COURSE EXPECTATIONS: Geography Mr. Andrew Waple

  1. Required materials must be brought to class each day:

Textbook, notebook, pen, pencil, school-issued agenda

  1. Classroom Policies and Procedures:
  2. Students are expected to respect each other and the teacher.
  3. Student problems must be handled before school.
  4. Students entering class after the bell are required to have a pass from the Dean of Students. A detention will be issued for each tardy over two.
  5. Per school policy, cell phones, food, and beverages are prohibited in the classroom; a detention will be issued and items confiscated for violations.
  6. Students caught cheating (using another’s work, supplying work to another, plagiarizing, etc.) will receive a failing grade on the assignment, quiz, or test. The school’s academic dishonesty process will be followed.
  7. ALL WORK is to be done individually, unless you are notified separately by the teacher. This counts as academic dishonesty and will be marked as a zero.
  8. Backpacks/bags/purses are not allowed on top of desks.
  9. Homework Policy:
  10. Late work will be accepted ANY TIME UNTIL THE END OF THE QUARTER for half credit of the graded assignment. If for any reason a student does not have their homework due to extenuating circumstances and does not wish to be penalized, they must see the teacher before class to discuss the matter.
  11. It is your responsibility to turn in missing work after an absence on your first day back.
  12. Major projects will be accepted late, but will lose 10% for each day they are late.
  13. Evaluation/Grades:
  1. The school’s grading scale will be used and percentages will be determined from a running total of points.
  2. Tests will be announced several days in advance.
  1. Attendance/Absence:
  1. Tests are to be made up the first day of the student’s return from absence. The student has the responsibility of making arrangements before school for the exact time.
  2. A student going on a field trip, a retreat, an in-school special activity, a vacation, or any other event that will take him or her out of class must discuss it with the teacher in advance. Homework, papers, tests, and quizzes that were assigned ahead of time are due the day he or she returns or the original due date. If the student is in the building at all during the day, any homework that is due that day is expected to be turned in prior to the student’s departure. Students may drop off work in the Social Studies Office or the Deans’ Office.
  3. Work missed due to an extended absence will be dealt with on an individual basis. If a student has a long-term absence (more than two days), the student should contact the teacher or classmate to begin working on missing assignments.
  1. Senior Exemption Policy

Seniors may be exempt from the second semester final if a 93% has been attained the 3rd and 4th quarters and the student has not been absent more than 10 days. Kairos and AP exams are the only exceptions.

  1. Teacher Availability:
  2. 7:15-7:45 AM, History/Social Studies Office, after school most days until 5pm in room 137.
  1. 847.392.4050 x341
  2. Take note that I can only check voicemail and email during school hours.