AIJN Ordinary General Assembly, 31 May 2007

AGD 5.1 CompletedReference Guideline for CarrotJuice

The RG Carrot Juice wasadopted by the General Assembly in December 2004 as a provisional RG for a two year time period because it was based upon a limited amount of data and upon info contained in scientific studies. After collection of additional data the COP Expert Group completed and finalised the RG for Carrot Juice which was approved by the Technical Committee in two readings, i.e. in October 2006 and March 2007. The completed guideline is submitted to the General Assembly for formal adoption.

A – Absolute QualityOrigin:Commentary Notes


1 - Industrial agreed upon



relative density
20/20 for juice / 1.028 / Although most single strength juice/puree will show a Brix value of 7.5 or higher, it has been acknowledged that single strength puree/juice varieties can show lower figures, but the lowest acceptable value is 7.,0.
Corresponding Brix min / 7.0



relative density
20/20 for juice / 1.0318
Corresponding Brix min / 8.0

2 – Hygiene requirements

Volatile acid as acetic acid / g/l / max 0.4
D/L Lactic acid / g/l / max 0.5
Ethanol / g/l / max 3.0

3 – Environmental requirements

4 – Compositional requirements

B – Further criteria for evaluation

of identity and authenticity

Titratable acidity at pH 8.1 / mval/l / 5 / - / 30 / The total titratable acidity essentially depends on the content of L-malic acid. The values correspond to 0.3-2.0g/l , calculated as anhydrous citric acid pH 8.1.
Citric acid / mg/l / 100 / - / 900
L-malic acid / g/ l / 1.0 / - / 4.5
Ash / g/ l / 3.5 / - / 10 / In general the values are about 6.0 g/ l. If the ash content is below the value of 3.5 g/ l, dilution by water should be suspected
Sodium (Na) / mg/ l / 150 / - / 1000 / Carrots have a naturally high content of sodium
Potassium (K) / mg/ l / min 1500 / - / In general the value is between2000 and 4500 mg/ l
Magnesium (Mg) / mg/ l / 35 / - / 120 / In general the magnesium content is about 70 mg/ l
Calcium (Ca) / mg/ l / 70 / - / 250 / In general the calcium content is about 120 mg/ l
Total phosphorus (P) / mg/ l / 150 / - / 350 / In general the phosphorus content is about 200 mg/ l
Nitrate (NO3) / mg/ l / - / Max 400 / Carrots can have a high
Nitrate content, depending on
fertilization and the water used for irrigation
Formol number / ml 0,1 M NaOH/100 ml / 10 / - / 40 / The formol number varies
widely –
Average value is usually
about 20.
Total carotenoids / mg/ l / 30 / - / 300 / The carotenoid content depends especially on the technology used to prepare the puree/juice. In purees the total content is normally higher than 70 mg/kg . Special varieties can have higher contents up to 600 mg/ l.
-carotene / mg/ l / 20 / - / 250 / Usually the-carotene content is between 70 to80% of the total carotenoids. In puree the minimum content is normally higher than 50 mg/kg.
Glucose / g/l / 3 / - / 18
Fructose / g/l / 3 / - / 15
Sucrose / g/l / 20 / - / 50 / Normally the sucrose content of carrots is about 50% of the total sugars
Glucose/Fructose / 0.9 / - / 1.5 / In general the ratio is higher than 1.0 Lower values than 0.9 may indicate microbiological degradation of the glucose
Sugar free extract / g/l / 20 / - / 50

Meeting documents AIJN GA 31 May 2007