Prototyping stacked modules for the L1 track trigger
G. Hall ()
A.Ryd ()
This proposal describes a research program with the goalof prototyping and testing a tracker module capable of providing tracktrigger primitives as required for an upgraded CMS tracker in the LHC Phase 2 upgrade.
It is generally agreed that for the SLHC at an instantaneous luminosity of 1035 cm-2s-1, or ten times the design luminosity of the LHC, the current trigger based on muons plus hadronic and electromagnetic calorimetry will need to be enhanced with information from the Tracker [ref]. The total L1 trigger rate, without use of Tracker data, is expected to exceed the nominal limit of 100kHz by a large factor, probably exceeding an order of magnitude.
The challenge is a little different for each type of trigger. For muons the goal is primarily to add tracking information to discriminate between different muon chamber hit combinations which appear to make valid muon trajectories. Using muon data alone at SLHC will include many fakes and thus does not provide a reliable momentum estimate for the L1 trigger. For electrons the challenge is to associate hits in the tracker with calorimeter objects to reject backgrounds from photons. The requirements for taus are not yet so clear but the present jet trigger has a rate far higher than acceptable and improved isolation of hits associated with tau jets appears, from HLT experience, to offer a means to reduce the raw trigger rate. In addition, to the tasks above we would like to be able to provide vertexing capabilities in the L1 trigger.
As the contributions to the trigger rate will come about roughly equally from the central and forward regions of the detector it is required that tracking information should be provided for the full h range from -2.5 to +2.5. One way to accomplish this is with one or more tracking layers at a radius of about 25 to 45 cm with the capabilities of discriminating hits based on the track pT. Two sensors are placed in close radial proximity and share hit data to allow the identification of matching patterns consistent with a high transverse momentum track (where high means only a few GeV/c) but allow to reject low transverse momentum candidates. They are generally referred to as “stacked” modules.
Fig. The principle of the stacked layer to select low or high pT tracks.
A concept for a module that we believe can satisfy these requirements has been discussed in the trigger primitive task force. This proposal outlines steps required to prototype and test such modules.The basic concept for the pT module has been presented in many CMS meetings in the last few years and simulations have demonstrated that the original idea, which was based on extremely small pixels relatively close to the beam, can be extended to larger pixels at a higher radius.
The concept for the modules described in this proposal is based on technologies that are commercially available with which we already have experience. This means that we have a high level of confidence that these modules can be constructed and tested on the timescale outlined in this proposal. We consider this very important as, given the novelty of extracting trigger data from the tracker and the need for on-detector data reduction, it is essential to evaluate real modules under realistic conditions in beam tests as soon as feasible. In addition, alternative designs will be explored to evaluate the benefits from utilizing more advanced commercially available technologies.
2.pT modules
The original stacked layer concept, which was based on extremely small pixels relatively close to the beam, can be extended to larger pixels at a higher radius. This is vital for the tracking system since it is highly undesirable to add significant material at low radii and it will be very challenging to approach the low material budgets already demonstrated in the present pixel system using trigger layers in the inner pixels. Further material reductions are expected in the Phase I pixel upgrade and there are strong reasons to consider it undesirable to worsen this aspect of the future Tracker design.
In this proposal we consider track-trigger modules that we believe can be constructed using technologies in common use today. This is important as it is crucial to be able to demonstrate that these modules work and provide the required functionality in beam tests over the next few years. We will need this information in order to write a tracker (and trigger) TDR. It is also important that we can actually build these modules. In this proposal we will consider two slightly different types of modules. The different types of modules differ in how the interconnects between the two sensor layers are done.
Fig. The top figure shows the pT module seen from above and the lower figure shows the module sideways, indicating the connections required by the two sensor layers.
The first type of module is illustrated in Fig. In this design the hits are read out to the sides of the module where the connections between the two sensors are made. The data are read out from a column of 128 pixels. The pixel size is 100 µm by 2.5 mm and the sensor is expected to be approximately 200 mm or less in thickness. The module is envisaged to be 256 x 32 = 8192 pixels so with an approximate active sensor size of 26 mm x 80 mm.
2.1Simulation results
Simulations of the performance of such layers have been carried out from which it seems very feasible to achieve data reduction factors of 10-20 with a pT threshold of a fewGeV/c and quite simple algorithms (fig). This is adequate to allow data to be removed from the Tracker for the trigger processing with a acceptable power and number of high speed data links, which should allow a tolerable material budget.
Fig . Typical results from simulation studies of M. Pesaresi showing selection efficiency vspT for single muonsin high pileup conditions (~400 events/bx) for various sensor separations. The cuts on pixel row and column selection windows are optimised for high efficiency.
