Gateshead Council’s Major Adaptations Policy

The provision of major adaptations to property for adults and children with



1. Purpose of the Policy 3

2.  Policy Statement 3

3.  Policy Aims and Objectives 3

4.  Assessment 4

5.  Eligibility Criteria 5

6.  Eligible Major Adaptations 6

7.  Assessment Outcomes 7

8.  Funding 8

9.  Maintenance and Repairs 10

10.  Adapted Properties 11

11.  Rehousing

12.  Removing Adaptations 12

13.  Appeals Procedure 12

14.  Complaints 12

List of Appendices 13


¨  Appendix 1 - Legislation

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1. Purpose of the Policy

1.1. The purpose of this Adaptations Policy is to outline the principles and guiding actions Gateshead Council will follow in relation to major adaptations. This policy applies to all properties regardless of tenure, for both adults and children with disabilities to ensure consistent decision making and resource allocation. It sets out what the Council takes into account when meeting needs in the most cost effective way

1.2. We have developed this policy in response to the need now, and in the future, for adaptations as:

·  More Gateshead residents get older;

·  Choose to live at home rather than go into residential care; and

·  Are cared for at home rather than in hospital.

1.3. The Council has limited resources to fulfil many statutory duties. Pressures on our budgets are increasing and we have to prioritise in order to help those who have the greatest need, using the money we have in the most cost effective way.

1.4. Gateshead Council is committed to:

·  Identifying and assessing the eligible needs of people in Gateshead who have a disability and their carers.

·  Following assessment, assisting those who, (currently as at March 2011), have a Critical’ or ‘Substantial’ need only, to provide an efficient and cost effective Occupational Therapy Service.

·  Providing information and/or signposting where needs are identified as being moderate or low.

1.5. This may mean that the provision of major adaptations may not be the assessment outcome and other options will be considered in every case.

1.6. The document supersedes previous documentation and guidance approved by Gateshead Council in relation to the provision of major adaptations to a property.

2. Policy Statement

2.1. This policy will contribute to the delivery of Vision 2030 and the Council’s Corporate Plan by addressing the barriers to independence faced by individuals, helping them to enjoy a better quality of life in a healthy and safe environment, supporting vulnerable and older residents to enable them to lead fulfilling lives.

3. Policy Aims

3.1. The aims of the policy are:

·  To provide an efficient, value for money service for the people of Gateshead who have a disability, irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.

·  To provide major adaptations in a fair and consistent way irrespective of property tenure.

·  To confirm recommendations to meet identified eligible needs and outline the options the Council will and will not consider.

·  To make the best use of housing stock.

·  To use recyclable adaptations where possible.

·  To maximise use of the limited available resources.

4. Assessment

4.1. An assessment will be undertaken by an assessing officer from the Occupational Therapy Team who will carry out an assessment, in line with the relevant eligibility criteria, to confirm the needs of the service user and their cares. The subsequent recommendations to meet identified needs will also be in accordance with current Council policy

4.2. The following list identifies some of the areas which will be considered during the assessment process

·  Difficulties getting into and out of the house

·  Difficulties mobilising around the property

·  Difficulties mobilising on the stairs

·  Difficulties with transfers

·  Difficulties with personal hygiene

4.3. During the assessment process the assessing officer will:-

·  Gather all relevant facts (which may include requesting information from other professionals)

·  Consult with the service user, their carers and families.

·  Take reasonable steps to reach agreement on the recommendations

·  Provide reasons for the recommendations to meet needs in the short and longer term.

4.4. A friend, relative or advocate can also attend the assessment if support is needed, although we would ask you to let us know who that will be in advance of the meeting.

4.5. During the assessment process, Individual preferences and desires will be considered but recommendations will reflect how assessed needs can best be met in the most cost effective way.

4.6. Due to limited funding and the need to use resources as effectively as possible the Council, will distinguish between what is desirable and what is actually needed.

4.7. This means that the outcome of the assessment may not be a recommendation for major adaptations. The Occupational Therapy Service will, in every case investigate other ways to meet needs, to maximise the independence of the service user and needs of any carer(s) such as :

·  Therapeutic intervention and carer support

·  Loan equipment

·  Ground floor living

·  First floor living

·  Minor adaptations

·  Rehousing

·  Rehabilitation

·  Referral to Gateshead Health Trainers

·  Weight Management Programme

4.8. The assessment process may require access within and outside of the home to help with the preparation of plans. If access to all required areas is not made available for any reason, it will not be possible to continue the assessment process.

4.9. Deteriorating Conditions

When assessing needs the Council will take into account the likely future impact of conditions and will obtain appropriate medical advice.

If for any reason the service user is not eligible for help at the time of the assessment, further assessments may be requested if or when there is a change in their or their carer’s circumstances

4.10. Re-assessment

Where a request for a re-assessment has been received, further assessments will not be undertaken unless it can be identified that there has been a change from the previous circumstances.

4.11. Exceptional Circumstances

Although the Adaptations Policy (and Gateshead Occupational Therapy Code of Practice) is comprehensive, there may be on occasion, exceptional circumstances where fairness requires that additional consideration is given to a particular application. In this case, further assessment reports may be required or different outcomes considered. Each case will be looked at on individual merits. Additional funding may be available to meet such exceptional circumstances if the Council accepts a legal duty to make such further provision.

5. Eligibility Criteria

5.1. Government Guidance defines eligible needs and details the four bands which are used to classify the need for community care. The four bands are:

·  Critical

·  Substantial

·  Moderate

·  Low

5.2. An Assessment carried out by an assessing officer from the Occupational Therapy Team will identify which one of the four bands applies to the service user or carer needs. The assessment may identify a variety of needs; however current Council policy ( at March 2011) is to meet those needs identified as ‘Critical’ or ‘Substantial’ only. If the eligibility criteria changes at any time in the future, this will be incorporated within this policy.

