Christ Our Savior School
Supply List 2015-16
1-towelor blanket for rest (no larger than 30” x 60”)
1-large book bag (no wheels)
1-box of 8 washable thick Crayola markers (classic colors)
1-box 24 count crayons
6- largewashable glue sticks
1-Ziploc bag containing change of clothing (shirt, pants, socks. underwear)
1-package of napkins & 4 boxes tissue (full size)
6-containers of disposable baby wipes
6-containers of disinfecting wipes
2-rolls of paper towels
500-5 oz. cups (NO STYROFOAM)
1-box sandwich size(girls) gallon size(boys) Ziploc bags
4-boxes of 16 or 24 Crayola crayons (no jumbo size)
1-box of washable Crayola markers
1-pair of rounded point scissors(Fiskar’s brand child size)
2-heavy vinyl folders with pockets AND clips (available from office supply stores)
1-bag containing a complete change of clothing (must include shirt, pants, socks and underwear)
1-zippered pencil case
1-school box approximately 5x8”
1-book bag (no wheels)
6-large washable glue sticks
10-pencils with erasers (no jumbo or mechanical pencils)
1-pocket folder
1-package of paper napkins (250 count)
4-full size boxes of Kleenex
2-containers of disinfectant wipes
1-container of baby wipes or baby wipe refills (must be safe to use on face and hands)
1-box each of quart sandwich and gallon size Ziploc bags
1-package of plastic spoons
1-4 pack PlayDough
2-boxes of 24 ct. crayons
2-glue sticks
1-pair of pointed scissors
4-packs of #2 pencils (sharpened)
2-pocket folders
1-box of washable Crayola markers
2-cloth zippered pencil cases(NO BOXES)
1-12inch ruler with centimeters and inches
1-bottle Elmer’s school glue
1-pk hand wipes
Last names beginning with A-L bring the following in August, M-Z bring in January
2-rolls of paper towels
4-containers of wet wipes AND Kleenex
2-boxes of 24 ct. crayons
1-box of Crayola brand washable markers
2-large glue sticks
2-packs of #2pencils plain yellow (sharpened)
2-pocket folders (vinyl or plastic only)
1-book bag or backpack (NO WHEELS)
1-pair of scissors
2-wide ruled spiral notebooks (single subject)
1-bottle of 8 oz. Glue
1-pack of pencil top erasers
1-12 inch ruler with inches and centimeters
3-full size boxes of Kleenex
2-containers of disinfectant wipes (Lysol, Clorox)
2-large cloth zippered pencil cases (NO BOXES,
to be kept in desk at all times)
3-rolls paper towels
1-box one size bandages
1-enclosed pencil sharpener
1-box of baby wipes
2-boxes of 24 ct. crayons
4-red pens
1-box Crayola Markers
GRADE 3 (continued)
1-pair pointed scissors
4- pocket folders (plastic/bottom pockets)
8-wireless notebooks (wide ruled/single subject 70pg)
1-package wide lined notebook paper AND graph paper
3-rolls paper towels and 1 box bandages
4-boxes Kleenex and 1 box quart size Ziploc baggies
1-box colored pencils
1-pencil sharpener (closed container)
1-school box approx.. 3/8”
2-cloth zippered pencil cases
2-glue sticks and 1-Elmer’s glue
1-book bag (NO WHEELS)
6-#2pencils (sharpened) NO MECHANICAL PENCILS
2-rectangular pink erasers
1-flash drive on a lanyard
6-#2 pencils (3 in class at all times/no mechanical)
Graph paper
2-pink erasers (or 6 eraser caps)
1-24 ct. box of crayons
1-pack of index cards
1-box colored pencils
3-packages wide ruled looseleaf notebook paper
8-notebooks, preferably composition (wide ruled)
2-glue sticks
2-red pens
1-pencil sharpener (closed container)
5-6 2 pocket folders (no binders or trappers)
Replace above items as needed
1-book bag
1-12”ruler with centimeters
1-pair of scissors
1-soft canvas pencil case
4-rolls of paper towels AND 4 boxes of tissue
1-box bandages
1-box quart size Ziploc bags
1-box gallon size Ziploc bags
1-flash drive on a lanyard
1-bottle pump style hand sanitizer
1-container of disinfectant wipes (Lysol, Clorox)
5-#2 pencils (should have 3 in class at all times)
2-red pens
6-blue or black pens (2 in class at all times)
5-book covers paper or stretchy (4jumbo)
1-pack graph paper
1-box of colored pencils (NO MECHANICAL)
1-box of crayons
1-box wide markers & 1 box thin markers
3-packs wide ruled notebook paper
8-2 pocket folders (NO TRAPPERS/BINDERS)
8-spiral notebooks (wide ruled)
1-8 oz. bottle white glue and 1 glue stick
1-12 inch ruler with centimeters
1-compass for Math (blunt tip)
Thesaurus (dictionary style)
Dictionary with pronunciation key, definitions, word origin (no pocket size) high school level
1-pair scissors
1-protractor clear or transparent
2-large/soft pencil cases
4-rolls paper towels
4-boxes of Kleenex
1-book bag (no luggage or wheel type)
2-highlighters and 2 packages ruled index cards
1-pencil sharpener
1-flash drive on lanyard
2 bottles pump stlyle hand sanitizer
Colored pencils
Box of crayons
Thin and thick markers
Glue stick and white glue
5-#2 pencils with erasers
6-pens (blue or black) 2-red pens
1 or 2 light colored highlighters
1 small plastic pencil sharpener with cover
3-packages of wide ruled paper (replace as needed)
Protractor and compass (blunt tip)
1-3subject spiral notebook for English
1-package index cards
2-large soft pencil cases (not purses)
1-12 inch ruler with centimeters
10 wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 flash drive on a lanyard
1 accordion style file folder
1 book bag (NO WHEELS)
4-rolls of paper towels
6-boxes of Kleenex (large)
1-12 ounce hand sanitizer
1-container of disinfecting wipes
1-box band-aids