Aim of Policy
This document outlines the Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited policy on safeguarding vulnerable service users from possible abuse.
The suggested aims of this policy should be:
- To support the service user’s development in ways that will foster security, confidenceand independence.
- To provide an environment in which service user’s feel safe, secure, valued and respected and feel confident and know how to, approach staff if they are in difficulties, believing they will be effectively listened to.
- To raise the awareness of all staff of the need to safeguard service users and of theirresponsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse.
- To emphasise the need for good levels of communication between all members of staff
- To develop a structured procedure within Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited to be followed by all members of staff in cases of suspected abuse.
- To develop and promote effective working relationships with other agencies
- To ensure that all staff working within Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited who have access to vulnerable service users have been checked as to their suitability, including verification of their identity, qualifications, and a satisfactory DBS check (according to guidance)
- All new members of staff will be given a copy of the Safeguarding Policy with themanager’s name clearly displayed, as part of their induction.
Policy Statement
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limitedtakes seriously its responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable service users, and to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements within the setting to identify, assess, and support those vulnerable service users who are suffering harm.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limitedrecognises that all permanent, bank and voluntary staff have a full and active part to play in protecting vulnerable service users from harm, and that vulnerable service users welfare is the paramount concern.
All staff believe that Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and emotional development of the individual service user.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited recognises that service users must be safeguarded from all forms of abuse wherever and however it might occur: from within the family or others or from abusive behaviour on the part of the agency's staff. It takes every possible action to prevent abuse and to deal with it promptly and effectively if it occurs, or is reported as occurring.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited undertakes to work in compliance with No Secrets (the Department of Health guidance on multi-agency policies and other national policy documents and procedures to protect vulnerable adults from abuse) to this end, the organisation adheres fully to
The Fundamental Standards: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment: Staffing. Regulations 13 and 18 of The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014: and The Care Act 2014, which relates to taking reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent it before it occurs.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited works in accordance with its local Adult Safeguarding Board protocols and multi-agency working guidelines (copies of these are available in the Office).
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited recognises that service users who might lack mental capacity are particularly vulnerable to abuse and exploitations. It is accordingly mindful of the need to follow the principles and practice guidance that has accompanied the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
These apply particularly to investigations of possible abuse in which it is important to seek means of finding out about the experiences and views of any victim or indeed alleged perpetrator who might lack capacity, for example by seeking the services of independent advocates.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited makes all staff aware of the policy and instructs them in the specific procedures for preventing, observing and reporting suspicions or signs of abuse. In reporting possible abuse, staff are made fully aware of the agency's whistle blowing policy, which recognises that the safety of service users is always their paramount concern. All service users and stakeholders are made aware of the agency's determination to take action where it comes across abuse.
The policy is based on the agency's conviction that:
(a)vulnerable people are at risk of abuse in varied forms
(b)they are in a position to be abused by different people, including family members, friends, strangers and possibly agency staff
(c)It has a duty of care to do everything possible to prevent report and tackle abuse wherever it is encountered.
Assessment of Care Needs
Before we enter into an agreement to provide a service, we will always ensure that a thorough assessment of the prospective service user's needs has been undertaken, either by the referring agency or under our own procedures. The assessment will include the identification of service users who are especially vulnerable in general (through, for example, a permanent physical disability) or who have specific areas or times of special vulnerability (such as a recurrent illness or periods when they are alone). The vulnerability of a service users will be re-assessed when the service user's support plan is reviewed or more frequently if circumstances alter. We will respect the right to the greatest possible degree of independence, which vulnerable service users retain.
Recognising Abuse
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited expects its staff to be aware regarding the welfare of service users.
- It provides staff training so that they can recognise the risks and signs of abuse.
- It acknowledges that abuse may take any of the following forms and more than one might be presentin an abusive situation:
- physical abuse
- neglect
- psychological abuse
- financial or material abuse
- sexual abuse
- racial, discriminatory, religious or cultural abuse
- failure to prevent self-harm
- inhuman or degrading treatment
Reporting Abuse
Any member of staff who knows or believes that abuse is occurring must:
- Report it as quickly as possible to their manager
- If the victim requests that the matter should not be reported, the staff member should inform them that they have a duty to report the matter
- The staff member should then reassure the service user that the matter will not be taken further than the manager without their consent unless there are exceptional circumstances
- The agency will take thorough action against anyone trying to cover up a possible report of abuse
Action in Emergency Situations
If the situation is an emergency, with a service user in immediate danger, staff must:
- Call for assistance immediately
- Give any necessary first aid and contact appropriate emergency services if necessary
- If the abuser remains present and poses a threat to any staff present as well as the victim, staff are not expected to put themselves at risk of violence or other harm.
- They should then follow the agency’sprocedures on how to respond to abusive, aggressive or violent, behaviour, which forms part of the agency's policies on health and safety of its staff.
- Staff recognise that all matters relating to safeguarding are confidential and in line with the Data Protection Act 1998
Supporting Staff
- Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited recognises that staff working in the setting who have become involved with a vulnerable service user who has suffered harm, or appears to be likely to suffer harm may find the situation stressful and upsetting. Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited will support such staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the Registered Manger and seek further support as appropriate.
Allegations against staff
- All staff should take care not to place themselves in a vulnerable position with a vulnerable service user.
- Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited understands that a vulnerable service user and or parent may make an allegation against a member of staff.
- If such an allegation is made, or information is received which suggests that a person may be unsuitable to work with vulnerable service users, the member of staff receiving the allegation or being made aware of the information, will immediately inform the Registered Manager
- The management on all such occasions will discuss the content of the allegation with, Care Manager, Adult Safeguarding Board Team.
