Professional Development ReportSeptember 28, 2011
Liette Doucet Danielle Theriault/Connie Learning
Vice President Members-at-Large
Professional Development Profiles are due at the school board office by the end of September. Teachers are responsible to fill out their own PD profile and make sure that it is sent in to the board office by the deadline. All teachers must complete 100 professional development hours within 5 years. These profiles are collected to ensure that all teachers complete the required hours and could be audited by the department at any time. See attached.
The Program Enrichment committee is looking for members. This committee makes decisions related to Special Project grants and Trip grants. There will be 4 meetings this year. Please consider signing up for this committee.
Provincial Professional Development Day (October Conference Day)
Teachers applying for the October Conference Day reimbursement should apply on the Professional Development application form posted soon on myHRSB and is specifically for October Conference Day ONLY.
Guidelines and Applications can be found at:
Trip Grant Applications: Due by October 3rd, 2011 at 4:00p.m.
International and National Conference Grants- Applications for conferences held between August 2011 and February 2011 are due October 24th by 4:00pm. Grant applications will be drawn at the October Local meeting.
Special Project Grant Applications are due on October 25th by 4:00pm. Please encourage teachers to read the guidelines very closely. This grant is meant for enriching your classroom through special projects and not meant to provide teachers with the resources needed to meet the learning outcomes set by the Department of Education.
All Guidelines and Applications are found at
Log on at look for Article 60 under the drop down menu.
The Article 60 PD Committee met on September 14th to make decisions on Conference Applications, In-services Promotion Grants and Course Grants. Successful Conference Grant Applicants are listed online. The following information stems from that meeting:
All Guidelines and Applications are found at
Education Research AwardA fund has been established to encourage and assist education research. Members are awarded a maximum of $475 based on research completed in the current or previous two school years. Applications are available from NSTU Central Office or you may download a PDF from the website. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday, in December.
Full Time Study GrantAn annual fund of $10,000. has been established to provide support to members wishing to follow a full time program of studies for the purpose of professional development. The NSTU will award up to five grants of $2,000. each year. NSTU Central Office or you may download a PDF from the website. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in April. The application can only be made for the year in which the award is to beutilized.
Out-of-Province Conference GrantAn annual fund of $9,000. has been established for Out-of-Province Conference grants to provide support to teachers wishing to attend conferences for the purpose of professional development. To assist the greatest number of members no grant shall exceed $475. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in October, January and April.
Travel FellowshipFor teachers engaged in educational travel, a total of $3,000. is available from Johnson Inc. for participation in seminars, workshops or conferences, but not for university courses or certification study. Eligible travel periods include summer months for teachers and times of year when Community College members take their contractual vacation days, but not during those times generally referred to as Christmas or March break.Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday in April.
John Huntley InternshipA few days in the life of your Union...This internship enables 24 teachers per year to spend two days at the provincial office shadowing executive and intermediate staff. The Fellowship is not intended as a precursor to employment with the NSTU. Rather, it is intended to provide active members with an opportunity to learn more about the NSTU by increasing their awareness and knowledge of the workings of the organization.
Program Development Assistance FundIn a contractual agreement between the Nova Scotia Teachers Union and the Nova Scotia Department of Education, an annual sum of $200,000 is allocated for the purpose of encouraging innovative and unique program development in Nova Scotia's schools. Projects funded or assisted under PDAF must be directly related to the Public School Program. PDAF is intended to encourage innovative ideas at the local school level which significantly and directly enhance the delivery of programs and services to students. Innovation may include, but is not limited to, taking an established curriculum practice or program and using this in a new and unique way. PDAF provides teachers with financial support to initiate creative and innovative teaching practices. As a result of this support, students benefit from enhanced learning experiences.
Deadline: Applications must be received by the first day of February, April, June, August, October and December. The PDAF Committee meets to review applications on or about the fourth week of these months. After this meeting, applicants will be informed in writing of the committee's decision.Sheonoroil Foundation
The Sheonoroil Foundation is a registered charity supporting research, inquiry, reflection, writing, distribution of information and interventions that focus on all forms of violence in the public school and community college systems, including anti-violence and peaceful schools initiatives. Established by the NSTU in 1999, itoperates with a Board of Directors. The Foundation will extend financial resources to any active or retired member of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, to any group of active or retiredNSTU members, or to any group of public school or community college students working in cooperation with a teacher/faculty advisor.
Funding grants shall be awarded to anti-violence programs that have a direct and immediate impact on classrooms, students, teachers, faculty, staff, administration and community.
Further information on the Sheonoroil Foundation, and application forms for grants, are available on the Sheonoroil website or by email .
Respectfully Submitted,
Liette Doucet
VP Professional Development