Protocol for Cleaning Breeding Stock Trailers – Johnson’s Transport
PROTECTIVE CLOTHING MUST BE AVAILABLE AND WORN – Wet suit, coveralls, boots, dust masks for rough cleaning, chemical resistant goggles and gloves, kneepads, bump hats, earplugs, NOISH approved acid type respirator.
- All trailers must be cleaned within 48 hours of their return. Cleaning steps must include the following:
- Rough clean trailer by removing all bedding from trailer using one of the following methods:
- Brooms and shovels.
- Vacuuming process
- High-volume water wash
- Remove all side panels, portable gates, ramp panels and decking. Pull out the unloading ramp. Panel storage boxes should be opened and cleaned even when side panels are not being used. They are located underneath the trailer on double-decks, and on the nose of the trailer on triple decks (pot).
- Thoroughly rinse the inside of the trailer starting with the top deck and working your way down.
- Using a high pressure sprayer:
- Starting on the top deck thoroughly wash each deck using hot water only.
- After washing each deck with high pressure sprayer, start back on the top deck. Apply soap/detergent to all areas of the deck. Use a final rinse of water only. Repeat steps on each deck of trailer.
- Wash the outside of the trailer and the inside of the panel box using the same steps – high pressure wash; apply soap/detergent, then final rinse with water only.
- Wash all side panels, portable gates, ramps and decking. Apply soap/detergent and follow up with water only.
- Apply citric acid/brightener when biofilm is visable. Acid/brightener must be applied prior to the soap/detergent cycle using a low pressure sprayer and correct dilution. Wait 20 minutes after application for the acid to work properly.
- Put trailer back together installing decking, gates, side panels, etc. Extra gates must be secured to eliminate wear and tear while in transit.
- Thoroughly inspect trailer for cleanliness. Pay close attention to pull out ramps, gates and sides of trailer. All areas must be clean and free of any manure, dirt, bedding and debris.
- Disinfect entire trailer inside and out using an approved disinfectant at the recommended dilution according to label instructions from the following list. Disinfecting of the trailer must occur only after the floor in the wash bay has been rinsed down or after the trailer has been moved to the drying bay:
Synergizeor similar product
After trailer has been disinfected, allow drying.
- Overnight in heated bay
- Forced dried for 4 hours using an dry system
- There must be no pooling of water visible after the drying is complete.
- Trailers must be completely dry before any loading of animals can occur. During periods of cold weather conditions and/or time constraints, trailers must be mechanically dried using leaf blowers or a dryer system to help eliminate pooled water.
- No further entry into the trailer will be allowed without clean boots and clean coveralls.
- No trailer can leave the cleaning location without being inspected and recorded on the “Inspection Checklist for Breeding Stock Loads”. Periodically, unannounced inspection audits will occur by a certified veterinarian.
- Trailers not used after 48 hours of their wash must be re-inspected prior to the load to ensure that birds or rodents have not contaminated the trailer. A second wash and disinfection may be required.
- In addition to the above requirements, non-company owned trailers must have a 48 hour downtime after cleaning, and then be re-inspected prior to the load.
Inspection Checklist
Drivers will carry a copy of the completed Inspection Checklist pertaining to their load in the power unit. In some instances, a customer or Outsource Multiplier may ask the driver of his activities prior to hauling the breeding stock load or ask to see this form. The driver will share this information with the customer or Outsource Multiplier.
01 Sept. 2011
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