Proposed changes for Divisions 08 – COMMUNICATION and 09 - RECREATION AND CULTURE:
- Introduce more details for internet access and internet search services, telephone, postal and other communications services, telephone equipment, and subscription to online content providers;
Comments from the EU countries:
Detail could be inserted in 5-digit level
We should keep in mind that there is a tendency for more bundles.
Comments from the TSG
- Replace 08 with ICT, and move 09.1.1 to 09.1.5 to Division 08;
Comments from the EU countries:
General acceptance.Radio broadcasting and streaming should also be moved from 09.4.2 to division 08.
Comments from the TSG
-Introduce new class for "pure Internet access" and telecommunications servicesTV-Internet access bundled;
Comments from the EU countries:
Pure Internet access has decreasing importance in many countries worldwide. Items for bundles should not be too specific as there are fast changes in economic reality.
Comments from the TSG
- Split according to the following criteria:
-sound/image or reception/recording and reproduction in 09.1.
- personal computers in 09.1.3,
- games/toys in 09.3.1,
- garden products/plants and flowers in 09.3.3,
- participation in sport/recreation in 09.4.1
Comments from the EU countries:
Radio broadcasting should be moved to division 08.
- sound/image or reception/recording and reproduction in 09.1. - No, this is history.
- participation in sport/recreation in 09.4.1, - No, splitting is very artificial.
Comments from the TSG
-Separate wireless communication and other social networking facility/services;
Comments from the EU countries:
The separation proposed is based on technological mean and not on purpose of consumption (e.g. consumption in marriage agencies and dating sites should be summed up in the same class)
If it means splitting wireless telephone services from internet access provision services ok.
Comments from the TSG
-Split on fixed telephone equipment and services and mobile telephone ones;
Comments from the EU countries:
Could be done in 5-digit level
Split seems to be o.k. But we should be aware that there is a tendency to bundles / flat rates.
Separation of fixed and mobile equipment goes into too much detail; equipment and services must stay separated.
Comments from the TSG
-Propose the following 3 digit categories:
- Postal services,
- Telephone equipment (including cell phones),
- Computer equipment (including laptops, desktop, tablets),
- Communication services (calls, Internet, text messages etc.),
- Software and apps,
- Audio visual content downloads (including music, movies, reading material, video on demand, etc.)
- and other recreation and culture groups as presently structured;
Comments from the EU countries:
3-digit items for IT equipment and Audio-visual equipment might also be appropriate.
Audio visual content downloads (including music, movies, reading material, video on demand, etc.) should be classified by purpose, books with books, music with music etc.
It's important not to forget the streaming (like spotify, at this moment in division 09.4.2). It will be difficult to obtain data for the breakdown proposed on Communication services and the audio visual content downloads class.
Software & Apps - fifth digit level would seem more appropriate.
Audio visual content downloads - The proposal mixes goods (ie download) and services (ie video on demand). Also end purpose of downloaded music is the same as a physical purchase of a CD so should be in the same class.
Comments from the TSG
- Merge Postal services and telefax with printers and scanners.
Comments from the EU countries:
The distinction is necessary for the needs of National Accounts.
They do not serve a similar purpose
Traditional postal services are still very important and will remain very important worldwide in the medium term and probably also in the long run.
Postal services are not directly related to printers and scanners (which are no services).
Comments from the TSG
- Merge Division 08 and Group 09.1 Audiovisual, photographic and information processing equipment into a new division, which may or may not include 09.1.2
Comments from the EU countries:
The distinction is necessary for the needs of National Accounts.
Better to distinguish between the service and the equipment. No reason to combine the categories.
These products are different, they should be kept separated.
Keep the split between communication (two directions) and audio-visual ("one direction communication") as it is.
Could be useful merging division 8 with 9.1.3 but not other groups for example not 9.1.2 and 9.1.4.
Comments from the TSG
- Some of the classes in 9.2 – 9.5 could be merged;
Comments from the EU countries:
The distinction is necessary for the needs of National Accounts.
These positions are too differentiated to be merged.
The current classes are all important, they should not be merged.
No because:
1. Different consumption purpose.
2.It is better to have separate categories for goods and services
Comments from the TSG
- 09.1 and 09.3 are too detailed resulting in thin series; Could be merged
Comments from the EU countries:
The distinction is necessary for the needs of National Accounts.
These positions are too differentiated to be merged.
These product groups are very different, they cannot be merged. Furthermore they are not that thin.
The result would be a heterogeneous group.
Comments from the TSG
- Suppress 08.2 (fax machines);
Comments from the EU countries:
There are other products than fax machines inside.
If suppressed, fax machines need to be referenced in another class for backward processing purpose.
Comments from the TSG
- 08.3 "Telephone and telefax services" could include Internet services
Comments from the EU countries:
This is already the case in ECOICOP where we have a sub-class Internet access provision services
Comments from the TSG
- Move Video games and consoles currently classified as Games, toys and hobbies to audio visual equipment.