5.3 Further details of the four bands are set out in a Gateshead Council’s Occupation Therapy Code of Practise

5.4. The service user or their carer will be assessed as having a ‘critical’ need if, for example:

·  life is, or will be, threatened; and/or

·  significant health problems have developed or will develop; and/or

·  there is, or will be, little or no choice and control over vital aspects of the immediate environment

5.5. The service user or their carer will be assessed as having a ‘substantial’ need if:

·  there is, or will be, only partial choice and control over the immediate environment; and/or

·  abuse or neglect has occurred or will occur; and/or

·  there is, or will be, an inability to carry out the majority of personal care or domestic routines

5.6. If for any reason the service user or their carer is not eligible under ‘Critical’ or ‘Substantial’ needs, then the Occupational Therapy service will provide advise through signposting to other available assistance.

6. Eligible Major Adaptations

6.1. A Major Adaptation is work recommended to meet eligible needs, further to an assessment, which costs more than £1,000 up to a maximum of £30,000 (Current rates as at March 2011). Works costing less than £1,000 are identified as Minor Adaptations. For the purpose of this policy, the adaptations referred to are Major Adaptations.

6.2. Gateshead Occupational Therapy Service Code of Practice provides information on when following assessment, recommendations for major adaptations may not be considered.

6.3. Reasonable and Practicable

There will be occasions when it is not reasonable or practicable to adapt a property, for example

·  If the property is unfit for human habitation or is in poor structural condition.

·  Where the property has access or space constraints.

·  Where, due to limitations within the property, it is not practical to carry out adaptations which brings into question continued occupation of the property.

6.4. In such cases re-housing to more suitable accommodation may be the most appropriate and more cost effective way of meeting needs.

Advice and support will be provided to help find more appropriate accommodation.

6.5. Any necessary repairs to bring the property to a reasonable standard will need to be addressed in accordance with tenure, eg by the owner occupier, through the Private Sector Renewal Policy, relevant Housing Association or in the case of Council tenants through the Gateshead Housing Company.

6.6. Adaptations will not be provided were there are outstanding repairs as adaptations funding is not available for undertaking repairs.

6.7. When a Council property is under occupied, extensive adaptations will not usually be undertaken. Recyclable adaptations, for example e.g. stairlifts, shower cubicles and small semi permanent ramps, may be considered to support a tenant whilst rehousing to a more appropriate property is being pursued.

6.8. Adaptations will not usually be provided to any property which has access or stairs which cannot be addressed by adaptations, instead rehousing to a more suitable property would be pursued to meet identified needs. Advise and support would be provided to find more suitable housing.

7. Assessment Outcomes

7.1. If the assessment outcome is re-housing to alternative accommodation

If re-housing has been recommended to meet identified needs, major adaptations to the current property are unlikely to be considered. Recyclable adaptations (e.g. stairlifts, shower cubicles and small semi permanent ramps) may be considered to support a service user whilst support for rehousing to a more appropriate property is being provided.

7.2. If the assessment outcome is for a referral to the Gateshead Health Trainers Weight Management Programme

A referral can be made by either the assessing officer or the service user can discuss the referral process with their G.P. A refusal to consider a referral to or engage with Health Trainers is likely to result in the application for adaptations being cancelled.

7.3. If the assessment outcome is for the provision of equipment

Equipment is provided on a loan basis following an assessment. A refusal to engage in the process or accept recommended equipment is likely to result in the application for adaptations being cancelled.

7.4. If the assessment outcome is for therapeutic intervention

The assessing officer will confirm the benefits of available therapeutic interventions.

7.5. If the assessment outcome is rehabilitation

Rehabilitation is a way to identify how a service user may improve their daily living skills, and work with them and their carers to maximise these skills.

7.6. If the Assessment Outcome is Major Adaptations

7.6.1. The assessing officer will confirm the adaptations recommended to meet needs and/or the needs of carers.

7.6.2. The Occupational Therapy Support Team process recommendations and will keep the service user updated on progress and the process.

7.6.3. The process may include formal planning permission and building regulation approval along with relevant landlord permission. If relevant approvals or permissions are not given, it will not be possible to proceed with the recommended adaptations and alternative solutions would need to be considered.

7.6.4. Major adaptations will be provided whilst the property is occupied. Cases will need to be considered on an individual basis in relation to required respite or decant from the property to allow the work to proceed as safely and efficiently as possible.

7.7. Decision

Formal approval of the recommendations, scheme and budget costs will be given following consideration of the assessment and recommendations by senior officers of the Council.

8. Funding

8.1. Private Sector Properties

8.1.1. Major adaptations within the private sector are primarily funded through the Disabled Facilities Grants system (DFG). The current legislative framework governing DFGs is provided by the ‘Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996’.

8.1.2. Any adult living in Gateshead with a substantial and permanent disability and/or anyone caring for an adult or child may be eligible for a DFG to fund a major adaptation to their home, provided it is their main or only place of residence.

8.1.3. The applicant may be

·  An owner occupier

·  Tenant (including tenant of a registered social landlord)

·  Landlord of a disabled tenant.

8.1.4. Service users aged 18 years or over will usually be required to undertake a financial means test to confirm eligibility for funding assistance towards major adaptations. This will be confirmed at the time of the financial assessment.

8.1.5. If a financial assessment is required this will include access to a range of documents including bank statements and savings books. Partner income is also included in the financial assessment.

8.1.6. If for any reason it is not possible for the financial assessment to be undertaken we would be unable to proceed with a major adaptations application.