Trauma Brachial Plexus Injuries Group
Registered Charity in England and Wales
Number 1100691
If you are a UK tax payer, using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25p from the Inland revenue. So, if you want your donation to go further, Gift Aid it by filling in this form and sending it to us
Just print this form, complete it (using BLOCK CAPITALS) and send it with your cheque (made payable to the TBPI Group) to: Edd Barnes, Treasurer, TBPI Group, 52 Thirlmere Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 8EL
I confirm that I am a UK taxpayer and wish the TBPI Group to treat the enclosed donation of
£ …………………, and all donations I make from the date of this declaration, until I notify you otherwise, as Gift Aid donations.
Gift Aid Notes for Donors
You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying us.
You must may an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the TBPI Group reclaims on your donations in the tax year
If, in the future, your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income, or capital gains tax equal to the tax that the TBPI Group reclaims, you can cancel your declaration.
If you pay tax at a higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return
Please notify us if you change your name or address while the declaration is in force
Please contact us at the above address if you would like further information about supporting the TBPI Group with a regular standing order
Please feel free to contact Edd Barnes via e-mail on , if you have any questions about Gift Aid
All personal information on this form will not be disclosed to anyone other than the Inland Revenue.
Please help us to cur costs by enclosing a stamped addressed envelope if you require a receipt.