Written by Damian Sanders


The road is going straight for miles. To the left and right of the road lies a field of dry grass. The only car seen on the road belongs Victor; a man in his late twenties.


Inside the car are black leather seats. Everything is well kept as if the car was just bought. The passenger seat has Victors carrying bag with his work supplies and folders.



I haven’t seen anything for miles!

Reaches for cell phone


Great, my night just seems to be getting worse. There is no service! Why on earth would Hailey move out here? There is absolutely nothing out this way!


Three old buildings line on the right side of the road. Thethree buildings seem condemned. On the left side is a small, lit gas station. Victor speeds past, frustrated with his cell phone.

Struggles with phone

Victor notices he’s passed the town and slams on his brakes. Car comes to ahalt.



Victor backs the car up into the gas station and parks the car.


There is one gas pump at the station which is broken. Victor gets out of the car and slams the car door shut. Victor looks confusingly around the old gas station.


Good God, This place is so empty. Who the hell would even come here?

Victor walks up to the cracked glass door and enters the gas station.


Inside the gas station is out dated food. All the chip bags were collecting dust. Behind the counter lies a man in his 50’s. Victor slowly walks around the store.



I am guessing this place doesn’t have any maps.


(Cracked Voice)

Excuse me? Can I help you with something?



Yeah, I’m lost


Lost with what boy?


My sister has moved out here somewhere... and I am completely lost and don’t have any clue where I am.


Where you are? Why you are in town boy!


Um...Well I see that, and what in the hell is the towns name?


Oh dang, I aint sure, I just call this town. It sure is the easiest way to call it.


(Confused Look)

How do you not know what the name of the town is? I am looking for Elksmens Road and...


Oh shoot, you wanna go there? Why you drove pretty far from that road didn’t ya.


(Eyes Widen)

You know where Elksmen is?


I do, and I can give you easy directions back. In fact boy, I can give you an easy shortcut that will lead you there in no time. All you got to do is follow that road, see.

(His calloused finger points out a smudged window to the outside)

OLD MAN (Cont.)

You follow that road for sometime then there will be a left turn. That’s the first left turn on this road for miles so look out for it. Once you find yourself on that road, you will be fine. You’ll then pass an open gate, and then you know for sure you be in the right direction. You’ll be right by Elksmen road in no time. You can’t miss it.


(With Relief)

Thank you! You don’t know how much you just helped me; you saved me so much time.

The old man walks behind the register without giving a response and walks through the door in the back.



What the?....Where did he go off to?

Victor shakes his head and walks out of the gas station with a thoughtful look on his face.


The night is growing colder as Victors breath is seen when he exhales.


God it’s getting cold.

(Peers around the town)


This must be one of the smallest freakin towns...Everything is so dead.

Victor walks to his car as we hear his footsteps echoing. Victor opens the car door and places himself in the car.



My keys! Where the hell did I place them?

(Pats himself down)


You gotta be kidding me!

Victor rechecks his pockets and finds them.


Wow...I gotta take it easy.

Victor inserts his key in the ignition turning the car on. Victor starts to drive to the location where the man said to go.



Eh, so there should be an entry on a left I guess.

Victor lets up from the gas pedal a tad to search around better. He is growing with anger as he isn’t seeing what the old man told him.



Okay dammit! I’m not seeing anything. All I am seeing is this dead grassy field which I have been forced to look at this whole time that I have been driving.

After two minutes Victor notices an opening space ahead. Victor turns left and starts to head in a wooded like area.



Finally, I thought I passed the turn. I just hope I get to town soon.

Victor has a strange look on his face as he looked to the left and right of him. Both sides had trees surrounding the road.



Can this place be any happier?

The moonlight starts to shine through the sealed windows of the car.



I wonder if Hailey is worried that I’m not there yet.


VICTOR (Cont.)

I bet she’s not; she never worries. She just lets things happen and faces the results later. Then again…she tends to worry on me a lot. After all I am the only family she has other then my baby nephew which I still have yet to see.

Starts to smile.


I really can’t wait to see him. This drive will be all worth it.

