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Dear Colleague:

Invitation to the Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Conference, Astana, April 20-22,2010

The Caspian Sea is estimated to be the world's third largest reservoir of oil and natural gas after the Persian Gulf and Russia.

The Kashagan development is the world’s largest oil discovery in the last 20 years. But with shallow waters, combined with extreme climatic conditions and other technical extraction challenges, initial production targets have slipped and planned development costs have dramatically increased. What steps will the new operator take to meet the 2013 production deadline, and what opportunities and challenges does this offer to suppliers?

The two other huge Kazakhstan oil fields are Karachaganak, which is located in the northwest region of Kazakhstan near the Russian border, and Tengiz field in Western Kazakhstan which is now one of the world’s deepest producing super giant fields. What are the current development and expansion plans of these two fields?

There are more than 170 oil fields in Kazakhstan, all onshore, however most fields are old and need rehabilitation, a number of old fields are out of operation and have many idle wells. What opportunities do these fields offer and what new exploration areas will become available in the near future?

Kazakhstan and the Caspian Sea are landlocked and new transportation routes are required to export oil & gas to world markets. Which of the proposed new transportation routes are likely to attract sufficient political and financial backing to ensure construction and/or expansion?

At the Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Conference will you hear in-depth presentations from government representatives and senior-level industry experts on these questions and also hear updates on the latest policy and legislative developments in this critical region. In addition you will have the opportunity to meet with many of the most influential decision makers from the major regional and international oil and gas companies.

Our goal is to enable you to gain a complete overview on future prospects for regional development, investment opportunities, potential partnerships and international financing, and also learn about new investment and business opportunities in the smaller oil & gas regions of Kazakhstan.

By participating you will develop a better understanding of the challenges & opportunities in exploring, producing and transporting oil & gas from Kazakhstan and the Caspian Sea, and how understanding these issues can be transformed into business plans and strategies that can ensure business success in the region.

We look forward to meeting you in Astana.

Yours truly,

Justin WEBB

Conference Director