Separation [mm] / Max Efficiency [%] / Fake [%](or average number/event) / Reduction Factor
0.5 / 99.05 / 0.73 (12.22) / 8.0
1.0 / 99.35 / 4.14 (25.58) / 22.3
2.0 / 97.745 / 17.83 (18.74) / 96.0
3.0 / 96.00 / 39.08 (23.76) / 210.3
4.0 / 92.95 / 47.27 (32.39) / 254.4
Table . Performance vs sensor separation under the conditions of Fig. *
With a separation of about 1-2 mm between the two sensor layers and pixel 2.5 mm long a hit in the inner of the two sensors is compared to the hits in three columns on the outer sensor. For modules in the forward region, the two sensors will be offset to maximize the active area. Algorithms for matching hits in to correspond to a given pT threshold will be studied using simulations. The algorithms implemented will need some level of configurability to optimize the performance of the module.
2.2Power estimates
Estimates of the power requirements have been made which suggest that, using 130nm CMOS, a total consumption of 150-250µW per channel might be achievable, with 70-90µW per channel consumed on the module (Table *). The readout ASIC (ROC) for each column is assumed to be a 128 channel front-end element, with amplifier and other circuits in each pixel, plus an "assembler" at the periphery where the trigger data are temporarily stored and the comparisons of patterns between the two layers are made. Probably several columns will be amalgamated into a single chip, perhaps with up to 8 adjacent channels (20mm wide). At the edge of the module there is another ASIC, referred to as a "concentrator" which would be the interface to the GBT in both input (clock, trigger, control data) and output (data for the track-trigger) directions.
Fig. (left) Schematic of possible layout of ROC chip to read out 128 pixel columns, in this case grouped in units of 4 ROCs per chip. (right) Schematic of the data flow to allow comparison logic to be placed in the assembler area of the ROC, at the periphery of the sensor.
Table *. Estimation of contributions to power consumption on a pT module in µW/pixelItem / Power
[µW] / Functions / Source of estimate
Front end / 25 / amplifier, discriminator and local logic / estimates made for ATLAS pixel cell in 130nm CMOS [ref].
Control, PLL / 10 / Incorporated in ROC / Few PLLs/module requiring few mW
Digital logic / 2 / comparison logic and transfer to assembler: 250µW/ROC column / eg [ref to W Erdmann's talk]
Data transfer / 2.5 / across module to concentrator
Data transfer / 10 / transmission to remote GBT
2 hits per module/bx
24 bits for time and address information = 80mW per module / PSI low power twisted pair developments B. Meier [TWEPP2008] which demonstrated less than 10pJ/bit for distances of about 2m at 160Mbps.
Concentrator / 5 / Buffer data to and from GBT / 2 ASICs @ 20mW each
Sub-total / 55
Total with DC-DC conversion / 69 / 80% efficiency assumed
Full readout / ~20 / Full readout of stored data following L1 trigger / Comparison with pixel cell, extrapolated to 130nm CMOS
Total / ~90
A significant further contribution to the total power required for pT layers comes from the GBT links, which are assumed to require 2W/channel for3.2Gbps data rate (excluding error correction bits). These estimates lead to a requirement for 1000 GBT links to read out a layer of about 40M pixels at radius of 25cm, assuming a data reduction factor of 20 and an occupancy of 0.5% and 24 bits transmitted for each selected pixel. However, these figures also assume 100% use of the GBT bandwidth which is not very likely. A more realistic figure might be 50\% use of the GBT, so doubling the link power requirement to 6kW for the layer. The GBT transceivers should be located outside the sensitive Tracker volume, probably in the region presently occupied by the TEC bulkhead. They will present difficult challenges to cool such a large number of transmitters and for component density.
The total power consumption for stacked layers with these pixel dimensions can be estimated [GH last talk] to be about 9kW for 40M pixels at 25 cm radius, and 17kW for 75M pixels at 35 cm radius. The total number of links required is 2900 and 5600 for the two cases; this does not allow for full readout of the layers, only track-trigger data. These layers will therefore represent the major contribution to power consumption of a likely layout of a new Tracker and great care will be needed not to allow either power, material or numbers of links to increase significantly if the tracking performance is to be maintained.
On-detector logic
The ROC logic should reject large clusters which could not be consistent with a high pT track. For the pixel dimensions considered, the occupancy is estimated, by simulations and extrapolations of values at 1034 cm-2s-1 to be less than 0.5% at 1035 cm-2s-1. This is sufficiently low that most columns will be empty and one hit per column is the most likely case. Double hits in a column will occur but are most likely to be from charge sharing between pixels. A method which would allow to read out small numbers of hits in each 40MHz clock cycle has been proposed [GH] so that the comparison logic can be placed at the periphery of the module. If this scheme proves not to be sufficiently robust at the maximum occupancy, alternatives will be studied, such as transferring data to the periphery at 80MHz.
This logic and module design allows the material to be minimized underneath the active region of the sensor, which has obvious advantages. As the module design progresses it will be possible to evaluate more rigorously the total material and attempt to optimise it. At present, this concept also seems to be the most economical way of accessing the data by avoiding transferring data at high speed between pixels in the two layers of the stack.