Victor approaches the gate which is closed.


Are you kidding me?

Grips the gear shifter and puts it in park.


I thought this gate was supposed to be open?

Leans back in the leather seat and lets out a pondering sigh


(Tiring voice)

Why are these gates even here? If someone really wanted to pass the area they could just go through the woods a little and out they go.

Leans up from the leather seat and clicks his high beams on.


Well I’m not going to mess up my car. I guess Ill just go over to the side and open up the gate.

Victors gets out of the car leaving his door open. The engine is the only sound that can be heard.


Dark woods surround the road on both sides. Inside is a dark gloomy path. The trees branches look like shedding claws. The bark on the trees are rotted and peeling.


This place really gives me the creeps.

Victor walks through the shallow end of woods and walks around to the gate. Victor turns out of the woods and walks up to other side of the gate where the high beams are shining.


Ha, looks like all I have to do is undo the key chain that has the other chain hooked into it.

(Laughs again)

VICTOR (Cont.)

I can’t believe there is not even a lock on this stupid thing.

Takes both hands holding the cold chain in one hand and the chain hooker in the other. Presses down firmly on the chain clip trying to pull out the chain that was inside it.


(Shaking the chains rapidly)

Come on! Why won’t you come out?!

Victor stops for a second


Dammit Hailey, Why couldn’t I of got better directions?

Tries to open the chain lock again


(More Agitated)

Come on you stubborn bitch!

Continues to mess with the chains when suddenly the high beams go off and the car engine turns off.

Drops the chain from his hands.


What the hell?

Eyes widen as he looks up at his car. Victor’s breath is the only thing that can be heard.



Who’s there!



Answer me dammit!

No answer

Victor afraid of going into the woods grabs the gate with both hands and struggles over. Victor slams his feet when dropping from the gate. Hands are slightly cut up. He looks both left and right and doesn’t see anyone. Now he walks slowly to his car only seeing the still dark sky above and the gloomy trees. His creeping footsteps can be heard.

Approaches his car




No answer

Victor leans his body in the car


Looks up at his keys and sees they are still in the ignition. With a solid face he looks slowly at his back seats.



Nothing....That’s so strange, why did it just turn off?


Starts the car again turning the high beams back on. Grabs a flashlight this time to see clearly through the woods. He begins walking through the woods when he spots an Oldsmobile car lying in the middle of the woods. The car is completely rusted with peeling paint. Victor shines the light at the car



Why the hell is a car parked in the woods?

Continues to illuminate the flashlight on the car as he walks toward it. We hear his footsteps cracking on the sticks. He raises his flashlight at the cars rolled down windows and looks inside.



Jesus Christ!!

We see Victor looking at a family of four dead; lying still with their mouths wide open. Every body was paled skin with their eyes shot open. There is neither blood nor a sign of cuts or scratches. Victor Panics back to his vehicle.


(Jamming himself inside the car)

I knew there was something twisted with this place! I got to get the hell out of here!!


Victor slams his car door shut. Someone then springs out of a tree and crashes through the front window of the car. Shattered glass sweeps across Victors face as the person invades through.



What’s going on?!!

A long black hair figure lands right on Victor. The person then grabs Victors face and slams it back on his seat.


Who the hell are you?!!

With silence the dark figured person with incredible strength grabs Victor’s hair and jerks his head back. Victor witnesses the persons face.


Holy Shit!!

The person’s eyes are completely removed having his eyelids droop loosely. His lips are completely removed having his rotted teeth show on his mutilated face.

Victor now attempts to reach for his carrying bag on the passenger seat but he can’t because the person has to much control on him.

The dark haired person then reaches inside the carrying bag and pulls out a stapler. The eyeless person slams the stapler on the side of Victors head.


(Continues to scream)

What do you want!!!

The person holds Victors face still and begins to staple his mouth shut. Victor screams even more with a half stapled mouth. The assaulter takes the stapler once again and begins viciously clashing it on Victor’s skull. Within five seconds, Victor is fully knocked out.


The last thing we hear in the night is the disfigured person stapling the rest of Victor’s mouth.

