Prototype Clinic – Type A – Specifications / 4


Gauteng Department of Infrastructure Development

Prototype Clinic – Type A - Design

General Fire specifications

Fire Hydrant

Internal fire hydrants shall be provided in any building exceeding 12 meter in height. Fire hydrants will be provided at a rate of 1 fire hydrant for every 90 meter radius in the building (Rational fire design).

The norm is usually to provide 1 fire hydrant per 1000m² or part of total floor area and not less than one per storey of such building or occupancy.

Any fire hydrant required shall comply with the requirements contained in SANS 1128 Part 1.

The minimum diameter of the supply pipe to any fire hydrant not to be less than 65mm internal diameter, and should this supply pipe to the hydrant be further than 50 meters this supply pipe should be increased to at least 100mm internal diameter.

Fire Hose Reel

Fire hose reels for the purpose of fire fighting shall be installed in any building of two or more storeys in height or in any single storey building of more than 250m² in floor area at a rate of one (1) hose reel for every 500m² or part thereof of the floor area of any storey.

Any fire hose reel installed in any building shall comply with the requirements contained in SANS543.

The minimum diameter of any pipe providing water to the fire hose reel will not be less than 25mm in diameter.

The fire hose reel will be robustly constructed and with brackets that will fix the hose reel against a wall.

This hose reel rotates on a centre pin that allows the user to unwind the fire hose reel unobstructed in case of a fire.

The standard dimensions and characteristics of a fire hose reel are as follows:

Ø  The fire hose reel drum is 850mm in diameter

Ø  A guide will prevent the fire hose reel from jamming

Ø  The maximum length of a fire hose reel is 30m

Ø  The diameter is 20mm

Fire Extinguishers

Portable fire extinguishers for the purpose of fire fighting shall be installed in the building at a rate of 1 fire extinguisher for every 200m² in floor area.

It is a standard practice to provide 2 x 4.5kg Dry Chemical Powder fire extinguishers with every 30m fire hose reel location and for storage areas the size will be increased to 9kg. Dry Chemical Powder is a highly versatile Class ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ fire fighting medium for dealing with electrical hazard, flammable liquids and gas fires.


Ø  Multipurpose extinguisher

Ø  Simple method of operation

Ø  Unique tamper – evident safety pin

Ø  Corrosion – resistant high quality durable finish

Ø  Rapid flame knock-down is achieved

Ø  Controlled discharge ensures fire fighting efficiency

Any approved portable fire fighting extinguisher shall comply with the requirements contained in SABS 890, 889 or SABS 1151 and shall be installed, maintained and serviced in accordance with SANS 0105.

Fire Doors

Where ever fire doors are indicated or suggested in any fire barrier wall, will have to be an approved door with an appropriate rating.

Standard fire doors can be supplied as either a single fire door or a double fire door.

Single doors:

The standard sizes of these doors are as follows:


Ø  813mm in width

Ø  900mm in width

Ø  1000mm in width


Ø  2032mm high

Ø  2400mm high

These doors can be obtained with a tested 100x300mm clear double glazed viewing panel with a stainless steel beading surround.

Double doors:

The double fire doors can be obtained in the following sizes:


Ø  1511mm in width

Ø  1600mm in width

Ø  1800mm in width


Ø  2032mm in height

Ø  2400mm in height

These doors can also be obtained with a tested 100x300mm clear double glazed viewing panel with a stainless steel beading surround.

A fire door must be labeled with all required information indicating:

Ø  Manufacturers name

Ø  Fire rating

Ø  Reference number

Ø  Year of manufacture

Single or double doors with a viewing panel are to have a test report available on request.

Fire doors can be obtained in various finishes such as Masonite, Sapele, Red Oak, Veneered, Plywood, clad both sides, clad on one side with galvanized sheeting hung to companion 1.6mm mild steel, pre-galvanized mild steel or hot dipped galvanized frames with heavy duty brass hinges.

All fire doors shall be provided with automatic door closing devices.

Sliding fire doors:

Bitcon Industries Class ‘B’ sliding fire resistant doors finished in mild steel primed red oxide complete with track, brackets, guides, stops and fusible links or operated automatic closing arrangement.

Sliding fire doors can be supplied and installed to suit the required opening.

A sliding fire door must be labeled with all required information indicating:

Ø  Manufacturers name

Ø  Fire rating

Ø  Reference number

Ø  Year of manufacture

Sliding fire doors are to have a test report available on request.

Fire Signs

Any building that has emergency routes shall be clearly marked and signposted to indicate the direction of travel in the case of an emergency.

All exits will be marked by an approved sign readily visible from any direction of exit access.

Sign placement will be such that that no point in the exit access is more than 30 meters from the nearest visible sign.

Such signs are to be minimum size of 190 x 190mm and are to be SABS approved photo luminescent signs.

Every sign will be located and of such size, distinctive colour and design as to be readily visible. All signage must stand out from the surroundings and be visible.

Externally and internally illuminated signs will be visible in both the normal and emergency lighting mode.

Every sign required will provide evenly illuminated letters having a minimum luminance of 0.21cd/m².

Exit signs will be illuminated by the emergency lighting facilities

Smoke Baffles

Where roof space is formed between any ceiling and any roof covering such space shall be divided by means of non-combustible fire stops into areas of not more than 500m². The following materials can be installed to create these smoke baffles:

Ø  Rock wool

Ø  6.4mm dry wall board fixed on either sides of the wood trusses

Smoke Detection – L1 System

The smoke detection system will comply with SABS 0139.

