Muscular System Vocabulary Quiz

Matching: Match the definition w/the term.

  1. Chemical neurotransmitter substance released by the axon terminal (end of nerve).
/ a. Z Disc
  1. occurs at the radioulnar joint. In the anatomical position the hands & forearms are already supinated (palms forward). Outward rotation of hand & forearm.
/ b. Tendon:
  1. A contractile protein of muscle cells. Makes up the thin filaments.
/ c. Synergists:
  1. Proven hypothesis of Muscle Contraction involves a sliding of the thin filaments past the thick ones so that the extent of myofilament over-lap increases.
/ d. Synaptic cleft:
  1. is a disk-like protein sheet that serves as the point of attachment of the thin filaments & also connects each myofibril to the next throughout the width of the muscle cell. The Z line is actually the darker area found in the midline of I bands acting as an interrupter.
/ e. Supination:
  1. (Primary Movers): Muscle(s) whose contraction actually produces movement.
/ f. Superficial Fascia:
  1. One or more muscles that oppose the action of another group of muscles or the pull of gravity. Ex. The antagonist of a flexor muscle is an extensor muscle
/ g. Striated Muscle:
  1. a strong, fibrous, extension of the muscle that connects muscles to muscles or muscles to bone.
/ h. Sprain
  1. when a muscle fibers are vertical/parallel the muscle’s name includes…..
/ i. Smooth Muscle:
  1. The central fleshy, or meaty contractile position of a muscle also called the belly of a muscle.
/ j. Sliding Filament Theory
  1. specialized endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells.
/ k. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
  1. is the neuron and the muscle fiber(s) it controls.
/ l. Sarcomeres:
  1. when the muscles fibers run oblique or slanted the name includes…...
/ m. Retraction:
  1. A tendonous extremity by which the muscle is attached to a bone & allows for motion at the distal end of a bone. The end of a muscle.
/ n. Rectus:
  1. refers to motion that moves a part forward. Reaching for an object involves …. of the shoulder girdle. Also known as scapular abduction.
/ o. Protraction:
  1. has no striation & is involuntary (not consciously controlled). Found mainly in the walls of hollow visceral organs ex stomach & bladder & along a definite tract w/in the body. Also called visceral, nonstriated or involuntary muscle.
/ p. Origin:
  1. a combination of flexion, extension, abduction & adduction commonly seen in ball & socket joints like the shoulder. Move in a circle.
/ q. Oblique:
  1. is the motion that returns a protracted body part to its original or usual position . also known as scapular adduction.
/ r. Neuromuscular Junction
  1. A large transient depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve fiber
/ s. Myosin:
  1. A torn ligament
/ t. Myofibril
  1. Rod-like bundle of contractile filaments (myofilaments) found in muscle cells. Made up of thick myosin & thin actin filaments.
/ u. Motor Unit
  1. Muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover, assisting or supplementing a primary mover in producing a particular movement.
/ v. Insertion:
  1. Neuron process that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body; efferent process; the conducting portion of a nerve cell.
/ w. Gaster:
  1. a continuous sheet of loose connective tissue that wraps each muscle like tissue paper & lies directly under the skin. (not deep)
/ x. Circumduction:
  1. Region where motor neuron comes into close contact with a skeletal muscle cell. The junction b/w the nerve & the muscle.
/ y. Axon:
  1. Ex. skeletal muscle because its fibers appear to be striped. It is a voluntary muscle. Together the thick and thin filaments make up the muscle stripes or ______.
/ z. Antagonist:
  1. The smallest contractile unit of a muscle; Chains of tiny contractile myofibrils containing myofilaments composed mainly of actin & myosin.
/ aa. Agonist:
  1. one of the principal proteins found in muscle. Makes up the thick filaments.
/ bb. Action Potential:
  1. fluid-filled space at a synapse between neurons. space between the nerve & motor end plate
/ cc. Actin:
  1. A tendonous extremityby which the muscle is attached to a bone at the proximal end of a bone & usually remains fixed or stationary when the muscle contracts.
/ dd. Acetylocholine: