PRTL Pages – Social Care Manager

Social care managers are registered for a three-year registration period.
NISCC PRTL Requirements for each three year registration period
Each Registrant must:
  • Complete 90 hours of study, training, courses, seminars, reading, teaching or other activities which could reasonably be expected to advance their professional development, or contribute to the development of the profession as a whole. (This can be formal/informal learning in/outside the workplace.)
  • Have awrittenlearninganddevelopment planwhich is agreedwith their employerand is regularlyreviewed
  • Maintain a record of their PRTL and submit a summary of the completed PRTL to NISCC if requested to do so as part of an audit sample.
/ Social Care Employer’s responsibilities
  • Provideinduction,traininganddevelopmentopportunitiestohelp staffdotheirjobseffectively,ensuringtheyareappropriatelytrained fortheirpostwithinthecontextoftheContinuousLearningand DevelopmentStandards
  • Work withstaffonthedevelopmentofaLearning Planwhichis regularlyreviewed
  • Helpstaffto recordtheir PRTL on a regular basis and support them if they are selected by NISCC for PRTL audit.

The NISCC Online Portal contains guidance on the PRTL standards and provides registrants with an easy to use online resource to record and track PRTL. If you are unable to use the online PRTL facility, download and print the PRTL guidance and sample recording forms from the downloads for your job role.
The requirements set out in the PRTL Guidance for Social Care Registrants (Social Care Workers & Managers) varies according to job role for social care workers, senior care workers and for social care managers. The definition below will help you confirm whether you must meet the requirements for Social Care Manager.
0Social Care ManagerThe function of the social care manager is to provide a governance and accountability role for the overall operational management of the care provision, quality assurance of that provision and the supervision and performance appraisal of others.
Quick Guide to the NISCC PRTL Requirements and the Continuous Learning and Development Standards for Social Care Workers
  • The PRTL Requirementsare about your learning and development and how you plan, record and account for this to NISCC.
  • The Continuous Learning and Development Standards are about what you need to know to do your job effectively. Your training plan should take these Standards into account.
NISCC Continuous Learning and Development Standards
0Social Care Manager– Develop your knowledge and understanding of current good practice in relation to the Core Continuous Learning Standards as well as your learning on Leadership and Management skills
  • Principles of care
  • Communication
  • Health & Safety + Leadership &
  • Safeguarding Management
  • Social Care Skills
TARA – is it possible for these next five paras to be presented as tabs that ‘drop-down’ to reveal the detail/text if the person clicks/hovers on it?
Principles of Care…….
The service provided by the registrant is underpinned by the quality of interaction and engagement with serviceusers, carers and families and involves applying key values such asdignity, respect, independence, rights, choice and safety. This requiresthe registrant to be honest, reliable and accountable for the care theyprovide.The registrant must demonstrate and apply understanding of the
principles of care as appropriate to his/her practice, taking account ofthe work context and job role. This will include adherence to the NISCCStandards of Conduct and Practice and the values outlined in theQuality Standards for Health and Social Care (DHSSPS 2006).
The registrant must understand different forms of abuse, the signs and symptoms of abuse and have an awareness of when individuals are or might be vulnerable to abuse. Within the context of the service user group, job role and work context, the registrant should understand his/her particular responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and know how and when to act appropriately, including reporting to a senior colleague.
The registrant must know how person centred care is informed by appropriate levels and methods of communication,which can include written, verbal or other creative approaches.Within the context of his/her particular responsibilities, job role andwork context, the registrant should communicate in a timely andeffective way with users, carers, families and colleagues and be able tomaintain or update relevant written records to support communication.
Social Care Skills……..
The registrant must have skills, knowledge and understanding specific to the needs of the service user group, job roleand work context. Depending on the level of responsibility andaccountability for the service, direct skills and knowledge shouldreflect the individual registrant’s specific role to provide a high qualitypersonal care or social care service for users, carers and families.
Health and Safety……..
The registrant must have knowledge and understanding of the health and safety issues relevant to the contextand job role and to undertake work with service users, carers andfamilies without causing risk of injury or harm to self or others.The registrant should understand his/her particular health and safetyresponsibilities and where relevant, those of other disciplines, andknow how to act appropriately within the boundaries of own job role. Compliance with mandatory health and safety training which assists organisations to meet DHSSPS legislative requirements and minimum standards against which they are regulated is essential. This training is detailed in the Guidance for Mandatory Training in Regulated Settings (RQIA) 2010.
There are supplementary standards for senior care workers and other managers. They are intended to support high quality servicedelivery, governance and performance management. They also linkwith priorities within the PSS Development and Training Strategy(DHSSPS) 2006-2016, the Quality Standards for the Health andPersonal Services (DHSSPS 2006) and the minimum care standards forregulated settings.
Leadership and Management.
Leadership and Management: Social care managers must undertake appropriate leadership and management skills training that addresses governance, accountability and performance management responsibilities. Social care managers should know how to apply knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate to their specific management role and be aware of the contribution this has to promote and support best practice and confidence in the quality of service provided by their organisation. / Downloads

Quick Guide to PRTL (Social Care Workers)
PRTL Guidance for Social Care Registrants (Social Care Workers & Managers)
SCIE Resources for Social Care Registrants
Tips on Completing a PRTL Submission
Learning &Development Plan - Blank Proforma
Learning & Development Plan - Completed Example