641 Lawyer Road, Penn Laird, Virginia 22846

Tel (540) 289-7510 Fax (540) 289-7439

Welcome to Peak View Elementary School. The following information will help you and your child/children transition to your new school.

  1. Student Drop Off Times: - Teachers begin bus duty at 8:00 a.m., and students should not be dropped off prior to this time. The first bus will arrive around 8:00 a.m. The final dismissal bell will ring at 3:00 p.m. and all students getting picked up will be released after 3:05 p.m. from the cafeteria.
  1. Lunch/Breakfast Price - The cost of a student lunch is $2.20, and breakfast is $1.25. Milk or juice bought separately will cost $.35. Adult lunches are $3.00 and adult breakfasts are $1.75. We encourage you to eat with your child during the school year. Please call by 9:30 a.m. if you wish to eat with your child.
  1. Money Sent to School with Children – Money sent to school with children should be placed in a sealed envelope and labeled with the child’s name, teacher’s name and purpose of the money. A check made payable to PEAK VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for the exact amount is safer than carrying large amounts of money. Parents have the opportunity to deposit money into their child/children’s lunch account using a credit card on the internet. To learn more and be able to view lunch account balance, visit: Lunch account balance can also be viewed from the parent portal of Power School, but note that balance is typically one day behind.
  1. Visitation to the School: - We urge you to visit the school. The doors entering the main hallway will be locked at 8:20 am and all visitors will need to come into the school through the office entrance to sign in and out, this helps us keep track of our visitors in the building and on campus. The entrance to the office will be locked and parents will be asked to use the white call box to enter the office.
  1. Student Attendance – Good attendance to school is of the utmost importance. Also, being on time each day enables your child to receive instructions pertinent to the day’s schedule. School begins at 8:20 a.m., and students should be in their classrooms at that time. If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school as early as 7:30 a.m. and before 9:30 a.m.
  1. Transportation Changes – A parental note from each child involved in a transportation change is required. Examples of transportation changes are your child is riding a different bus, getting off the bus at a different stop, or going home with a friend, or having a friend come home with him or her. No afternoon transportation change requests will be accepted after 1:00 p.m. on the day of the requested change.
  1. Bus Safety – Please talk with your children about safety habits of walking to the bus stop and getting on and off the bus. In order for the bus trip to be safe, the driver must keep his mind and eyes on the road. Please urge your children to never (a) damage the bus; (b) fight on the bus; (c) scream, shout, or talk loud: or (d) “play” at the bus stop. Students in grades Pre-K, K, 1, and 2, will not be released from the bus without the presence or visual confirmation of a parent or guardian. Young students will be returned to the school if not met at the bus stop.
  1. School Closing/Delay/Early Release – In case of inclement weather schools could close for the day, have delayed start, or close early. Please listen to the radio, check the Rockingham County Website at or watch WHSV TV for the local school closings. You can also go to and register to have emails or text messages sent to you when we have school closings.
  2. Communication – Weekly classroom newsletters as well as PTA monthly newsletters will be sent home electronically to the email addresses that you have provided to the school. We ask that parents keep us up to date on email changes.

It is the policy of Rockingham County School Board to comply with all applicable state and federal laws regarding nondiscrimination in employment and educational programs and services. The Rockingham County Public Schools will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender national origin, disability, economic status or age as to employment or educational programs and activities.