Provincial Library Grants Report 2015
Fernie Heritage Library


Fernie is a small mountain town in the southeast corner of the Province of British Columbia. The permanent population of Fernie is about 5000 people, but the city more than doubles in size in the key tourist periods. Fernie is home to a world class skill hill and has five metallurgical coal mines within one hundred kilometers. These factors have combined to make Fernie a diverse community that serves residents who have historically been involved with natural resource extraction, mixed with an ever-increasing number of amenity migrants, people who have moved to Fernie to enjoy the ski hill and trail network.

The Fernie Heritage Library is located in a beautiful heritage building in the historical downtown core. Ideally situated one block off the Fernie main street between a school and the post office, the library is framed with a gorgeous garden. The library provides exceptional service and programming to Fernie residents and visitors six days a week both inside the library and out in the community.

The Fernie Heritage Library renewed its strategic plan in the fall of 2013 and remains committed to its foundation statements. Our vision is to be a welcoming place for discovery, inspiration, and recreation. Our mission is to enrich lives and communities. Our guiding principles of being accessible, professional, responsive and innovative, and collaborative, shape our daily work in the community.

Government Priorities, Goals, Programs and Services, Partnerships

library Priority 1

A focus on equitable access to library services for all British Columbians, including efforts to extend library service, both physical and digital, to under-represented populations (ex. Aboriginal, print disabled, and immigrants).

Library Goal that supports the priority:

Our first guiding principle is to be accessible. In all of our work, we strive to be accessible to all members of the community. In everything we do, it is our starting question – will this be accessible to all in the community? Can all of our patrons access this program or service? If not, how do we ensure that it is truly accessible?

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

The key program that we offered in 2015 that aligns with this priority was our book bike. The Fernie Book Bike allows us to take the library programs and services into the community. In 2015, the Book Bike was present at 38 different community events. At each event, the library offered a pop-up story time program with music and stories. Library service was offered giving patrons the opportunity to check out books, DVDs, and other items. In addition, community members were given the opportunity to sign up for a library card or to renew their existing card. Donated books were also distributed to tourists. Demonstrations on Overdrive and Zinio were also provided. The Fernie Book Bike also went to Rocky Mountain Village, a local residential care facility twelve times from June – August. Residents and staff reported a high level of satisfaction with the service provided. Periodicals, DVDs, and large print materials were circulated.

Another program that aligns with this priority is our collaboration with the Bellies to Babies program, a program for at-risk mothers and their children. Our community programmer attended the program regularly in order to introduce the library to these mothers. In a safe neutral environment, personal networks were developed leading to a positive relationship between the mothers and the library. Mothers were given a library card and library materials were circulated. Following the program, more than half of the mothers began to attend programming in the library.

Partnerships that support the priority:

The Book Bike was developed in partnership with the Friends of the Fernie Heritage Library. The City of Fernie has provided support in storing the bike over the winter months and being a key partner in allowing us to set up a pop up library at the Fernie Aquatic Centre. We also partnered with the Fernie Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Fernie to ensure a positive outcome at the festivals and community events we attended. We partnered with all three local schools as well as with the two local preschools, and with the Rocky Mountain Village, a residential care facility.

Our attendance at Bellies to Babies was a partnership between Interior Health, the Women’s Resource Centre, and the library.

Outcomes that were identified:

The Fernie Book Bike: We had increased positive traffic on our social media accounts. We also heard many positive comments. Our photo was taken numerous times. We also gave our more library cards every month. We also had increased numbers of calls and emails to the library to talk about the Book Bike.

Bellies to Babies program: We had a number of these at risk mothers attend library programs and we observed new friendships occurring. In addition, parents surveyed expressed positive feedback around the program, expressing they felt more comfortable visiting the library once they knew some staff in advance.

library Priority 2

Increased supports for education transformation. Libraries, as key partners in providing supports to students and parents outside of the classroom, should continue organizing and collaborating on community-based, personalize learning opportunities for all learners which allows them to realize their full potential in reaching personal goals.

Library Goal that supports the priority:

Our library goal that supports this priority is to provide exceptional programs and services. We follow our guiding principle of being responsive and innovative. The BC Education plan is to have capable young people thriving in a rapidly changing world. As increasing numbers of students take more ownership of their learning, libraries are ever more important.

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

The key program that we offered in 2015 that aligns with this priority was ProD training for teachers. On two occasions we offered a workshop on library programs and services to teachers as part of their ProD sessions. Two library staff members went to the schools and delivered a workshop to show teachers how libraries can support students and teachers in their endeavors.

