September 17-21, 2017 St. Louis, MO.

IMPORTANT deadline & details

Proposals are due Monday,March 20, 2017 - 11:59 p.m. ET:

  • Individual, panel and group proposals from education institution colleagues are welcome!
  • The front end of this application is to be completed by the Primary Presenter (by this, we mean the person responsible for core content).
  • If your proposal involves two or more presenters, you will have the chance to tell us about the others later. (see “co-presenter/panel/group information” near the end)
  • Are you a Business Partner? Welcome to the 2017 Education Session proposalprocess!
  • 2017 guidelines encourage Business Partners presentations from individuals as well as those with co-presenter(s) from higher education. In every case, “no sales pitch” – since the purpose & focus of conference sessionsis education for the CAPPA/MAPPA membership.

After carefully reviewing each section of the application, please complete all requested information and follow instructions at the end to submit. Final selection outcomeswill be e-mailed by April 30, 2017.

UrgentProposal questions may be directedthrough a call to MAPPA’s Professional Development Chair, Sarah Ely, University of Michigan (734) 647-2043. All other questions (unrelated to this proposal) should be directed to the appropriate chairperson listed on the CAPPA or MAPPA websites.

Presenter Name If group or panel, list the PRIMARY presenter/organizer
Email Address
Best daytime telephone number
Title of Presentation
Presenters must provide their own laptop. A projector & screen will be provided.If you will need sound or web access to enhance your presentation, use this section to describe your need. Otherwise, leave this section blank (no sound or web needed).
Presentation Experience
In this section, tell us a bit about your past experience with the development & delivery of time-limited presentations to groups. If this is your first public presentation, tell us about your interest, your content expertise & how you plan to prepare for success.

ABSTRACT (150 word max)

Provide an overview of your presentation. Your abstract will be used in printed program materials.


Who is the ideal audience for this presentation? How does your topic expand, improve, innovate the knowledge and understanding of CAPPA/MAPPA participants?Please note is activities, case studies, simulations or other experiential techniques will be used in this session. Details are encouraged.

Biography(100 words or less about the Primary Presenter) Co-presenter/group members discussed next.

The biography you write may be includedin theprogram guide andon conference information websites.

Be sure to sign the application and submit according to instructions below. First, please see if either box below applies & needs completing:

(1) For Group and Panel Presentations Only: Use this space to LIST THE NAME(s) OF CO-PRESENTER(s) or Panel Members. After each name, please write a brief description of their background and the perspective they bringto your proposed session.

(2) Business Partners Only: Please initial here ____ that your proposed content for 2017 is for the purpose of education & will be free of marketing, if selected. Thank you.

I agree to the responsibilities & guidelines addressed in this application.______

Your Signature.

Submit by email to

Thank you.