Comments from the EU countries:
The 2 have different purposes, the games are to play, so should stay with "09.3.1 - Games, toys and hobbies".
This is important to differentiate content : videogames software (related to content) from videogames consoles. Videogames consoles or any related equipment could be moved to audio visual equipment. However, Videogames software related to multimedia shall indeed move to Division 09.
Comments from the TSG
- Merge COICOP 08 (ev. excl. 08.1) with the television and radio license fees, subscriptions from 09.4.2 (Cultural services).
Comments from the EU countries:
Yes but distinguish between services and products.
It could be a better solution to separate “television and radio licence fees” at the 5th digit level. In many countries it has nothing in common with telecommunications.
Comments from the TSG
- Move Recreational vehicles (09.2.1 Major durables for outdoor recreation) to Division 07 Transport.
Comments from the EU countries:
Recreational vehicles are not used for regular transport but for pleasure/tourism, so they should remain in Division 09.
Comments from the TSG
- Create class for Downloaded or internet provided services
Comments from the EU countries:
They should be classified according to purpose and not by "delivery method"
Comments from the TSG
- Create class for Apps
Comments from the EU countries:
Apps are software and they are used for many different purposes. Their consumption is decreasing.
Comments from the TSG
- Create class for E-book readers
Comments from the EU countries:
Expenditure is not significant enough to create a separate class. Explanatory notes shall nevertheless clarify where they should be classified.
Comments from the TSG
New proposals:
UNESCO should be consulted for this division.
- Art and music schools would be better classified in 9.4.2 cultural services
Comments from the TSG
- Find place for external hard drives
Comments from the TSG
Walkie-talkie is classified in 08.2.0and two-way radio in 09.1.1. It seems that the difference between those two items is insignificant and they are used for the same purposes so maybe they should be classified in the same class.
Comments from the TSG
Annex 1 ECOICOP Divisions08 – COMMUNICATION and 09 - RECREATION AND CULTUREStructure, explanatory notes and case laws
08.1 - Postal services
08.1.0 - Postal services
- payments for the delivery of letters, postcards and parcels
- private mail and parcel delivery
Also includes:
- all purchases of new postage stamps, pre-franked postcards and aerogrammes
- purchase of used or cancelled postage stamps (09.3.1)
- financial services of post offices (12.6.2)
Includes delivery costs for products bought in internet (if paid separately) Letter handling services
- postcards and all purchases of new postage stamps, pre-franked postcards and aerogrammes Other postal services
- parcels delivery services
08.2 - Telephone and telefax equipment
08.2.0 - Telephone and telefax equipment
- purchases of telephones, radio-telephones, telefax machines, telephone-answering machines and
telephone loudspeakers
- repair of telephone and telefax equipment
- telefax and telephone-answering facilities provided by personal computers (09.1.3) Fixed telephone equipment
- fixed telephones Mobile telephone equipment
- mobile telephone handsets, including devices with several functions
Includes smart phones and all mobile phone chargers Other equipment of telephone and telefax equipment
- radio-telephones, telefax machines, telephone-answering machines and telephone loudspeakers Repair of telephone or telefax equipment
- repair of telephone or telefax equipment
08.3 - Telephone and telefax services
08.3.0 - Telephone and telefax services
- installation and subscription costs of personal telephone equipment
- telephone calls from a private line or from a public line (public telephone box, post office cabin,
- telephone calls from hotels, cafés, restaurants and the like
- telegraphy, telex and telefax services
- information transmission services
- Internet connection services
- hire of telephones, telefax machines, telephone-answering machines and telephone loudspeakers
Also includes:
- radio-telephony, radio-telegraphy and radiotelex services Wired telephone services
- local, regional, national and international calls
- telephone calls from a public line or from hotels, cafés, restaurants and the like
- hire of wired telephone equipment, telephone-answering machines and telephone loudspeakers
Also includes:
- installation and subscription costs of personal telephone equipment Wireless telephone services
- national calls, including voice and video calls
- International calls, including voice and video calls
- messages, including voice, written (SMS) and image (MMS) messages
- other mobile telephone services
- hire of wireless telephone equipment
Also includes:
- costs of telephone equipment if included in subscription costs
- mobile phones included in a package, i.e. pre-paid or post-paid packages, generally tied to a
specific operator for a certain period of time
Includes mobile phone subscriptions including internet access Internet access provision services
- Internet access services provided by operators of wired, wireless and satellite infrastructure
- hire of internet access provision equipment
Also includes
- activation fee and monthly rate Bundled telecommunication services
- telephony/Internet/television packages Other information transmission services
- telegraphy, telex and telefax services
- VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) provision
- hire of telegraphy, telex, telefax, radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy and radiotelex equipment
Also includes:
- radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy and radiotelex services
09.1 - Audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
09.1.1 - Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and picture
- television sets, video cassette players and recorders, television aerials of all types
