Protocol and Diplomacy International –

Protocol Officers Association

Seventh Annual Educational Conference

Kansas City, Missouri

August 20-24, 2008

InterContinental Kansas City at the Plaza

401 Ward Parkway

Kansas City, Missouri64112


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dress Code:Business Casual

9:30 amConference Committee Meeting

Location:Pavilion One

12:30 pmPDI-POA Board Meeting

Location:Pavilion One

4:00 - 6:00 pmConference Registration

Location:Pavilion Pre-Function Area

5:30 pmFirst Time Conference Attendee Orientation

Special Guest: Ms. Ann Beard, Founder, PDI-POA

Location:Pavilion One

6:00 – 8:00 pmWelcome Jazz Reception and Silent Auction

Location:Rooftop Bar

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dress Code:Business

7:3o – 8:15 amConference Registration

Location:Ballroom Pre-Function Area

8:00 amContinental Breakfast

Location:Ballroom Pre-Function Area

All conference sessions take place in Salon 3 unless otherwise noted.

8:30 amOpening Remarks

Mr. Chris Young, President, PDI-POA

Official Welcome

The Honorable Mark Funkhouser, Mayor of Kansas City

9:00 amPDI-POA: The Way Ahead

Hear directly from and ask questions of the PDI’s executive team about the new and exciting things planned for the organization!

9:45 amCommittee Sign-up and Break

10:00 am“Planning for Peace: The Annapolis Conference and Beyond”

Ms. April Guice, Senior Protocol Officer (Ceremonials), United States Department of State

Using the historic November 2007 Annapolis Conference as a case study, Ms. Guice presents on the elements of organizing official protocol events.

11:00 am“On My Grandfather’s Knee: Presidential Protocol and Diplomacy”

Ms. Mary Eisenhower, President and Chief Executive Officer, People to People International

12:00 pm Networking Box Lunch

Take advantage of this opportunity to meet and to converse with your colleagues from across the globe and from various sectors. Seating is open.

Location:Salon 2

1:00 pmDepart for the Truman Library

All conference attendees will depart together via motor coaches. The buses will depart from the hotel’s motor lobby.

2:00 pmVisit to the Truman Library and the WhiteHouseDecisionCenter

5:00 pmReception hosted by the City of Kansas City

5:45 pmDepart the Library en route to the hotel

6:15 pmArrive at the InterContinental hotel

Dinner and evening plans on your own

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dress Code:Business

8:00 amContinental Breakfast

Location:Ballroom Pre-function Area

8:30 am“The Military Diplomat”

Ms. Kathleen Ryan, CGMP, Protocol Consultant and former Chief of Protocol, U.S. Air Force

9:30 am“Citizen Diplomacy”

Ms. Cari Guittard, Executive Director, Business for Diplomatic Action

10:30 amBreak

10:45 amHonor & Respect: A Guide to the Protocol of Names, Titles,andForms of Address

Mr. Robert Hickey, Author

12:00 pmLuncheon

“Protocol...with Outreach Transformational Diplomacy”

Keynote Address

Ambassador Nancy Brinker, Chief of Protocol of the United States

Location:Salon 2

2:00 pm“Building Cultural Competency: Hosting Muslims in the United States”

Ms. Luby Ismail, Founder and President, Connecting Cultures, Inc.

3:15 pmBreak

3:30 pm“Protocol on the Fly: A New Perspective on the 1984 Olympic Games”

Ginger Barnard, Deputy Chief of Protocol, Los AngelesCounty (retired)

Dinner and evening plans on your own

Special opportunity provided by the NelsonAtkinsMuseum – enjoy an exclusive guided tour of the museum from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Following the tour, a section of the RozzelleCourtRestaurant will be reserved for us. You are responsible for the costs of your drinks and/or meal. The museum is a short walk from the InterContinental or, alternatively, taxis are available. Please sign up at the registration table.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dress Code:Business Casual

8:00 amHot Buffet Breakfast

Location:Salon 2

8:45 am“AProtocol Perspective on the Apostolic Journey of His

HolinessPope Benedict XVI to the United States of America”

Ms. Tanya T. Turner, Office of the Chief of Protocol and Lead Planner for His Holiness’ Visit, U.S. State Department

9:30 am“From Protocol Intern to the World Trade Organization: Creating Your Own Path in Protocol”

Ms. Elizabeth Branson, International Trade Specialist, U.S. Department of Commerce

10:15 amBreak

10:30 am“Protocol and Diplomacy - Shaping Global Business and Diplomatic Relations”

Mr. Chris Young, Chief of Protocol of the State of Georgia

11:30 amIntroduction of the 2009 ConferenceHostCity

Washington, DC

The MadisonHotel

August 5-8, 2009

Ms. Kathleen Ryan, 2009 DC Conference Chairman

11:45 amClosing Comments, Presentations, and Adjournment

12:30-4:00 pmPDI-POA Board Meeting

Location:Pavilion 1