Full name:______

Email: ______

Teléfono: ______

TOTAL MARKS: ____ / 100

LEVEL: ______

A) Write sentences with the verb to be:

  1. ( your mother /at home/?)
  2. ( your parents / well)
  3. ( I / not / interested in Maths)
  4. ( his children / at school/ ?)
  5. ( Tom and I / not / married )
  6. ( The post office / near here )

B) Put the verb into the correct present simple form; positive, negative or interrogative.

  1. Margaret _____ two languages: English and German (speak)
  2. I ______my job. It's very boring (like)
  3. “Where _ ____ you ______?” (live)
  4. “Where’s Martin?” “I’m sorry. I _____” (know)
  5. Sue is very quiet. She _____ very much (speak)
  6. They ______to the cinema every Sunday. (go)
  7. What time _ ___ Mark _____ ? (wake up)

C) Complete the questions. Use Who, What, When, Where or How.

  1. ___ is your name?
  2. ____ are you? I’m fine, thank you.
  3. ___ are you? I’m Susan. John’s sister.
  4. ___ ‘s your birthday? 23 January
  5. ___ ‘s the time? It’s 10.30
  6. ___ ‘s Maria from? She’s from England.

D) Put the verb in the correct past simple form : positive, negative or question.

  1. Tim ___ some new clothes today: two shirts and a jacket. (buy)
  2. “ ______yesterday?” “No, it was a nice day” (rain)
  3. We weretired, so we ___ long at the party. (stay)
  4. “Why _____ you late this morning?” (be)
  5. It __ very cold, so I _____ the window. (be, close)

E) Put the verb in the present continuous (I am doing) or the present simple (I do)

  1. Excuse-me, _____ (you/speak) English?
  2. “Where’s Tom?” “ ____ (he/have) a shower”
  3. _____ (I/not/watch) television very often.
  4. Sandra is tired. ____ (she/want) to go home now.
  5. “ What __ (you/do)?” “__ (I/study)”

F) Put the verb in the correct tense:

  1. Tom ___ born in 1985 in Manchester. (be born)
  2. You _____ finish your meal if you __ hungry. (not/have to), (not/be)
  3. I _____ wait two hours for the bus yesterday. (have to)
  4. John __ study hard because he’s good at everything. (not/have to)
  5. I __ to London next week. I already got my ticket. (go)
  6. When __ you ___ into your new flat? (move)
  7. She likes ____ on the beach. (swim)
  8. If it ____ later, we ____ a picnic. (rain, not have)
  9. I ____ never _____ Brad Pitt. (see)
  10. Jim ___ angry if you ___ him the truth. (be, not tell)
  11. ___ you ever ______to Australia? (be)
  12. I ___ never _ __ my homework. (do)
  13. I ___ you unless you _____ me (not help, call)

G) Write a modal verb: will / must / should (positive or negative)

  1. I _____ call you at six! Bye!
  2. You ______smoke in the cinema.
  3. Don’t worry. It __ rain. I’m sure.
  4. Policemen ___ wear a uniform.
  5. You _____ eat so much fatty food.
  6. You _____ lock the door when you go out.

H) Past simple (I did) or past continuous (I was doing) ? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

  1. While I ___ (watch) TV, the telephone ___ (ring)
  2. When the teacher ____ (come) into the room, everyone _____ about their holidays.
  3. Jack ____ (finish) his homework while his mother ____ (cook) supper.
  4. We ___ (listen) to the news, when our parents ___ (tell) us to get ready.
  5. Susan ____ (find) some beautiful flowers while she ____ (walk) through the park.
  6. While Philip ______his car, it ____ (start) to rain.

I) Rewrite the sentences. Use the present simple passive.

  1. They cut down millions of trees every year


  1. They grow coffee in Kenya


  1. People never invite me to parties.


  1. Children eat lots of Junk food every day.


  1. Women do the housework in most families.


J) Rewrite the sentences using the past simple passive.

  1. Somebody stole my car last week


  1. Someone broke the windows yesterday.


  1. They didn’t invite me to the party.


  1. When did they build these houses?


K) Choose the correct form.

  1. “I don’t understand this exercise” “Don’t worry I’m going to help you/I’ll help you
  2. I’m so excited. We’re going to buy a new car this weekend/We’ll buy a new car this weekend.
  3. I promise I’m going to come with you/I’ll come with you.
  4. What are you going to do/will you do during the summer holidays?
  5. Wow! Look at that! John is going to win/will win the race easily.
  6. I must/mustn’t/don’t have to study for tomorrow’s test if I want to do well.
  7. We must/mustn’t/don’t have to forget our grandmother’s birthday.
  8. You must/mustn’t/don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.
  9. I might/will go to the cinema this weekend; I’m not sure.
  10. I’m sure it might not/won’t be a problem
  11. Our teacher won’t/might not forget that we have a test tomorrow.

L) Complete the sentences with just, yet, already, for or since.

  1. We’ve lived here _____ 1994.
  2. Don’t touch the windows. I’ve ____ cleaned them!
  3. John and Sally have known each other ____ five years.
  4. I haven’t done my homework _ __.
  5. “Have you seen the new Brad Pitt film yet?” “Yes, I have ______seen it! It’s fantastic!”
  6. Mark has loved his wife ___ the first time he saw her.

M) Complete with the correct verb form.

  1. I used to ____ (smoke)
  2. What ______(you/do) if you ____ (win) €1 million? (second conditional)
  3. If I ___ (not/wake up) late, I ___ (not / miss) the bus (third conditional)
  4. “Are you tired?” asked Jack / Jack asked if I __ tired (be)
  5. “Did you see Jill?” asked Jack /Jack asked if I ___ Jill (see)
  6. “Will you come tomorrow?”asked Jack /Jack asked if I _____ (come) the following day.
  7. I ____ (not enjoy) the film last night because I _____ (see) it before.
  8. When I ___ (get) to the station, the train ____ already ___ (leave)
  9. David ____ (not have) a stomachache if he _____ (eat) so much cake. (Third conditional)
  10. If I __ __ (be) you, I ____ (study) harder. (second conditional)

N) Put the verb in the correct form

  1. You had better ____ (start) working!
  2. Jim always ____ (let) me borrow his car at the weekends.
  3. We ______(not allowed to) smoke at school.
  4. I wish you _____ (be) here. I miss you.
  5. If only somebody ___ (tell) him not to drink and drive. He would be alive now!
  6. I _____ (should not do) that. I regret!
  7. I am not used to ___ (run) every day! I’m so tired!
  8. By this time tomorrow, Peter ____ (be) fired.
  9. I can’t stand _____ (get up) early.
  10. Our teacher refused ___ (give) us more time for our homework.

O) Writing.

Write about yourlast holiday and your hobbies or interests. Use the questions to help you. Write four paragraphs.

Paragraph 1:Where did you go?

When did you go there?

Who did you go with?

How did you get there?

Paragraph 2:Where did you stay?

How long were you there?

What did you do?

What did you see?

What souvenirs did you buy?

Paragraph 3:Why do you recommend it?

Paragraph 4:What do you like doing in your free time?

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