This system will be fully addressable and will include break glass units.

The main smoke alarm panel will be located in a secure area and will be monitored 24/7.

The proposed method of operation for the fire protection / detection within the entire complex is based on a double knock system comprising of smoke detection / pressure switch / flow switch.

Each department will be provided with intelligent mimic panels, sirens and manual call points.

The number and positioning will be in accordance with SANS 0139 and the prescriptions of public works.

The fire detection installation shall be linked via the building management system to other services such as the air conditioning.

General specifications of smoke detection systems

Control and indicating equipment

The Control Panel shall be of the Analogue Addressable type with built in power supply and complying with EN 54 part 2 and 4. The control and indicating equipment must have local support.


A printer shall be supplied with the control panel so that a permanent record of all events can be kept. The printer must be supplied by the manufacturer of the control and indicating equipment and be mounted in the control panel.


The batteries that are supplied must be National Panasonic, Yuasa or Sonnenchein and be of the sealed lead acid type. Battery calculation sheets shall be complemented and submitted to the engineer for approval prior to the commencement of the installation.

Loop wiring

All loops shall be Class “A” loops.

Bridging of a loop in the Control Panel is forbidden as is running a spur from a loop. A spur is only allowed where detailed on the drawings.

Loop isolators

A loop isolator shall be located at the beginning and end of every zone in order to minimize disruption of the loop in the event of a cable fault.

Manuel call points

All call points shall be surface mounted and where located outside a building shall be of the weatherproof type. All call points shall be of the addressable type and be red in colour.


All detectors shall be of the addressable type and located a distance of 9m apart. Detectors of the I.S. type shall be conventional. The ZENER BARRIER shall be suitable and installed as per the detector manufacturer’s specifications. The client will provide a suitable high integrity earth. Alternatively a GALVANIC ISOLATOR may be used if recommended by the I.S. detector manufacturer. The zener barrier or galvanic isolator must be located in a safe area and be housed in a suitable polycarbonate box. The zener barrier must be mounted on din rail. The cabling to this unit must not be located on the same side of the housing.


No zone shall exceed more than 2000m². Should there be any confusion, the engineer is to be consulted before work commences.

Remote power supplies

All remote power supplies shall be monitored for “mains fail” and “battery fail”, by means of a contact monitoring device located on the loop. The circuit between the device and the contact in the power supply shall be a monitored circuit. Battery calculations sheets must be completed by a successful installer and submitted to ensure the correct size batteries are installed. The remote power supplies are there to provide power to operate sounder/strobes.

Sounder modules

These modules are an addressable device which shall be located adjacent to the remote power supplies. They shall have a 24vdc supply connected to them and provide power to a monitored sounder/strobe circuit in the event of an alarm.

Audible alarms

The type of audible alarm shall be the electronic sounder, and electronic sounder strobe type when used in noisy areas. The audible alarms shall be red in colour and be manufactured from “Bayblend” fire retardant plastic. The sound shall be distinguishable from any other sound.

Sounders located outside of a building shall be of the weatherproof type. As part the handover sound pressure testing will be carried out. The contractor must prove that a minimum of 65db or 5db above the ambient noise level exists. The contractor shall provide a db meter for the testing. Test dates to be coordinated with the client.

Visual alarms

The frequency setting shall be from 500 to 1000Hz. The flash rate shall be from 30 to 130 flashes per minute.

The flash rate shall be distinguishable from any other visual device. The visual alarms must be located so as to provide maximum visibility when operated. If there is any confusion the engineer must be contacted. The engineer’s decision will be final.

They shall be red in colour. Should the contractor be using a sounder/strobe other than the AST model, the contractor shall be responsible for the correct sizing of the cable.


All cabling shall be installed in accordance with SANS 1042. Where cabling is to be installed underground, armoured cabling is to be installed. Should a loop go underground a 4core cable is not to be used.

It must consist of 2 armoured cables each containing 2 cores. The size of a cable core must be a minimum of 1.5m².

Cable segregation must be observed, care must be taken not to locate fire detection cabling next to high voltage cables.

A site inspection is compulsory in order to determine cable lengths. . Test dates to be coordinated with the client.

It is compulsory for the contractor to confirm with the equipment manufacturer that the cable specified is suitable for the loop lengths and number of devices involved. Fire resistant cabling shall be used.FR 20 is unacceptable. All cabling is to be inside steel conduits.

Due to the differing loop lengths offered by different suppliers it may be necessary to supply two addressable panels which can communicate with each other.

Cable of 2cl.0mm may be used where it can be shown not to exceed its specification.

All cable inside buildings must be housed in conduit to provide a neat appearance.

The installation

The installation shall be installed, tested and commissioned in accordance with SANS 10139. The installing technician will sign off his portion of the work.

Upon completion of the contract the installing company undertakes to service the system for 3 quarterly services and 1 complete service.

Fire Gas suppression system

In addition to the fire detection system being installed in the complex, a gas fire suppression system will be installed in the following areas:

Archive room: 120 kg NAF S 125 Suppression Gas and wall mounted cylinders complete.

Strong room: 95 kg NAF S 125 Suppression Gas and wall mounted cylinders complete.

NAF S 125 Suppression Gas is a low pressure, non toxic, non corrosive and environment friendly gas.

The installation of the Gas Fire Suppression system will be done by a certified company with an excellent track record.