

N. Thibeau read a letter into the record from T. Tyler, who uses the fields to grow corn and hay. N. Thibeau explained the details of how the driveway would be constructed. He stated 1,550 sq ft of wetlands would be filled. The Commission determined a permit was needed. J. Tetreault stated that a site walk would be set once an application was filed.

VII. Any other appropriate business

A. Correspondence- Reviewed

B. Monthly Expenses- S. Sadlowski gave the Commission a list of the Commission expenses to date.

C. WEO Report- S. Sadlowski gave each member a written report.

D. Notice of Violation – T. Passarello submitted an application to the Commission but there were several sections of theapplication he blacked outincluding the payment of engineering fees. S. Sadlowski stated he would notify him.

E. Election of Officers

K. Kelly made a motion to nominate the same slate of officers as last term. N. Geragotelis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. J. Tetreault, Chairman; K. Kelly, Vice-Chairman; T. Poehler, Secretary.

F. RainGarden discussion

K. Kelly updated the Commission on the progress of the rain garden. K. Kelly stated that S. Sadlowski did a great job in eliminating the knot weed in the rain garden area. She stated that some cleaning of the existing drainage swale would be required. She questioned if a permit was needed for it was maintenance of an existing swale. K. Kelly stated she already had the plant order and costs. B. Sear stated the money was in the budget and needed to be spent by the end of the fiscal year.

VIII. Public Participation


IX. Adjournment

K. Kelly made a motion to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. J. Sangermano seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa E. Gil

Land Use Secretary

Cc:IWC Members and alternates; Town Clerk; applicant files; IWC files