Ecology Webquest project


Speculation is that someday, maybe soon, we need to find a way to live on another planet. In order to sustain life on another planet, scientists need to successfully create an enclosed biosphere that can be set up on the distant planet. There are many concerns of those involved in this massive project, one of which includes what life will be like in the biosphere. Unfortunately, the biosphere is large enough to accommodate only one biome. Your mission is to research a biome and report back to the scientists involved why the biome you researched would be the best choice for the biosphere.


The head scientist of the Planetary Biosphere Development Program has selected you to research an earth biome and present your findings. Your task is to inform the PBDP of the different aspects of your biome and how they affect each other and what benefits they could bring the biosphere. You will work to create a persuasive brochure of your biome. Your goal is to convince the PBDP to select your biome to be established in their planetary biosphere. The Biome you choose may be one of the following: Tropical Rain forest, Tropical Savanna, Prairie, Desert, DeciduousForest, Coniferous forest, Taiga, Tundra


These are suggested websites. You may also use other sites.


  1. Characteristics
  2. Locations of this biome in the world
  3. Levels of Organization - Example of one organism for each tropic level
  4. Abiotic Factors
  5. Climate, Rainfall, Avg. Temperatures during the year, Major Landforms
  6. Nutrient Cycles (2 specific steps in each)
  7. Nitrogen Cycle
  8. Carbon Cycle
  9. Water Cycle
  10. Phosphorus cycle
  11. Why are these cycles important?
  12. Are there any limited nutrients in this biome? Will we need to add any extra nutrients?
  13. Biotic Factors
  14. Plant Types
  1. Major groups of plants
  2. Majors characteristics of plants in this biome
  3. Adaptations of these plants to the biome
  4. 4 Specific Examples of plants
  5. Animal Types
  6. Major groups of animals
  7. Major Characteristics of the animals in this biome
  8. Adaptations of these animals to this biome
  9. 4 Specific examples of animals
  1. Animal Interactions
  2. Producers- 2 examples
  3. Consumers - 2 examples
  4. Symbiosis

- parasitism, mutualism, commensalism

  1. Predator-prey Interactions

- food chain example

- food web example (4 connections)

- energy flow through the biome

  1. Limiting Factors
  2. Population growth - Density dependent and independent factors. 1 example of each
  3. Impacts of humans – choose at least 3 environmental issues and explain how you will reduce their impact on this new biome.

B. Images

  1. Images and drawings to support the content

C. Reasons

  1. Top three reasons that make this the best Biome for the new planet.

D. Sources

  1. Websites etc that you used for your project are included.