This monthly newsletter provides you with information from the ADASS Informatics Network. ADASS is working with Local Government Association on information & tech in social care.
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In this edition...
1. Annual ADASS Informatics Conference - 24th May 2016 - Presentations Now Available
2. Local Digital Roadmap / Digital Maturity Self-Assessment: Online Webinar for Social Care - Wednesday 8th June2016: 2.00-3.30pm
3. National Information Board & Social Care – Your chance to get involved
4. Citizens Online: Social Care - "Promotion of Online Services" Briefing NowPublished
5. In Other News - Health and Social Care Network
6.National and Regional Events Calendar
1. Annual ADASS Informatics Conference- Update

The Annual ADASS Informatics Conference, supported by the Local Government Associationtook place on Tuesday 24th May 2016 in London. Over 230 delegates attended on the day and the feedback has been extremely positive.
The Minister for Community and Social Care, Rt Hon Alistair Burt MPdelivered the key note for the event and was joined by a range of other speakers from both national and local organisations.
The full set of slides from all speakers can now be found atthis link(foundunder the "Knowledge" tab).
We were also tweeting all day and a selection of tweets put into a storyboard can be found here.
We would like to thank sponsors for the event:

2. Local Digital Roadmap / Digital Maturity Self-Assessment OnlineWebinar for Social Care

79 Local Authorities have nowcompleted and returned the Social Care Digital Maturity Self-Assessment. A summary report is being sent to those Local Authorities who submitted this week.
The self-assessment is intended to support social care input into the Local Digital Roadmaps, being developed by the end of June 2016. NHS England have now formally published the guidance and associated materials which can be found here.
Local Digital Roadmap Webinar - What does it mean for social care?
We will be holding a webinar for Local Authorities entitled 'Local Digital Roadmaps and Digital Maturity Self-Assessment - What does it mean for social care?'
The online live webinar is being held on Wednesday 8th June 2016 from 2.00pm until 3.30pm. It will support Local Authority input into the Local Digital Roadmaps by:
  • Providing an overview of the Local Digital Roadmap activity from a social care perspective;
  • Provide informationfrom the Social Care Digital Maturity Self-Assessment;
  • Provide pointers for Local Authorities in informing development of the roadmaps;
  • Givea perspective froma local area involved in developing the plan with CCGs;
How to join the webinar:
  • You can join the webinar by accessing the meeting link here (please note, we are using the NHS England webinar software);
  • You will also need to dial into the webinar by using the call details as follows: (Phone:+44-800-9171950 / Access Code: 138 604 74)
  • You will also need the meeting number (843 030 232) and meeting password (22320510)

Regional Events - Unpacking the Digital Maturity Self-Assessment
A series of regional events are also being held around the country. The purpose of these is to give you an opportunity, at a regional level to discuss the digital maturity self-assessment and health and care integration areas. These are open to all Local Authorities and are being held as follows:
ADASS IN Region / Date & Location / Contact to Register
London / Tuesday 14th June: location tbc / Tristan Brice ()
South East / Tuesday 23rd June: Slough / Sandie Slater()
North West / Tuesday 28th June: Macclesfield / Valda Williams ()
East Midlands / Wednesday 6th July: Yew Lodge Hotel, Kegworth / Steve Pugh()
North East / Thursday 7th July: Newcastle / Andrew Babicz ()
Yorkshire & Humber / Friday 8th July: York (am) / Neil Bartram ()
South West,West Midlands and
Eastern / To be confirmed. / Please contact Andrew Babicz () for more details or to offer to host.
3. National Information Board & Social Care
Over the last year ADASS and the LGA have been influencing the work of the National Information Board whichis shaping plans for the use of digital and technology in health and care.
The National Information Board has established the framework for a delivery programme for Paperless 2020 based on 10 domains and 33 individual programmes (see Tim Donohoe's slides from the conference for more information). £4.2bn is being allocated over the next few years to thisand a significant number of these programmes will have implications(and potential benefits) for social care.
This includes programmes focused on infrastructure, development of datasets,interoperability, provision of online information, activity to improve directories of services, information sharing / information governance, the development and accreditation of apps and a range of other activity.
As the programmes move towards delivery we have been emphasising the need to engage with social care (including Local Authorities) to ensure that they meet the requirements of the sector, and opportunitiesfor local areas to pilot new ways of working.This may include being part of a project board or linking in with the programme.
We are therefore seeking interest from the sector where you may want to be involved - particularly if the work is based on an interest area or where you might already be undertaking activity locally.
If you are interested in participating please register your interest using this link (please edit the spreadsheet directly - it will update automatically).We will then contact you to discuss next steps.
If you have any queries regarding this please contactCecilSinclair -
4. Citizens Online: Social Care - "Promotion of Online Services" Published

ADASS IN has been working with the Local Government Association and Society of IT Managers (Socitm) to support Local Authorities with the development of online channels for social care.
We know from the Digital Maturity Self-Assessment that 81% of Local Authorities are planning activity on adult social care citizen online self-service solutions in 2016/17.
To support Local Authorities and to share good practice, a series of briefings have been produced.
Wehave just published number 9 ("Promotion of Online Services") which can be accessed here. The following are shortly about to be published:
  • Number 5: Examples of Online Needs Assessments;
  • Number 10: Role of the Third Sector and Care Providers;

5. In Other News
Health and Social Care Network
The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) programme is intended to provide an efficient and flexible way for health and social care organisations to access and exchange electronic information.
The HSCN Programme are about to begin a consultation process on the proposed HSCN Connection Agreement. The Connection Agreement will replace N3’s current IG Statement of Compliance and sets out the IG and security compliance arrangements that customers wishing to connect the HSCN must agree to adhere to.
The HSCN Programmewill shortly be consulting on the Connection Agreement and we will use thisnetwork to give you access and anopportunity to feedback on the agreement.
National Events & Meetings:
- Kings Fund Digital Health and Care Conference - 5-6th July 2016
- #Care Apps Showcase - 8-9th November 2016 - More information next month
- National Children and Adults Services Conference (NCAS) - 2-4th November 2016
Copyright © 2016 ADASS Informatics Network, All rights reserved.
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