Another program that aligns with this priority is our Fun Friday program, a program that is offered whenever there is a ‘no school Friday’ in Fernie. This programming brings together students who are off school for the day with local home schooling students. The curriculum is based around students needs and is designed to be an interactive collaborative learning session. The program is set up for children, but parents are welcome to attend and learn new ways of supporting their students.

Partnerships that support the priority:

The Pro D training was developed in partnership with the staff of the Fernie Secondary School and the Fernie Academy.

Outcomes that were identified:

Several of the teachers who attended the ProD sessions have brought in their classes to the library. Teachers have also availed themselves of resources from the library using the Connect system to order additional materials. Some of the teachers have booked in with librarians for extra training in our databases and as a result, are now using them in the classroom. Students from these teachers are now regularly using the library.

Another outcome was a more positive working relationship between the library and the teachers; a more positive relationship has been the outcome.

library Priority 3

Support for the BC Jobs Plan by improving outcomes for job seekers in BC. Specifically, libraries should focus on tools, programs and essential literacy supports that help your community explore new skills and employment options, leading them to be successfully “first in line” for job opportunities for today and tomorrow.

Library Goal that supports the priority:

Our library goal that supports this priority is to provide exceptional programs and services. We follow our guiding principles of being responsive and innovative and professional. The BC Jobs plan is built on having an educated and skilled workforce and the library is part of that plan. Students can gain valuable work experience in the library. Job seekers can create and build resumes. The unemployed can gain valuable skills that will help them in the workforce at our library.

Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

The key Fernie Heritage Library service that aligns with this priority is our Business Book Nook, a partnership with the Fernie Chamber of Commerce. As part of lifelong learning and being more employable, we have a special collection of books that are suggested by Chambermembers to help patrons get inspired, manage, create, and operate theirbusiness. Many of these books are selected to help business owners achieve new business skills.

Partnerships that support the priority:

We partner with the Fernie Chamber of Commerce, Polar Peak Bookstore, a local bookseller, and the City of Fernie in this initiative.

Outcomes that were identified:

New patrons have come to the library to borrow books from this collection. While in the library, they have learned more about our services and this has led to new programming. One outcome was a new initiative, a community calendar for business people and workers in the community.

library Priority 4

A focus on collaboration between libraries and other partners. For example, the development of shared service models and resources which extend or improve seamless access.

Library Goal that supports the priority:

Our library goal that supports this priority is to provide exceptional programs and services. We follow our guiding principles of being professional and collaborative. In 2015, we partnered or collaborated with over forty community groups and organizations.
Programs and/or Services that aligns with the priority:

The key program is the Early Years Music Workshop. This was a day-long workshop that brought together Strong start workers, preschool teachers, kindergarten teachers, and daycare workers. Our community programmer led a workshop that used music and puppets to bring stories to life. All participants shared and worked together to create a book that could be used in all the programs bringing a shared experience to the programs.

A second program is the Fernie Children’s Festival. This is a day-long festival that the library presents every August. Annually over 600 people attend the festival. A circus-themed festival, the event uses music, circus arts, stories, and art, to create a magical experience.

Partnerships that support the priority:

The Early Years Music Workshop is a partnership between the library, the Friends of the Fernie Heritage Library, the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy, the Fernie Early Years Development Team, and local preschools and schools.

The festival is collaboration between the Fernie Mountain Market and the library. We have support from many community groups and organizations including: Fernie Fire Rescue, Interior Health, Wildsight, the Fernie Museum, the Arts Station, CBAL, Search and Rescue, and Overwaitea Foods.

Outcomes that were identified:

Early Years Music Workshop: All of the workshop attendees reported increased confidence in using music in their programming. Each attendee was able to network with our providers and workers in the community. The results were so positive that we have two planned for this year.

Fernie Children’s Festival: The result is an enhanced presence for the library in the community. Increased tourism numbers for Fernie. More positive relationships between community groups.


2015 was a huge year for the library as we undertook a restoration of our building. The interior and exterior were painted as well as replacing the carpets and refinishing our hardwood floors. We did this while continuing to offer exceptional programs and services to our patrons and visitors. The library continues to build community and to be a welcoming place for discovery, inspiration, and recreation.

In 2016 we will continue to work to be Fernie’s community living room. We look forward to another year of providing exceptional programs and services to the community.