MAM1010: Marketing and Management1Basic Competencies Rubric

Name: ______Date:______

Assessed by:Peer Self 


Master/Expert / Proficient / Acceptable / Limited
Fundamental Skills
  • uses appropriate vocabulary
  • speaks clearly and with confidence
  • displays body language and facial expressions that show interest and are appropriate and respectful
/ I always communicate in a positive, effective manner, and my body language shows interest and enthusiasm. / I often use appropriate vocabulary and usually speak clearly and confidently. My body language and facial expressions generally show interest and enthusiasm. / I sometimes use appropriate vocabulary and speak clearly and confidently. My body language and facial expressions are neutral. / I seldom use appropriate vocabulary, and I may mumble words or may not be clearly understood. My body language and facial expressions show a lack of interest and enthusiasm.
Information Management
  • information is organized
  • appropriate system of electronic file organization is in place
/ I always save information in the appropriate place, and I can find files quickly and easily. / I usually save information in the appropriate place, and I can retrieve files in a timely manner. / I sometimes save information in the appropriate place, butoccasionallyI have trouble retrieving files. / I have no system of electronic file organization in place.
Number Use
  • applies correct format for numbers in document production (e.g., currency, date)
/ I always use numbers in appropriate ways to display information correctly and in a pleasing manner. / I usually use numbers in appropriate ways to display information correctly and in a pleasing manner. / I sometimes use numbers in appropriate ways to display information correctly and in a pleasing manner. / I seldom use numbers to display information properly.
Thinking and
Problem Solving
  • shows initiative when finding resources and answers
/ I always find a number of ways to solve a problem on my own initiative. / I frequently seek out other ways to solve a problem and rarely need support or guidance. / I usually seek out other ways to solve a problem, but occasionally I need support or guidance. / I rarely seek out other ways to solve a problem, and I frequently need support and guidance.
Personal Management Skills
Positive Attitudes and Behaviours
  • responsibility
  • continuous learning (openness to learning new things in new ways)
  • adaptability and flexibility to issues that arise
  • consistent and continuous safe workhabits
/ I always demonstrate personal management skills and am eager to learn. / I frequently demonstrate personal management skills. / I usually demonstrate personal management skills. / I rarely demonstrate personal management skills.
Teamwork Skills
Work with Others
  • works well with others
  • is a team player
/ I always demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and I often take initiative in a group setting that exceeds required skills. / I frequently demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and I rarely need support or guidance in teamwork activities. / I usually demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and occasionallyI need support or guidance. / I rarely demonstrate effective teamwork skills and frequently need support and guidance. I often want to work independently.
Group Participation
  • participates fully in projects and tasks
/ I always participate in required projects and tasks, and I complete all assignments and projects. / I frequently participate in required projects and tasks, and I complete most assignments and projects. / I usually participate in required projects and tasks, and I complete some assignments and projects. / I rarely participate in required projects and tasks, and I complete few assignments and projects.
Comments and Reflections
What am I doing well?
What needs improving?

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