Driving is a privilege conferred by the State in the form of a driver’s license and recognized by our Religious Community in the use of a Community-owned and insured vehicle. Sister drivers are expected to know and obey relevant laws and rules of the road and to cooperate with procedures designed to safeguard and serve the common good. On a regular basis all drivers will participate in a designated safe driving program.
To take responsibility and reasonable precautions in order to avoid injury and/or damage to persons or property.
To maintain driving records based on successful completion of self assessments and/or road tests in order to qualify for insurance coverage.
To assess the Sisters’ driving ability in accord with changing circumstances of age, health, vision, agility, and/or mental alertness.
- At regular intervals, a driver safety program will be required of all licensed drivers. Verification of attendance will be submitted to the Provincial Treasurer.
- During the calendar year that a Sister turns 70 and at designated intervals thereafter, she will complete a self-assessment to evaluate her potential risk as a driver. (See Attachment F4-A – “Individual Driving Assessment”) Both driving skills and reflexes will be assessed by a professional agency with an actual behind the wheel road experience.
- A Sister will be asked to discontinue driving: if the road test is not completed successfully and if either the self-evaluation or health assessment demonstrates an increased risk.
- At any age if a Sister’s health status or driving record suggests that she is an at risk driver, she may be required to participate in the at risk driver safety program.
Approved and Initiated: / Revised:
March 30, 2005 / February 1, 2006
Attachment F4-A
Total Points
Points Available Points Assignedper Category
Age:Under 70 0
71 – 75 1
76–79 2
80 plus 3______
Traffic Violations in the previous two years:
1 violation 1
2 violations 2
3 violations 4______
Accidents involved in the previous two years (in which you were the driver):
# of accidents @ fault X 1 point:______
# of accidents involving bodily injury X 2 points______
Not reporting an accident X 1 point:______
Health Conditions:
Diagnosed with Heart Disease -1 point
Diagnosed with High Blood Pressure - 1 point
Diagnosed with Diabetes - 1 point
Other health conditions that may affect driving ability
(e.g. diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration) 1 point each ______
Other at risk behaviors when driving (1 point each):
Cell phone usage
Reading maps or books
Lack of seat belt usage
Long distance driving without reasonable breaks (2 hr. minimum) _____
Point Evaluation:
0 – 3 pointsDrive safely – Driving is a privilege
4 pointsDo you really need to drive yourself?
5 pointsPlease consider letting someone else drive you
6+ pointsFor everyone’s safety, please do not drive