MINUTES OF MEETING ON 20th January 2015

Present:JM (Chair), Lesley Hampson (Practice Manager)(LH), JW, RT, MV, RB, CT

Apologies:SD, ED, RO, JW, MA, MM, RS

Minutes: Lesley Hampson

Item / Action
1. / Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes from the meeting held on 21st October 2014 were agreed.
2. / Matters arising not on the agenda
It was agreed that meetings would start at 7pm in future.
A request was made to have the radio station changed on the TV screens in the waiting room to ‘Smooth Radio’.
DNA letters were discussed. The PRG members agreed the SMS text message reminders didn’t always come through reliably.
It was agreed that we would no longer display the DNA figures in the waiting rooms as these were probably not making much difference to the attendance rate. DNA figures will still be recorded.
A request for the surgery answer phone message to be updated was made to advise patients to call 999 in a medical emergency. It was agreed that it would be useful to have information on the website about what to do in an emergency for different categories of patients e.g. babies, the elderly, in the event of a stroke etc.
A discussion took place about the door bell and whether it would be better to have an intercom system on the front door instead. The difficulties experienced by some patients in getting through the front door were discussed. Removing the inner vestibule door was discussed which LH felt would make the waiting room cold. The group felt it would be cheaper to install sensoreddoors rather than remove the door and install a heater about the entrance way. / LH
3. / Survey Action Plan 13/14
The surgery website was discussed. The group viewed the website of another surgery on the projector screen. The following were suggested as improvements that could be made to our website
  • Information about long term conditions and links to other websites to support these
  • Make the website more family friendly
  • List the services that we offer
  • More personal information about the GP’s
It was agreed that a sub- committee would be set up to work on the website – MV suggested that a strategy document should be agreed and that the website should be updated every 6 weeks.
4. / Action plan for 14/15
Discussion took place about the harder to reach groups of people that it would be useful to have some representation of in the PRG.
RB said he would bring in some information from the Briercliffe centre to help with recruiting members of the group from the harder to reach patients.
Focus groups were discussed and it was agreed these should be young mums, the elderly, young people, people with learning disabilities, people with physical disabilities, working people.
It was agreed that some selective surveys of patients should be carried out to canvas opinion about the appointments system.
5. / Surgery Update
LH updated the group on the outcome of the recent CQC inspection in which the surgery had been rated as ‘good’.
JM asked LH to pass congratulations on to all of the staff from the PRG.
6. / Update on local health priorities
The situation regarding shortage of beds at the hospital was discussed.
Federated working with other surgeries was discussed.
The new urgent care facility planned at the hospital was discussed.
7. / Patient feedback, praise, complaints and suggestions
LH updated the meeting on the complaints received since the last meeting.
10. / Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 21st April 2015. 7pm.