CPM 2008/CRP/5


Third Session

Rome, 7 - 11 April 2008

Proposed Order for the Discussion of Agenda Items

Agenda Item 2.1 of the Provisional Agenda

1.Proposed order for the discussion of agenda items (with corresponding document numbers):

Item / Title / Document numbers
1. / Opening of the Session / no document
EU statement of competence / CPM 2008/INF/11
2. / Adoption of the agenda
2.1 / Provisional agenda / CPM 2008/1/Rev.2
CPM 2008/INF/23
3. / Election of rapporteur / no document
4. / Report by the CPM Chairperson / CPM 2008/INF/3
5. / Report by the Secretariat / CPM 2008/INF/9
6. / Report of the Technical Consultation among Regional Plant Protection Organizations / CPM 2007/INF/1
16. / Election of the CPM Bureau (to announce nominations needed) / CPM 2008/10
17. / Membership of CPM subsidiary bodies (to announce nominations needed) / CPM 2008/3
9. / Goal 1: Standard setting
9.1 / Report by the Chairperson of the Standards Committee / CPM 2008/INF/2
9.2 / Adoption of International Standards
(Annex 1 - amendments to the glossary; Annex 2: establishment of areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies; Annex 3: methodologies for sampling of consignments) / CPM 2008/2
CRP 1 to 3 (comments)
7. / Report of Observer Organizations
7.1 / WTO/SPS / CPM 2008/INF/12
7.2 / STDF / CPM 2008/INF/13
7.3 / CBD / CPM 2008/INF/22
7.4 / Montreal protocol / CPM 2008/INF/17
7.5 / Other observer organizations
8. / Response to the Evaluation of the Workings of the IPPC and its Institutional Arrangements
8.1 / Response by the SPTA / CPM 2008/15
CPM 2008/INF/23
8.2 / Response by FAO Programme Committee, Council and Conference / CPM 2008/INF/25
9. / Goal 1: Standard setting
9.3 / Adoption of International Standards - under the fast-track process / CPM 2008/26
CPM 2008/INF/7
CPM 2008/INF/14
9.3.1 / Concerns Relating to the Draft Diagnostic Protocol for Thrips palmi / see 9.3
9.4 / Procedure and criteria for identifying topics for inclusion in the IPPC standard setting work programme / CPM 2008/7
CPM 2008/INF/20
9.5 / IPPC standard setting procedure (Annex 1 of the Rules of Procedure of the CPM) / CPM 2008/8
9.6 / Terms of reference and rules of procedure for Technical Panels / CPM 2008/9
9.7 / Other items arising from the Focus Group on Standard Setting Procedures / CPM 2008/21
9.8 / IPPC standard setting work programme / CPM 2008/23
CPM 2008/INF/23
9.9 / IPPC training material prepared for PRA under STDF/CFIA funding / CPM 2008/24
9.10 / Guidance document on "should", "shall", "must" and "may" / CPM 2008/17
9.11 / Outcome of the IPPC bark survey / CPM 2008/INF/4
13. / Goal 5: Sustainable implementation of the IPPC
13.5 / Proposal for "CPM recommendations" / CPM 2008/18
CPM 2008/INF/23
9. / Goal 1: Standard setting
9.2 / Adoption of International Standards (Annex 4: Replacement or reduction of methyl bromide as a phytosanitary measure) / CPM 2008/2
CPM 2008/INF/10/rev.1
CPM 2008/INF/21
CPM 2008/INF/23
10. / Goal 2: Information exchange systems appropriate to meet IPPC obligations
10.1 / Proposed work programme 2008 / refer operational plan
11. / Goal 3: Effective dispute settlement systems
11.1 / Report of the Chairperson of the Subsidiary Body on dispute settlement
11.2 / Report on dispute settlement activities since CPM-2 / CPM 2008/INF/8
11.3 / Outcome of the open-ended working group on compliance / CPM 2008/22
12. / Goal 4: Improved phytosanitary capacity of members
12.1 / Analysis of the application of the PCE tool / CPM 2008/4
12.2 / Proposed work programme 2008-2009 for improved capacity-building of members / CPM 2008/INF/5
refer operational plan
12.3 / Development of a CPM Technical Assistance Strategy for PhytosanitaryCapacityBuilding / CPM 2008/14
CPM 2008/INF/15
13. / Goal 5: Sustainable implementation of the IPPC
13.1 / Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance
13.1.1 / Report of the 2nd meeting of the CPM SPTA / CPM 2008/6
13.2 / IPPC/CPM activities
13.2.1 / State of membership to the IPPC / CPM 2008/INF/16
13.2.2 / Acceptance of correspondence in electronic format / CPM 2008/INF/19
13.2.3 / Convention in the authentic languages / CPM 2008/28
13.3 / Update to the Business Plan 2007-2011 / CPM 2008/5
13.4 / Financial report and budget
13.4.1 / Financial Report 2007 (FAO Regular Programme and Trust Funds) / CPM 2008/16
13.4.2 / Trust Fund for the IPPC: Financial report 2007 / CPM 2008/11
13.4.4 / Budget 2008 for the Trust fund for the IPPC / CPM 2008/13
13.4.3 / Operational plan for 2008 / (CPM 2008/19)
CPM 2008/19/Rev.1
13.4.5 / Project-oriented planning for the multilateral IPPC trust fund / CPM 2008/12
13.4.6 / Promotion strategy for the Trust Fund for the IPPC
13.6 / Status of ISPM No. 15 symbol registration / CPM 2008/20
CPM 2008/27
14. / Goal 6: International promotion of the IPPC and cooperation with relevant regional and international organizations
14.1 / Report on promotion of the IPPC and cooperation with relevant international organizations / CPM 2008/25
14.2 / Report of the International Forest Quarantine Research Group / CPM 2008/INF/6
17. / Membership of CPM subsidiary bodies / CPM 2008/3
15. / Goal 7: Review of the status of plant protection in the world
15.1 / Key note address (implications of climate change for movement of transboundary pests: preparing the contracting parties)
18. / Calendar / CPM 2008/INF/24
19. / Other Business
16. / Election of the CPM Bureau / CPM 2008/10
20. / Date and Venue of the Next Meeting
21. / Adoption of the Report