However, since the logical design is at a very early stage and this is a new area, it is important to understand well the trade-offs in decision logic by comparing with alternative concepts. It is also possible that module assembly issues will prove to be important in manufacturing pT modules on a large scale. Therefore a second type of module design will also be developed (fig from Sandro) in which data will be transferred through an intermediate substrate from one pixel layer to another. It seems that this may be achieved using advanced assembly methods which are already in widespread use in industry and this is being explored with potential vendors.
Module assembly
Fig * shows how such a module might be assembled using coarse pitch bump bonding to connect sensor to ROCs and place the module on a low frame so the module can be assembled with minimum material in the active region.
Fig. Schematic of a possible assembly sequence
Alternative concepts
The second type of module is illustrated in Fig. These modules are vertically integrated, but make use of fairly standard technologies, such as wirebonding and bumpbonding.
Fig. (left) Schematic of a module, assembled from 18 ROCs bonded to a sensor.
Fig. Section through module showing two different possible assembly techniques
Need to expand more on this - Sandro.
comment on technologies and technology developments needed for this proposal - Sandro, Geoff, and others
Status of simulation studies
These ideas build on a significant simulation effort over the last few years which have developed the tools needed to model and study stacked layers and have produced results, presented already in many CMS meetings, which demonstrate the feasibility of the module layouts which are proposed.
The main results which have been produced, and presented in many CMS and other meetings, include demonstration that pixellated few mm x 100 µm detectors at intermediate radius, with stack spacing in the few mm range, can effectively reject low transverse momentum tracks and achieve a high efficiency above threshold, estimates of occupancies in such layers, including from jets.
Studies of the algorithms which are required to select the higher pT tracks, estimates of the occupancy and studies to validate results from the fast simulations variation of occupancy with sensor thickness studies of the impact of orienting the sensors to take advantage of the Lorentz drift occupancy estimates in jets, and the demonstration that they do not produce significantly higher densities of hits in such pixellated layers
Participating Institutions
NB the contributions are still very provisional so we expect to add to and correct this information
Imperial College will contribute to the tasks of performing simulation studies, developing the readout chip and detector evaluations.
Other UK groups (tbc) are interested in simulations and aspects of module design as well as contributing to the logic and readout development.
Cornell will contribute to simulation studies and 'off module' electronics for a module evaluation and participation in test beams and data analysis.
At CERN many aspects of the module design, including cooling and assembly, are of interest. The CERN MIC group will contribute to several aspects of the readout and other ASIC developments and packaging.
The Perugia group would contribute to sensor and module development, including evaluation studies. Other
Italian groups that could contribute to the electronics and module development include Padova and Torino.
Topics and goals of the R&D proposal
Below is a description of the R&D activities that are proposed within this proposal. The goal of the proposal is to demonstrate a module that will satisfy the requirements for providing track trigger primitives for the SLHC phase II upgrade by 2012.
Simulation - design studies
Contributions to this section from CU + IC
The ROC and the associated logic for forming the track stubs should be simulated in detail to understand the performance of the algorithms implemented. This work will build on the studies done within the track trigger primitive simulation group.
Some of the goals for these studies involve:
Each pixel will have an adjustable threshold. For pixels having a charge deposit above this threshold a clustering algorithm will be applied. This clustering algorithm could be implemented as a pattern that requires 2(3) or less pixels in a column. It can also be investigated to perform a two dimensional clustering where correlations are made across columns.
A column consists of 128 pixels in the strawman layout. One concept is that we would accept at most one cluster per column. The impact on the efficiency from only accepting on cluster per column has to be studied. It has to be justified that this approach will work in dense tracking environments such as jets without any significant loss of efficiency. Results to date are encouraging.
The algorithm for comparing the found clusters in the two different stack members will need to be simulated to explore the efficiency for finding the track segments.
We will take the patterns of hits from the detector simulation and use as input to the electronic simulation to predict the digital power associated with the logic.
We will simulate the data volume produced by the proposed algorithms and the performance of the data concentrator chip.
The tools for doing these simulations are now (mostly) in place. We have the fast and full simulation working for different stacked detector geometries. We need to produce code that emulates the proposed hardware implementations at the 'bit level'.
The results from these studies will guide the development of the readout chip.
ROC design and digital logic
Contributions to this section from IC+CERN
This is the design of the analog readout chip done in 130 nm technology.
Data concentrator and control
Contributions to this section from CERN
The 'data concentrator' chip as indicated in Fig. XXX has multiple purposes. (Similar in some sense to the pixel TBM chip.) It will provide the interfacefor distribution of clocks, triggers, and other programming of the ROC, and itwill also coordinate the readout of many ROCsand concentration of the data to better utilize the bandwidth of the links.