The paled skin man steps out of the car throwing Victor over his back and begins walking. The disfigured person lets out a deep grunt as he walks.

Within time Victor regains consciousness. He is not putting up a fight because he is in a weak state. Victor begins to groan in pain. Abruptly with huge force Victor was thrown as his face slammed on solid ground.


We are in an open field and see a dilapidated house.

Victor’s eyes grow wide as he picks himself up off the ground in attempt to escape. As Victor brings himself up from his knees, the mutilated person grabs him again and with incredible strength he throws him several yards toward the house. Victors face scrapes on the splintered door. His sealed lips moan with pain.

The black haired man takes his pale sweaty hands and opens up the door. He grabs Victor by the hair and drags him in slamming the door shut.


The house is dark and gloomy. Split cracks and peeling dimmed walls fill the house. Some of the walls were stained in blood. The floors wooden surface is incredibly solid. The whole surrounding atmosphere is a shaded puke green color.

The kidnapper drags Victor to a door in the side hallway. As he opens up the door we hear screams echoing from the basement.

In Victors (P.O.V) we look down the basement and see the stairs leading in complete darkness.

The mutilated person takes one hand and grips Victor’s hair and takes the other hand and grabs his stitched shirt throwing him down the dark basement. Victor Slowly raises his head and screams with a stapled mouth.


Inside the basement are eight mutilated bodies chained from the ceiling. The chains are attached to their arms. Most of the bodies are either decapitated or their torso removed. The remaining living bodies had bags over their heads as they are spastically moving. The basement is echoing with screams and the movement of chains.

The paled person makes his way down the steps and grabs Victor’s stunned body. The person drags him over to a chair made of bones and sits him down latching a two-sided spiked belt across his waist and locks it. The lipless figure makes his way back up the steps leaving Victor alone.

In Victors (P.O.V) we slowly look up and see a corpse dangling.

Victor screams inside his mouth again and moves about but quickly realizes he can’t escape. Victor takes a deep breath through his nose and raises his hands to his mouth. Victor slowly removes the staples one by one clutching in pain. Victor’s mouth is bleeding as he yells out loud.



Come down here you demented fuck! Get down here!!! Get meout of here!!

The dysfunctional person rushes down the basement to Victor and unlocks the belt

Victors tone changes



Please let me go, Please....I was on my to my sisters to see my new born nephew and....

The black haired man extends his arm and strongly grabs Victor’s neck. Victor gasps for air. The eyeless manpicks him up by the neck and takes him over to a closet. The killer opens the door with the other hand and throws Victor inside slamming the door shut.


We just see darkness in a small caved room.

Victor slowly catches his breath and starts to breathe normally.



Oh God, why am I here?

Victor quickly remembers the flashlight from his pocket and takes it out. He turns it on and beams the glow on the door. He then raises his hand and turns the knob.


It’s locked?! How can it be locked when I’m on the inside?!

Giving up easy Victor slouches down with his light and continues to talk to himself.



I’m not going to be able to get away from this blood pit. I mean what the hell am I even dealing with? This guy has no eyes or lips but still has the fucking ability to do all this shit? Why doesn’t anyone know about this?!!

Lets out a heavy sigh and fiddles with the flashlight.

VICTOR (Cont.)

There’s just no getting past him.

Shines the light on the ground then back on the ceiling. Then shines the light to his left on a corpse hanging from a hanger. Victor bulges to his right.


Jesus Christ!

All that is hanging is the skin of its body which had everything inside removed. The body was fully hollowed out with just his thick skin hanging down. His bloody head was still attached with his eyes shut. The head was leaning down remaining completely still.


That sick bastered hung a fucking corpse in the closet! His insides are completely gone!!

The head of the corpse quickly raises and his eyes bulge open. The whole body starts to move in a shivering motion. His lips are sealed making a sound like he is breathing in and out.



What the fuck!!

Victor goes wordless glaring at the shivering corpse as the hollowed body drops down from the hanger and lands on the floor. It looks like a head on top of a pile of skin.