Monday, 9th May, 2016 (10.00am) – Surlingham Conference Room, Norfolk &Meeting Room 3, Suffolk
(via Video Conferencing)
Attendance:Chair –C/Supt Nick DAVISON (ND), DCI Tonya ANTONIS (TA), Supt Jon DODMAN (JD), T/D/Supt Paul DURHAM (PD), Mr Alan GILBERT (AG),
T/D/Supt Pete HORNBY (PH),Mrs Lucy PORTEOUS (LP), Mrs Amanda MARSH (AM), T/D/Supt Andy QUANTRELL (AQ),
Miss Sonia TURNER (ST)& Mrs Jan FIDDY (JF)
Apologies:Mr David FRENCH (DF), Miss Amanda KILLICK (AK), Mr Simon MANTHORPE (SM2) & D/Supt Steve MATTIN (SM)
Date of Next Meeting: Wednesday, 25th May, 2016 (10am / 11am - Surlingham Conference Room, Norfolk & LEC 3, Suffolk (via video conferencing))
Date/Action No / Action / Decision & Actioner / Update / Status07.12.15 - 86 / Business Continuity (Loss of Staff / IT / Premises):
To share any Lessons Learned received from the Cumbria flooding with the JCT – Mr MANTHORPE. / 21.12.15: Advice from Mr MANTHORPE that it was too early to expect Lessons Learned but that these would be shared when received. ONGOING.
13.01.16: The next National Business Continuity Meeting will take place on Thursday, 17th March, 2016. Cumbria & Lancashire have been asked to share any lessons learned as a result of the flooding, to be discussed at that meeting. The Business Continuity Manager, Bedfordshire Police is our Regional representative & Mr MANTHORPE will update the JCT when he is updated. ONGOING – Update after 15.03.16 meeting.
23.03.16: Cumbria lessons learned did not go to the 17.03.16 meeting but will go to the National Business Continuity (Continuous Professional Development) Day on 18.05.16 in London when there will be 4 other presentations (one will be on cybercrime / cyber threats). Mr MANTHORPE will be invited to this event & will report back afterwards. ONGOING – Update after 18.05.16. / LIVE – Update after 18.05.16 National BusinessContinuity Day
15.03.16 – 06
15.03.16 - 07 / Organisational Update:
To take back to Mrs STANNARD the request for an evidence-based policing briefing pack, where reports were available, how to access websites / toolkits, what were priorities & what was required of PSC – Mr BLAND.
Organisational Update:
To share any response received from Mrs STANNARD on evidence-based policing – D/Supt PARKES. T/D/Supt QUANTRELL. / 30.03.16: A further reminder had been sent to Mr BLAND. ONGOING.
30.03.16, 11.04.16 & 27.04.16: Mrs STANNARD advises this will be forthcoming in the next fortnight as part of the post Evidence Based Policing week circulation. ONGOING.
09.05.16: Response from Mrs STANNARD duly circulated. Both actions COMPLETED. / COMPLETED
11.04.16 - 13 / AOB: Meeting Attendance:
To speak to Directorate Heads & others regarding attendance at the large number of performance meetings, & to determine PSC attendance for these & the numerous additional meetings recently announced by Chief Officers – D/C/Supt McCULLOUGH. C/Supt DAVISON. / 27.04.16 & 09.05.16: ONGOING. / LIVE
27.04.16 - 14 / Finance:
To feed back to Ms BOLT, Corporate Development & Change Dept the need for the Outcome Based Budgeting to be a robust process to enable informed decisions to be made – Mr FRENCH. / 06.05.16: ONGOING.
