Provincial Library Grants Report 2015
Salmo Valley Public Lirbary


The Salmo Valley Library services Salmo and RDCK Area G. These are growing communities that are located a short distance from the communities of Nelson, Trail and Castlegar. This rural area is traditionally known for work in both the forestry and mining industries. Recently the area has seen a population growth of young families looking to settle in a smaller community that is affordable for first time home owners. This demographic shift has seen many young families embrace the quiet, yet active lifestyle of Salmo, and created a wonderful mixture of the old and new. Though Salmo is a growing community there is a large demographic of the population that are living below the poverty line. With the recent completion of the Salmo Valley Estates, an affordable housing development with 20 apartments for seniors as well as eight townhouses for family living, Salmo has welcomed more 55+ members to the community. The library continues to work toward meeting the needs of all community members.

As the community grows the Salmo Valley Public Library is increasingly becoming a hub of activity. Our library underwent an extensive renovation and expansion project in 2015. This expansion has enabled the library space to be accessible to all members of the community and it is our new challenge to use the space effectually and with impact to engage the community. With our recent upgrades and expansion the library is proud to be working at meeting the expectations of the community and offering an inclusive community gathering place that is accessible and convenient for all who enter. With this project completion in 2015 we can now turn our focus on meeting new changes, including the needs of our community when it comes to offering up-to-date technology and services.

The Salmo Valley Public Library 2015-2020 strategic plan was written and adopted during the early months of 2015. Our vision, mission and values articulate the rationale and inform all of our work. This five year plan includes a focus on community engagement, use of technology, and responsive library service that utilizes the space, programs, and services to meet the diverse needs of the Salmo Valley residents.

Government Priorities, Goals, Programs and Services, Partnerships

Government Priority: A focus on equitable access to library services for all British Columbians, including efforts to extend library service, both physical and digital, to under-represented populations (ex. Aboriginal, print disabled, and immigrants).

Library Goal that supports the priority:
From Strategic Plan: “Goal Number One: Community Engagement - The diverse and engaged SVPL membership highly values and utilizes the space, programs and services provided.” The following is one of the four objectives under this goal.

Objective: To continue to offer library users a welcoming and inclusive community space.

·  Implement the building expansion and renovation work plan.

Yes and still in progress

In 2015 the library completed the number one priority identified by the community in strategic planning surveys done in 2010, which was to increase and improve the library’s physical space. For many years, the young adult and video/DVD collections had been housed in the basement, as well as the space for storytimes and the summer reading club. This was limiting access to these services and making it difficult for staff to manage the space. In fact, one quarter of the collection was inaccessible to those who are unable to negotiate stairs. Upgrades were long overdue.

According to the 2011 National Household Survey there were 375 individual who reported health and activity limitations in the Village of Salmo. Furthermore, there are approximately 220 seniors (65+) living in Salmo. With the completion of this project the library is now able to provide service and engage with this under-represented portion of the population of Salmo.

During 2015 the Salmo Valley Public Library undertook a long awaited major horizontal expansion and renovation of the library. This has almost doubled the available square footage of the facility and allowed for all of the collection to be housed and all of the services provided on ground level. The entire library has be substantially upgraded and renovated to include an expanded children’s area, a teen gathering place, one new accessible bathroom, more computer stations, new circulation desks, upgraded windows and doors, and an air lock, fully accessible vestibule entrance. Upgrades to the two basement areas have made them useable for small groups, and a new ventilation system will provide fresh air for all. This project has provided equitable access to the community with a safer, healthier, welcoming and fully accessible library.

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

Service: A fully accessible library with wheelchair access and entry, and an accessible washroom facility for all members of the community. With the entire library now accessible the facility has been brought up to current code requirements for accessibility.
Partnerships that support the priority:

For this priority we have had countless numbers of individuals and community groups support the library. Here we will mention just some of the key groups.

Columbia Basin Trust - The library expansion project would not have been possible without the support we have received from CBT.

Friends of the Library – This active group of volunteers has been a key part in all of the libraries fundraising efforts. They work continuous not just in fundraising for the library, but in supporting the staff and board in developing a community space that is engaging.

Salmo Square Society – This is the non-profit that owns and operates the building in which the library is located. The library expansion project would not be possible without their support.

Village of Salmo - Working with the village we were able to allocate one wheelchair accessible parking space on the street in front of the library.

Outcomes that were identified:

Through all the outpouring of support for this project, both in donations and in-kind volunteer work, the Salmo library has witnessed a strong sense of community pride and ownership of the library by the community.

Increased usage, new community members recognize the value of the library in this community. We are better able to service the community now that the building is accessible to all community members.

The upgrades to our public library have really set the tone for other organizations in our community.

Comments from the public:

“Wow, you guys have really stepped this place up a notch!”

“It is so nice to have the teen and adult computers in separate places; it is much quieter for working.”

“I was never able to take movies before because of them being downstairs. It is so lovely to have the entire library on one level.”

“With this new library entrance and the wheelchair accessible door I will be able to use the library with much more ease and more often.”

“This is an incredibly beautiful library.”

“What a fabulous space; how cozy!”

“The library looks SOOOOO good. Well done!”