- radio sets, car radios, radio clocks, two-way radios, amateur radio receivers and transmitters
- gramophones, tape players and recorders, cassette players and recorders, CD-players, personal
stereos, stereo systems and their constituent units (turntables, tuners, amplifiers, speakers, etc.),
microphones and earphones
- video cameras, camcorders and sound-recording cameras (09.1.2) Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound
- radio receivers (radio sets, car radios, radio clocks, two-way radios, amateur radio receivers and
- non portable CD players
- non portable sound players (without video function)
- stereo equipment and CD radio cassette recorder
- car stereos
Also includes:
- docking stations, turntables, tuners, amplifiers, microphones and speakers
- portable sound and vision players (
Includes "walkie-talkies" Equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and vision
- television sets, including television aerials of all types
- video recorders and DVD recorders and players
- "digiboxes", home theatre systems, video projectors, satellite receivers
- blu-ray players
- sound and vision players (with video function)
- hard disk recorders Portable sound and vision devices
- portable sound and vision players
- portable TV receivers Other equipment for the reception, recording and reproduction of sound and
- earphones
- digital photo frames
Also includes:
- E-book readers
- E-book reader chargers
- HDMI cables
09.1.2 - Photographic and cinematographic equipment and optical instruments
- still cameras, movie cameras and sound-recording cameras, video cameras and camcorders, film
and slide projectors, enlargers and film processing equipment, accessories (screens, viewers, lenses,
flash attachments, filters, exposure meters, etc.)
- binoculars, microscopes, telescopes and compasses Cameras
- still cameras, movie cameras and sound-recording cameras, film and slide projectors, enlargers and
film processing equipment
- video cameras, including cam-corders Accessories for photographic and cinematographic equipment
- screens, viewers, lenses (including zoom lenses), lenses, flash attachments, filters, exposure meters,
etc. Optical instruments
- binoculars, microscopes, telescopes and compasses
09.1.3 - Information processing equipment
- personal computers, visual display units, printers and miscellaneous accessories accompanying
- computer software packages such as operating systems, applications, languages, etc.
- calculators, including pocket calculators
- typewriters and word processors
Also includes:
- telefax and telephone-answering facilities provided by personal computers
- pre-recorded diskettes and CD-ROMs containing books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, foreign
language trainers, multimedia presentations, etc. in the form of software (09.1.4)
- video game software (09.3.1)
- video game computers that plug into a television set (09.3.1)
- typewriter ribbons (09.5.4)
- toner and ink cartridges (09.5.4)
- slide rules (09.5.4) Personal computers
- laptop, desktop, hand-held computers, including keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer, when
purchased as a bundle
Also includes:
- tablet computers Accessories for information processing equipment
- scanners, monitors, printers, if bought separately
- telefax and telephone answering facilities provided by personal computer cables and disks
- toner and ink-cartridges ( Software
- computer software packages such as operating systems, applications, languages, etc.
- pre-recorded diskettes and CD-ROMs containing books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, foreign
language trainers, multimedia presentations, etc. in the form of software (
- video game software (
Includes apps Calculators and other information processing equipment
- pocket calculators and electronic calendars
09.1.4 - Recording media
- records and CDs
- pre-recorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette
recorders, video recorders and personal computers
- unrecorded tapes, cassettes, video cassettes, diskettes and CD-ROMs for tape recorders, cassette
recorders, video recorders and personal computers
- unexposed films, cartridges and disks for photographic and cinematographic use
Also includes:
- pre-recorded tapes and CDs of novels, plays, poetry, etc.
- pre-recorded diskettes and CD-ROMs containing books, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, foreign
language trainers, multimedia presentations, etc. in the form of software
- photographic supplies such as paper and flashbulbs
- unexposed films the price of which includes the cost of processing without separately identifying it
- batteries (05.5.2)
- computer software packages such as operating systems, applications, languages, etc. (09.1.3)
- video game software, video game cassettes and video game CD-ROMs (09.3.1)
- development of films and printing of photographs (09.4.2) Pre-recorded recording media
- CDs, gramophone records, Blu-ray discs, videos and DVDs, cassettes, video cassettes
Also includes:
- audio and video (film) downloads Unrecorded recording media
- CDs (R and RW)
- videos and DVDs (R and RW)
- blu-ray discs, cassettes, video cassettes Other recording media
- memory cards, memory sticks, film rolls, unexposed films, cartridges and discs for photographic
and cinematographic use
Also includes:
- photographic supplies such as paper
09.1.5 - Repair of audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
- repair of audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
Also includes:
- total value of the service (that is, both the cost of labour and the cost of materials are covered)
- separate purchases of materials made by households with the intention of undertaking the repair
themselves (09.1.1), (09.1.2) or (09.1.3) Repair of audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
- repair of audio-visual, photographic and information processing equipment
Also includes:
- total value of the service (that is, both the cost of labour and the cost of materials are covered)