Revised Swedesburg Cemetery Policies – Adopted by the Congregation January 17, 2010

Who may be buried?

Any present or former members of Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church, their spouse, and their dependent children are eligible to be buried in the Swedesburg Cemetery.

What are the fees for burial?

In addition to any other fees charged by the funeral home or monument company, Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church assesses the following fees, to be deposited in the Cemetery fund:

  • A fee of $250 for every burial in the cemetery.
  • An additionalfee of $500 for burials of non members (including former members).

The executive committee of the Congregation Council can waive these fees, on request, in specific financial circumstances. Larger or additional donations to the Cemetery Fund are encouraged to cover the total anticipated cost of maintenance and care for the cemetery and to ensure proper care in the future.

How are these fees collected?

The funeral home making arrangements is required to assess these fees and submit them in a timely fashion to the congregation. If the funeral home is unsure as to the member-status of an individual they are strongly encouraged to inquire with the church office.

How are spaces allotted?

At the time of death of someone to be buried in the cemetery, the cemetery committee assesses the likely future need for additional spaces in proximity to the grave. Spaces in that lot may then be allotted for future burial of the deceased person’s family. Unused grave sites in partially-filled lots with no immediate surviving family may be tentatively spoken for with the approval of the Cemetery Committee. The committee may also fill these grave sites as opportunities arise. The cemetery is divided into lots of four grave sites each. Lots are allotted at time of need in rows of lots from west to east. The lots in each row are allotted from south to north. Lots may not be reserved ahead of the death of the first person buried there.

How are cremains handled?

Cremains scattered must be dispersed in an area designated for that purpose OR on the grave site of an allocated space or the grave of a next-of-kin. We encourage a gift to the cemetery fund of at least $100 for all scattered cremains in order to assure the future upkeep and maintenance of the whole cemetery.

Cremains buried in a containermay not be inurned in a space already containing a body. A grave site may hold multiple buried cremains but NOT a body and cremains. The fees for inurnment are the same as the burial fees.

Cremains buried loose must be buried in an existing gravesite. We encourage a gift to the cemetery fund of at least $100 for all scattered cremains in order to assure the future upkeep and maintenance of the whole cemetery.

Monument regulations:

  • There is a maximum of ONE monument per gravesite. Monuments may span across two gravesites.
  • Monuments must be located at the head of the gravesite. Neither the monument nor the foundation may extend more than 24 inches from the head of the site.
  • Monuments may be placed in advance of burial on spaces that are firmly spoken for.
  • Monuments must be placed according to specifications detailed on the other side.

Monument Decoration and Maintenance:

  • No plantings or diggings of any kind are allowed.
  • All decorations are to be placed as near as possible to the headstone.
  • Decorations placed for Memorial Day and other occasions will be disposed of within two weeks of being placed.
  • All other decorations must be on a shepherd’s hook or stone-mounted.
  • No chemicals of any kind are to be used in the cemetery.
  • All monument repairs must be approved by the cemetery committee.

Cemetery Fund

A Cemetery Fund is administered by the cemetery committee and Congregation Council. Undesignated gifts to the fund are used for cemetery upkeep and maintenance. Donations to build this fund are welcome, so that the interest earned from the fund will eventually cover all cemetery upkeep and maintenance. If a cemetery memorial offering is intended to go for something other than undesignated perpetual care of the entire cemetery, the donor must make their intentions clear when giving the money.

Regulations for Setting Monuments

  • No digging or setting of stones without permission of Cemetery Committee representatives Duayne Hultquist (931-1140) or Brad Benson (254-2140)
  • The foundation must have straight sides and bottom and be at least 42 inches deep. If the stone exceeds 48 inches, the foundation must be at least 60 inches deep. No round bottomed-foundations are permitted.
  • The foundation lip must be four inches wider than the base of the stone around the entire stone. The foundation must be that width for its full depth.
  • The foundation material must be a five- or six-bag mix with no rocks or filler and must be poured at one time.
  • No post holes are allowed.
  • A cement grave box liner is required as a minimal outer burial container. The option of a sealed vault is permitted.
  • Bean and Bean of Ainsworth is the only firm authorized to dig graves for the Swedesburg Cemetery.
  • To preserve the dignity of the cemetery as a final resting place, the Cemetery Committee reserves the right on behalf of Swedesburg Evangelical Lutheran Church to reject stones it deems inappropriate or in bad taste. If you have questions about the appropriateness of a stone, contact a Cemetery Committee representative prior to placing the stone.
  • Any variations from these policies must have the approval of the Cemetery Committee.
  • If you have ANY questions, please call one of the Cemetery Committee representatives prior to digging. Stones and foundations not set according to these guidelines will be dug up and set properly at the monument company’s expense. By setting any monument or foundation in this cemetery, you agree to all of these terms and conditions.

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