Government Priority: Increased supports for education transformation. Libraries, as key partners in providing supports to students and parents outside of the classroom, should continue organizing and collaborating on community-based, personalize learning opportunities for all learners which allows them to realize their full potential in reaching personal goals.

Library Goal that supports the priority:

From Strategic Plan: “To expand residents’ awareness of the library and the range of information services available.”

·  Maintain a public face through participation in community events throughout the library’s service area.

·  Investigate ways to attract new users to the library through innovative programming.

·  Use targeted communications to reach diverse user groups.

·  Increase the opportunities for youth participation in the library.

Still in Progress

Our library goal to expand residents’ awareness of the library is about promote literacy and literacy related programs. Collaborate with our local schools, with whom we organize literacy building events we are able to develop programs that are innovative and speak to our community. When our Children’s Librarian visited the Salmo Schools 22 times last year and hosted multiple visits at the library, she was able to connect with the youth and investigate way to support them as learner. We are always received with smiles and give the lasting impression that the library is not only a fun and exciting place to be, but also a place with all sorts of literacy resources (books, tapes, videos, magazines, craft and game ideas) that can be taken home and used as part of day to day life. Furthermore, not only did the students enjoy themselves and learn some valuable skills; teachers were also impacted and inspired. Over time, the positive effects of such events trickle back into the community at large.

We are still working on increasing opportunities for youth to participate at the library. In 2015 we had 4 youth volunteer. Having teens volunteer at our library is a great way to engage with them and it also creates strong youth advocates for the library. Volunteering in libraries enables youth to learn how to effectively communicate with adults while allowing them to be themselves and expand their imagination. Teen volunteers here at the Salmo library are developing strong social and leadership skills. We can see that these volunteer positions are providing the opportunities for them to realize their full potential in reaching personal goals.

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

Novel Christmas: During the winter season we run a program called “A Novel Christmas.” We work with the schools, the Community Centre, and Salmo Community Services to collect new or slightly used books from community members to be put into Christmas hampers. In 2015, we collected 190 books for children and youth who would not have otherwise received them. We have been running this program for a few years, and recipients report pleasure at finding books among their Christmas treats.

Youth Volunteer Opportunities: We offer time and training to any youth that shows an interest in volunteering at the library.

Partnerships that support the priority:

Salmo Elementary and Salmo Secondary - The library continues to maintain a strong partnering relationship with the local elementary and secondary schools by providing programs that support learning in both formal and informal environments.

Outcomes that were identified:

Comment from a youth volunteer:

“It has been an amazing experience volunteering at The Salmo Public Library. I'm happy that I got to be a part of this library at a young age. My favorite part is using the computers, helping people with their computer trouble and using the circulation desk software. When I first started, I had a lot of difficulty with the Dewey decimal system, I never thought I would like it, but I now find it much easier.

The librarians have been very patient and helpful explaining how things work at the library to me.

I've also enjoyed meeting many people of all ages in our community. I'm really pleased I went into the library when I first moved here, I've enjoyed the opportunity and I know it helps out too.” – Rainen

Government Priority: Support for the BC Jobs Plan by improving outcomes for job seekers in BC. Specifically, libraries should focus on tools, programs and essential literacy supports that help your community explore new skills and employment options, leading them to be successfully “first in line” for job opportunities for today and tomorrow.

Library Goal that supports the priority:

From Strategic Plan: “Emerging technology is mindfully embraced in order to best serve and support patrons in their pursuit of information, learning, and entertainment”.

·  To allocate library funds for the purchase and maintenance of relevant hardware and software and to seek new sources of sustainable funding.

·  To create an IT plan that includes both planning for the expanded facility and for future needs so that we can continue to move forward with technology.

·  To expand library programming to educate and support our patrons in safely using emerging technology.

To be able to support this priority it is important that the library provide up-to-date and effective technology. In 2015 we were able to use the renovation of the library to update our computer network and complete an IT plan that will support the increases in use of technology at our library. In 2016 we will be working on updating our wireless service so that it can handle the steady increase in the amount of usage it gets. Furthermore, in 2015 we increased our public computers up to 4 and will be add 2 more youth specific computers in 2016.

With an improved IT system our library is better able to support jobs seekers and businesses by providing public access computers and free internet service, along with staff support when possible for accessing any desired information (such as help wanted ads, job postings, etc.), filling in applications and forms, writing business letters, resume writing, etc. By providing space for an Employment Opportunities board that includes jobs posting, especially local opportunities, on our notice board and in the library reading room the library is creating a location for ‘First in Line’ job opportunities in the community. The library also hires at least one student each year under the Community Access Program, and this student offers computer tutoring to the public.

Still in progress

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

Community Access Program Youth Intern: Our youth intern provides computer tutoring as well as outreach that supports developing computer and digital literacy skills. These skills can be very important in this day and age when looking for employment.

Partnerships that support the priority:

Community Access Program: One of Industry Canada's objectives is to promote economic and regional development by ensuring competitive industry and sustainable communities. YI activities contribute directly to achieving this objective by increasing the employability, skills and competencies among youth that partake in this program and those that they work with.

Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) - The Salmo Library maintains a strong relationship with our local CBAL representative. This collaboration allows us to engage with a broader segment of our population and provide access to literacy and technology based activities.