Nombre ______Apellidos ______

Proyecto “El Tiempo”

Project Due: October 29th

¿Qué tiempo hace?:

●  You and a partner will create a poster on the weather of your chosen Spanish country to present in class. You must describe what the weather is like for 5 days, including the high and the low temperatures in Celsius.
●  The sentences should be written out in your poster (for example: “Llueve y Hace frío”) and you must have a picture of the weather.
●  Include the date written out for each day: For ex: miércoles veintinueve de octubre del 2014
●  Each person must present at least two days.
Use the website for the webquest.
Be creative!!! ☺

Compañero(s): ______

Ciudad, País: ______

(For example, “Madrid, España”)

jueves, veintitrés de octubre del 2014
Ex. Hace sol y Hace calor.
Ex. 30° C máxima
24° C mínima
EL TIEMPO RUBRIC / 5 Points / 4 Points / 3 Points / 2 Points / Nota
Spelling / 5 spelling errors or fewer. / 6-10 spelling errors. / 11-15 spelling errors. / 16 or more spelling errors. / ______x 4=
Organization and Overall Appearance / Student put forth exemplary effort. Project is very colorful, creative and very organized. / Clear evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is colorful, creative, organized, neat and understood. / Some evidence of effort.
Project is somewhat colorful, creative, moderately organized and somewhat understood. / No evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is not colorful or creative, is unclear and not easily understood. / ______x 4=
Oral Presentation / Excellent eye contact with audience (no reading), very clear and easy to understand.
2 or fewer pronunciation errors. / Good eye contact with audience (no reading), clear and easy to understand.
3-4 pronunciation errors. / Some eye contact with audience, understandable and 5-6 pronunciation errors. / Very little eye contact with audience, relies heavily on reading. Unclear and hard to understand.
More than 7 pronunciation errors. / ______x 4=
Requirements / All requirements are met. / Missing 1 requirement. / Missing 2 requirements. / Missing more than 3 requirements. / ______x 4=
Classwork / Always on task. / Off task 1 time. / Off task 2 times. / Off task more than 3 times. / ______x 4=

Nota: ______% Comments:______