





Present: Nelson Brownell, Don Prouty, Ron Bisson, Frank Saunders, Steve Kauppi

Also Present: CAT-TV, Bennington Banner, North Adams Transcript, WWTF Operator, Darcy Pruden, Resident Ray Shields, Clint Hutchins, Rep. Bill Botzow

Chairman Nelson Brownell opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

  1. Agenda Approval

Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to approve the agenda. The motion


  1. Approval of Minutes 10/26/06

Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to approve the minutes of October 26, 2006. The motion carried.

  1. Mail:

1. ANR, Dennis Bryer, Wastewater Division RE: General Guidelines for Assistant Chief Operator Hire

2. Ray Shields RE: Questions for the board. Mr. Kauppi moved and Mr. Saunders seconded to table the matter until the next meeting. The motion carried.

  1. Chief Operator’s Weekly Operations Report

Darcy reviewed her weekly report with board.

Darcy received a firm quote until June 2007 for Biosolids Hauling from Aqua Waste in the amount of 8.5 cents/gallon. The facility will not probably need a hauler until the end of December or January. Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Saunders seconded to go with Aqua Waste at 8.5 cents per gallon. The motion carried.



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  1. Sewer Billing System & Related Responsibilities

Assigning people to billing process training (Dec 4 and Dec 12 at 1:30 p.m.) with NEMRC:

Following discussion, Linda Sciarappa, Ellen Strohmaier, Clint Hutchins, Darcy Pruden and any Select Board members who wish to be there will attend training with NEMRC.


Mr. Kauppimoved and Mr. Prouty seconded for Linda Sciarappa to handle the sewer billing. Discussion followed. Mr. Bisson questioned why the Town Treasurer wouldn’t be handling the sewer billing. The sewer billing is not part of the Treasurer’s responsibilities as an elected official. Linda would be responsible for creating the data base and sending the bills out. The motion carried with Mr. Bisson voting no.


Mr. Kauppi moved and Mr. Prouty seconded for Linda to also collect the sewer payments. There was discussion about getting a proper safe. This would be on a trial basis for a couple of billing cycles. The motion carried.

Maintain Delinquent Account List and Delinquent Collection- the board to address at a later date

First Billing to go out on December 15, 2006 and Due January 15, 2007 for the Billing Period Oct. 1 through Dec. 31

6. Assistant Chief Operator Position- Review Applications

Executive Session- Personnel

Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Saunders seconded to enter into executive session at 8:15 p.m. to review job applications. The motion carried. Also present were Darcy Pruden and Linda Sciarappa.



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At 9:08 p.m., Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to come out of executive session. The motion carried. The board will interview 4 applicants on Monday, December 4, 2006 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at the WWTF.


Mr. Prouty moved and Mr. Kauppi seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m. The motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Sciarappa, Admin. Asst.

Pownal Board of Sewer Commissioners:


Nelson Brownell, Chairman


Don Prouty, Vice Chair


Steve Kauppi


Ron Bisson


Frank Saunders

Approved: ______