Able and Talented students inHealth and Social Care

Provision within Health and Social Care and enrichment offered

  • In year 10, 12 and 13 are very large coursework components. The students are well supported with a detailed coursework guides.
  • There are differentiated examples of how an A grade answer could be tackled for each section to support students when structuring coursework to A/A* level.
  • In year 10 there is a visit to Mendip Green School, Worle. This offers a detailed insight into the workings of a school and for the rest of the year this care setting is studied in great detail. It supports the coursework allowing higher marks to be gained as students have had direct observation.
  • IAG – this offers an adult experience of a care setting allowing students to make an informed choice when considering a career pathway and raises expectations.
  • Throughout both A and GCSE level there are detailed exam revision guides/booklets and the use of past papers and exam scripts to extend and support students. This allows the able and talented students to have direct access to full mark answers related directly to exam questions.

Identification criteria and / or characteristics of more able / talentedHealth and Social Care student

High grade in coursework/ exam , showing clear understanding of concepts and application to the care setting . A student who displays a caring nature and interested in the welfare of others may find this course a real benefit. With this insight they display a great understanding of how to achieve a higher grade.

ASPIRE:Where can the more able and talented students within Health and Social Careaspire to progress

This course is simply magic!!

It allows a vast number of careers to springboard from this subject -

Childcare, Nursing, Paediatrics, Midwifery, Social Work, Teaching, Police officer, Paramedics, Health Visitor, Social Work, Mental health, Counselling, Medicine, Probation officers and so many more !

These can be accessed through both degree level , through the apprenticeship route and direct employment Depending upon the course chosen use UCAS and Guardian university rankings to establish the current highly rated courses.

BELIEVE: In order to achieve these aspirations students should:

  • As part of my course introduction and indeed throughout the coursework in yr 10 the students research how to become a practitioner in their chosen field. The coursework in AS and A level details each practitioner and the emphasis in yr 13 is to examine, in detail, 2 roles. Including how to become a practitioner,, what the role entails. This then allows the student a very clear insight to the different roles. It gives the students a very thorough understanding of what they must achieve to enter this profession. I encourage the students in yr 12/13 to gain access to their chosen care setting. – Some have visited hospital wards, care homes, schools; nurseries etc. .This gives a in-depth understanding of the profession which then will allow them to display this at university or apprenticeship interviews to gain a successful place.
  • Students should complete practice interviews focused on their application.
  • Students should discuss UCAS application / apprenticeships with me, making recommendations to fit my student’s capabilities .
  • To gain access to the top universities it would be necessary to achieve AAB

SUCCEED:Success stories from Nailsea school

More able and Talented coordinator for this subject

Mandy Boyle,