Proxy for the 2010HappyDaze Annual Homeowners Meeting

Please fill out and mail the proxy and ballot even if you plan on attending the meeting in person. This will allow the meeting to take place even if circumstances prevent you from attending. When you sign in at the meeting this proxy and ballot will be destroyed and you may vote as you see fit.

I the undersigned homeowner, will not be able to attend the Annual Homeowners Meeting on February 15, 2010 but authorize Jane Doe as secretary of the Association to accept my proxy to allow the meeting to take place and to submit

______my official ballot to the Association.

I the undersigned homeowner, will not be able to attend the Annual Homeowners Meeting on February 15, 2007 but authorize ______

______to be my proxy and to act in my place in all matters requiring a vote.

NOTE: You may revoke your proxy at any time in writing prior to February 15, 2010 or by appearing in person at the meeting. Only one person may vote per unit even if there are multiple owners of the unit.

Homeowner ______(Please Print)

Address ______Happy Daze Dr. Unit Number ______

Cincinnati, Ohio00000

Telephone Number ______

Signature______Date _____/_____/2010


Instructions for voting:

  1. Fill out and sign the proxy form.
  2. Fill out the ballot form.
  3. Place only the ballot form into the envelope marked "Official Ballot".
  4. Place the envelope marked "Official Ballot" and your signed proxy form in the larger stamped envelope addressed to U& Me Management and mail.

When U& Me receives your vote they will staple your proxy to the outside of the official ballot envelope and bring it with them to the meeting. If there are enough members either in person or by proxy to allow the meeting to continue; the official ballot envelope will be detached from the proxy and given to the persons responsible for counting the election.

Only the persons responsible for counting the election may open the official ballot envelope and the ballot will be added to those cast in person and counted. If there are not enough homeowners either in person or by proxy to constitute a quorum (35) and the election cannot be held the official ballot envelope and its contents will be detached from the proxy and the ballot will be destroyed without being opened.