- If the allegation made to a member of staff concerns the manager/owner, person receiving the allegation will immediately inform another senior member of themanagement team.
- Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited will follow the procedures set out in its policy for managing allegationsagainst its staff.
- Suspension of the member of staff against whom an allegation has been made needscareful consideration and the management will seek the advice of Adult Safeguarding Board Team.
- The member of staff against whom an allegation has been made will not be informed aboutthe allegation until advice has been sought from Adult Safeguarding Board Teamso as not to impede a criminalinvestigation.
- Staff recognise that vulnerable service users are able to raise concerns themselves, and staff have a duty of care to do so.
- All staff should be aware of their duty to raise concerns, where they exist, about the management of vulnerable service user protection, which may include the attitude or actions of colleagues. If it becomes necessary to consult outside of Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited they should speak in the first instance, Care Managers or Adult Safeguarding Board Team.
Immediate Action to be Taken by Managers
When a manager receives a report of suspected, imminent or actual abuse, an investigation must be opened as soon as possible.
- The Manager completes the Managers report form for an adult abuse incident and arranges for the necessary agency’s involvement.
- If the service user refuses consent, their wishes must be respected unless the manager judges that they or others are in serious danger or if they are clearly incapable of making an informed decision.
- In cases of proven or suspected incapacity, the manager acts in accordance with the “best interests” principle laid down in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and pursues the matter by obtaining the services of an independent advocate or another independent representative to obtain the service user's views and wishes.
- If the suspected abuser is a member of the agency's staff, the manager takes appropriate steps under the disciplinary procedure. The agency expects its staff to take all possible steps to co-operatewith further investigations by the local authority Adult safeguarding Board ,CQC investigating inspectors and the police if involved.
Referral to External Agencies
Where the vulnerable person is thought to be at risk of further abuse:
- The situation should be reported as soon as possible to the manager of the local authority Adult safeguarding Board who will make a decision on whether further investigation is needed under the local authority's safeguarding procedures.
Reporting to the Police
If it is suspected that a criminal act might have been committed, the situation will be reported to the police. Every effort should be made not to interfere with possible evidence.
Contact Details
The contact details of relevant organisations are as follows:
Agency Office
Tracey Underwood
Eclipse House
5 Somerset Place Lane
Devon PL2 3BH
Tel: (01752) 547252
On-Call out of office hours: 07714255345
Care Quality Commission
CQC South West
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tel: (03000) 616161
Local Authority Adult Safeguarding Board
Adult Protection Team
Adult Social Care
Plymouth City Council
Tel: (01752) 668000
Devon & Cornwall Constabulary
Charles Cross
Tel: 111 for non emergencies
Tel: 999 for emergencies
Disclosure and Barring Service
PO Box 181
Action to be taken in the Absence of Consent
Where there has been an allegation of abuse against a member of the agency's staff the manager will initiate an investigation within its disciplinary policy.
- This will include informing the CQC (as well as the local authority Adult Safeguarding Board and possibly the police).
- The agency will take any necessary steps to safeguard the service user by keeping the situation under review in case it becomes possible or necessary to take further action.
Keeping Records
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited ensures that all details associated with allegations of abuse are recorded clearly and accurately. (see records attached).
- The records are kept securely and the agency's rules on confidentiality are carefully followed.
- Reports are made as required to the Care Quality Commission and other safeguarding agencies involved.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited complies with its legal requirement to refer support workers to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)where it has evidence that a staff member has been guilty of misconduct by harming or putting at risk a vulnerable adult, during the course of their work, even if they have left the employment of the organisation.
Lone Working
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited ensure lone working risk assessments realise the increased risk to vulnerable adults and place robust measures into place to safeguard and protect by means of: enhanced DBS, professional and verbal references, appropriate training, regular probation/supervision, copies of relevant policies, procedures and professional boundaries training.
All staff receive training in recognising abuse and carrying out their responsibilities under this policy’s part of their induction programme and within six months of their employment. Their training is regularly updated in line with local authorities and national safeguarding policies.
Premier Care (Plymouth) Limited takes great care in the recruitment of staff, carries out all possible checks on recruits to ensure that they are of a high standard, and co-operates in all Government initiatives regarding the sharing of information on support workers who are found to be unsuitable to work with vulnerable people.
Issue number: 4
/Date: 01/04/2015
/Review Date: 31/03/2018
Written by: Tracey Underwood
Should you have any safeguarding concerns please contact Tracey UnderwoodRegistered Manager immediately /Position in Organisation:Registered Manager
Premier Care Safeguarding Record Log for Adults
Name of Location:To be completed by a member of staff only: / Witness present if any?
Service user Name:
Service user date of birth:
Service user address:
Nature of concern:
Recorded by (Name and Position):
Date recorded:
Signature of person recording:
To be completed by the Registered Manager only:
Shared with others? Yes/No
If yes with whom:
Action taken:
Concern logged with Social Care/Adult Protection Team: Yes/No
Front and Side Views - Head
Front and Back Views - Female
Please note on the body map copies any bruising, scars, injuries, red marks or the like, giving as much detail as possible under the prevailing circumstances as to size, colour and so on.
Completed by
Front and Side Views - Head
Front and Back Views - Male
Please note on the body map copies any bruising, scars, injuries, red marks or the like, giving as much detail as possible under the prevailing circumstances as to size, colour and so on.
Completed by
Service user Name: / Date of Birth:Details of the injuries noted on the attached body map:
Body Map Injury Detail
Address of Office: Eclipse House 5 Somerset Place Lane, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon PL23BH
Registered Office: Eclipse House 5, Somerset Place Lane, Stoke, Plymouth, Devon PL23BH
Company Number: 5842342