Provider Governance Daily News Update

Overview: The Provider Governance Daily News Update is completed on a daily basis and distributed to a limited number of recipients via email.


1.0Go to

1.1Type in the name of the country/company that you would like articles on.

1.2Hit the “News” button.

2.0Review the listing of articles for those that are important.

3.0Review the U.S. Embassy websites for each country we operate within. Search for current travel warnings and warden messages within those countries.

4.0Use the previous day’s news update message as a template and delete the previous day’s articles.

5.0Ensure the banner text of: “Provider Governance News Update is a highlight of news stories related to the countries in which and companies with which Prudential's Life Insurance division outsources. The intent of this distribution is to provide news items in a timely manner and is intended for internal use only.” is included in the note

6.0Go to an article that you would like to include. Copy and paste that article title into the subject line of your News Update lotus note. (This process removes the web format).

7.0Copy and cut the article title from the subject line and paste it into the body of the News Update.

8.0Go to the first line of the article and type in the header: COUNTRY/VENDOR – “Article Title,” Source 00/00/00.

8.1Highlight the article title.

8.2Click on “create, hotspot, link hotspot.” (See illustration 1)

8.3You will receive the HotSpot Resource Link (See illustration 2)

8.4Place your cursor over the URL Address of the article.

8.5Copy and Paste the URL into the Value section (See illustration 3)

9.0 Repeat the above for all articles to include in the News Update.

10.0Enter the subject line of the lotus note: Provider Governance News Update: Month Day

11.0Send out email to the predetermined list of people.

12.0If there is an article that raises a concern, such as those below, ensure that you are escalating to both the appropriate senior leader as well as the Global Security team for review prior to sending to the broader distribution list.

12.1 Regarding the safety of vendor associates or Prudential travelers

12.2Regarding the financial security of a vendor

12.3Geopolitical situation that could impact our business

Note: Provider Governance will partner with Global Security, current travelers and the vendor to discuss issues escalating in the state or country in which the vendor has operations for Prudential.

Illustration 1

Illustration 2

Illustration 3

Illustration 4

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