World Ploughing Executive Meeting

Wednesday 22nd April 2015 (9 pm – 1 am)


Proposer and seconder of last set of Executive Minutes

Matters Arising from Minutes

Secretary’s Report

Invitation to Russia

Financial Report

Rules of Procedure for Executive and Board


Sponsorship Matters


WPO History

Future World Events – Denmark/England/Kenya

Letter from France RE: Kenya

Briefing Proposal by Jens Iversen

Any other business

Matters Arising from Minutes
Macedonia – Tugomir said that he contacted them and had no update.

Secretary's Report

Preparing the Rules and the Information Booklet

GS has sent Entry Forms, Information Booklet, Rules on a drip feed process which worked well – first material was uploaded onto website, then emailed to each affiliate and finally posted to each affiliate.

Liaising with delegates sending emails to Board

Invitation to Russia
GS said that she was invited to the Russian National Ploughing, complimentary of the Russian National Association and will travel on 21st May through to 24th May.

Financial Report
GS reported from Treasurer that some countries have not paid in sterling which is a problem and leaving a shortfall

General conclusion of Executive was that countries paying in the wrong currency should be responsible for the shortfall – it is not the WPO responsibility to be at the loss.

Further payment should be made by each country not paying in full.

Rules of Procedure for Executive and Board
Draft was discussed in detail and comments take for redraft.

Lighting System
Rasmus was looking into lighting system and he has not come up with any proposals.

GS to bring flare to Denmark to show to the Executive and the Board.

Sponsorship Matters

Reference to Kongskildeas a sponsor of world contest in Denmark – how to manage this appropriately with Kverneland association.


WPO History – deferred

Future World Events:


GS Reported that preparations were going well as far as she was aware. Lars also reported that everything is going as planned. Bookings are coming in and sponsors are coming on board.


Colin asked about the World Vintage Competition in England - if there was any information.

GS explained that herself and the Chairman are to visit the site in England mid-June to see site, accommodation and other facilities and meet officials.


Letter from France RE: Kenya
GS explained that she has already received a letter of concern regarding the event in Kenya from France, plus an email from Canada and Republic of Ireland.

GS explained that she had heard a recently retired Brigadier General of the Army – Ger Aherne on National Radio talking about his work in Kenya. Anna Marie got in touch with him and has had a meeting to discuss his thoughts on hosting the world contest in the country.

He suggested that Kenya is quite a volatile country at the moment and suggested that it would be necessary to do a Strategic Safety Assessment and a Country Risk Assessment and this must be done professionally outside Kenya. He also suggested that the GS link with Phil Hogan on this as EU Agricultural Commissioner.

GS to investigate more as Executive concerned and anxious to have a comprehensive report for Board Meeting.

Any other business

Trophies that have no space on to write names of Champions – what do we do?

Leather scroll that was last held by the Mitchells is now missing – where? They last gave it to the Scottish Kverneland Group.

Can the GS keep Executive posted on updates


Proposal re: disclosure of information – why do we ask for DOB on Entry Form.

It was agreed to ask Denmark to provide assistance for Presentation of Trophies.

GS to submit expenses to Executive