09.05.16: It was agreed this action could be DISCHARGED to Mr FRENCH for completion. / DISCHARGED
27.04.16 - 15 / Finance:
To circulate the final reports for 2015/16 to Head PSC & Directorate Heads, to advise of the budget for 2016/17, & to circulate new templates – Miss TURNER. / 09.05.16: The final reports had now been circulated & the new budgets would be when finalised. Action COMPLETED. / COMPLETED
27.04.16 - 16 / Finance:
As a line would be drawn under the establishment in order to build the budgets, to advise Miss TURNER of any discrepancies when the 2016/17 budgets were received in order that errors could be rectified promptly – All. / 09.05.16: Duly noted – action DISCHARGED. / DISCHARGED
27.04.16 - 17 / Finance:
To work through the SMT dates & advise Directorate Heads of the quarterly meeting dates so that these could be formalised in relevant SNT agendas & calendars / diaries – Miss TURNER. / 09.05.16: Dates would be circulated once these were finalised. Action COMPLETED. / COMPLETED
27.04.16 - 18 / Health & Safety:
To check with C/Insp Matt CARNEY the timescales for the PSC Health & Safety meetings, & confirmation that he would bring regular reports to the JCT meetings in order that he could be supported across the Command & the JCT could be advised of any PSC issues before these were raised at Force meetings – Mrs PORTEOUS. Supt DODMAN. / 29.04.16: Request to Insp Nick RUSSELL to update the JCT immediately after the 6 monthly Health & Safety meetings, & to advise Head PSC at that time on measures in place to mitigate the wider aspects of Health & Safety & how this was discharged across the Command. ONGOING.
06.05.16: Written update with key issues from the PSC H&S meeting held on 04.05.16 provided by Insp RUSSELL for consideration. The 6 monthly PSC HS meetings would be rescheduled to quarterly meetings to feed into the JCT & PSC Management & Performance Boards.
09.05.16: There was now a H&S folder in the W:\ drive, work was progressing to bring this area of business up to speed, & Insp RUSSELL would be asked to advise of the PSC H&S meeting dates asap. ONGOING. / LIVE
27.04.16 - 19 / Organisational Update: PDRs:
To feedback to HR the concerns raised by the JCT regarding introducing anniversary dates for PDRs (not condusive to Force Plans & Strategic Objectives which were set against FYs, how would Managers be notified of anniversary dates, & some PDRs were linked to ISO accreditation) & to advise C/Supt DAVISON of the response received this could be fed into the Gold Group – Miss KILLICK. / 09.05.16: ONGOING. / LIVE
27.04.16 - 20 / Organisational Update: PDRs:
To also feedback to HR the concerns raised regarding generic organisational objectives which individuals could not always relate to & the benefits of individual objectives which could be personalised to Directorates / Commands which may lead to improved credibility, & to advise C/Supt DAVISON of the response received so that he could check with ACC HAMLIN her aspirations as to how PSC should take forward PDR objectives - Miss KILLICK. / 09.05.16: ONGOING. / LIVE
27.04.16 - 21 / Organisational Update: HMIC PEEL – Norfolk Inspection:
To complete & return the spreadsheet circulated by Insp Zoe NEWMAN in preparation for the HMIC interviews – All. / 09.05.16: Action COMPLETED. / COMPLETED
27.04.16 - 22 / Organisational Update: Norfolk 2020:
To ensure that the knock-on savings from the relocation of specialist units & departments currently in rented accommodation were captured in the Change Programme documentation – Mr FRENCH. / 09.05.16: ONGOING. / LIVE
27.04.16 - 23 / Organisational Update: Norfolk 2020:
To share with Directorate Heads the impact / outcome of the Norfolk 2020 considerations following the final meeting in July, 2016 – C/Supt DAVISON. / 09.05.16: ONGOING. / LIVE – UPDATE AFTER JULY MTG
27.04.16 - 24 / AOB: National Debate Advisory Group (NDAG) Principles:
To circulate the 5 principles agreed by the NPCC as the underpinning mantra as to how business should be conducted – Mr GILBERT. / 28.04.16: Principles duly circulated. Action COMPLETED. / COMPLETED
09.05.16 - 25 / Finance:
To discuss the establishment of a small contingency fund for conferences with Miss TURNER & to circulate proposals to Directorate Heads for views – C/Supt DAVISON. / LIVE
09.05.16 - 26 / Organisational Update:
To advise C/Supt DAVISON if approached direct by the Norfolk or Suffolk PCCs offices or by Chief Officers for briefings / visits etc – All. / LIVE
Joint Command Team: 09.05.16 (Open Session)Page 1 of 4