Province of Nova Scotia in the YOUTH JUSTICE COURT

Province of Nova Scotia IN THE YOUTH JUSTICE COURT

Her Majesty the Queen


(Name, DOB and I.D. Number of Young Person)

NSY Form 139 Revised 08/14

Order # ______Approved:



(Sections 98, 104 YCJA)

On ______, 20 ___, in the Youth Justice Court at ______, Nova Scotia, ______of ______

(name of the young person) (address)

was found guilty of the following offence(s):

Case No(s). and Brief Description of Offence(s) Section Date of Offence(s) Place______

On , 20 , the Youth Justice Court at

, Nova Scotia, under:

G Section 42(2)(n), G Section 42(2)(o), G Section 42(2)(q), G Section 42(2)(r),

sentenced the young person to a total sentence of , comprised of a period of

in custody, followed by a period of to be served under □ supervision in the community □ conditional supervision.

On , 20 , G the Attorney General G the Provincial Director gave notice of an application for an order that the young person remain in custody

G for a period of ______,

G for the remainder of the sentence, which the young person was previously ordered to serve on supervision in the community or on conditional supervision.

The Court has considered a report under Section 99(1) prepared at the direction of the Provincial Director.

The Court is satisfied there are reasonable grounds to believe that:

(a)  the young person is likely to commit a serious violent offence before the expiry of the youth sentence the young person is serving; and

(b)  the conditions that would be imposed on the young person if a portion of the youth sentence were served in the community would not be adequate to prevent the commission of the offence.

THE COURT ORDERS THAT the young person remain in custody for a period of

(not to exceed the remainder of the sentence, including supervision time, previously ordered).

DATED at , Nova Scotia, on , 20 .

Judge, Clerk

Distribution: Court

Young Person Parent Prosecutor Defence Counsel

Provincial Director Police