Family Defense Center

Prospective Client Information Sheet

This Prospective Client Information Sheet provides information the Family Defense Center requires in order to consider each request for legal services. By completing this form, you are signifying that you want the Family Defense Center to consider your request for legal services. The Family Defense Center assesses cases for merit and for available resources to provide the services requested. The Family Defense Center operates under specific case handling/case acceptance guidelines, which means that some meritorious cases will not be accepted when they are outside of the Center’s service area or guidelines or when the Center’s available resources are not sufficient to handle the case. COMPLETING THIS FORM DOES NOT CREATE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION YOU PROVIDE TO OUR OFFICES WILL BE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL UNLESS AND UNTIL YOU AUTHORIZE ANY DISCLOSURE.


First Name:______Last Name:______

Please identify your preferred number with an “X”:

Home Phone Number:______Preferred: _____

Cell Phone Number:______Preferred: _____

Other Phone Number:______Preferred: _____

Date of Birth:______E-mail Address:______

Mailing Address:______

Street Address


City, State, Zip CodeCounty

County in which the DCFS case is taking place: ______

Are you seeking services for yourself or on behalf of someone else? _____Self Only ____Someone Else ____Both

How did you hear about The Family Defense Center?

If someone else or both, for whom else are you seeking services? ______

If you are seeking services on behalf of someone else, why are you contacting us instead of the person needing legal services (i.e., is that person is under age 18 or is incapacitated/unavailable in some way?)

Please check the appropriate boxes for statistical purposes:

Gender:____ Male____ Female ____ Prefer not to answer

Is your household limited English proficient? ____ Yes ____ No

Primary language spoken in the home: ______

Do you have a disability? ____ Yes ____ No____ Prefer not to answer

What is your ethnic or cultural background?

___ African American or Black___ Native American___ Asian or Pacific Islander

___ Latino/a or Hispanic___ Caucasian___ Multiracial ___ Other

What is your marital/relationship status?___ Married___ Divorced___ Single

___ Living with a partner___ Widowed___ Engaged___ Separated

Please identify by FIRST AND LAST NAME any individuals who are potential “adverse parties”* to your case:

*An adverse party is any person who has a personal interest in the same matter and is opposed to the caller’s interests in that matter. Example: an ex-spouse who is calling the hotline in order to gain an advantage in a custody dispute.

Name of Spouse/Partner if applicable: ______

Spouse/Partner Date of Birth:______

Spouse/Partner Phone Number:______Cell____ Home

Spouse/Partner Email Address:______

Is your current Spouse/Partner the biological or legal parent of any of your children? ____ Yes____ No

If yes, which children: ______

What are the names, dates of birth, and parentage of your children and any other children involved in your case?


NameDate of birthParents


NameDate of birthParents


NameDate of birthParents


NameDate of birthParents


NameDate of birthParents

Who lives with you in your household and what is your relationship with each person?


NameDate of birthRelationship


NameDate of birthRelationship


NameDate of birthRelationship


NameDate of birthRelationship


NameDate of birthRelationship


NameDate of birthRelationship

Do you currently work?____ Yes ____ No If so, where do you work? ______

If not, where did you last work and when did that end?


Do you presently, have you ever, or would you like to work with children in any kind of professional capacity (i.e., nurse, doctor, teacher, social worker, day care worker)? ______

Do you hold any licenses related to working with children? ______

If you are a student, what are you studying?______

Does your spouse/partner work? ____ Yes ____ NoIf yes, where does s/he work? ______

What is your combined gross household income including all sources of income? Monthly


Winner of the First “Excellent Emerging Organization” Award from the Axelson Center for Nonprofit Management

70 E. Lake St. Suite 1100 · Chicago, IL 60601 · Phone: 312-251-9800 · Fax: 312-251-9801 ·