CERT Comm Packet Radio Drill

OBJECTIVE: Gain experience using Packet Radio


For the type of messages that are exchanged between a Field Operation Center (FOC) and an Incident Command Post, packet radio is preferred over voice. However, even CERT Comm members who have packet radio equipment do not often have opportunity to practice its use. The objective of this drill is to provide an excuse for people to use their packet radio equipment. This will allow them to refresh their memory on the various commands and built their confidence.

During the drill we will try ‘unprotocol’ transmissions (the packet equivalent of calling ‘CQ’), and communications with and without a digipeater. (A digipeater is a station configured to retransmit any heard message in order to increase the range over which the message can be received.) Optionally, participants in this drill can experiment with preparing messages ‘off-line’ for later transmission, and with running their packet station from emergency power.

To add more fun to the drill, it will take the form of a contest, rather than a simulation of disaster communications. Points will be awarded for each station heard. Bonus points will be awarded for using a digitpeater, for using emergency power, and for preparing messages off-line.

DATE and TIME: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 20:00 hrs


(1)Listen to the normal Tuesday night CERT Comm net at 20:00 hrs on 147.015+. Check in as usual and tell net control if you plan to participate in the packet drill. After the introduction, the packet drill will be announced and instructions given, including the station acting as FOC. Currently station KG6ADR is planed to operate from the Fremont Fire Department’s FOC. Packet operators will then switch to 145.030. Net control will monitor 442.600+ PL107.2 should voice contact be required during the drill.

(2)Set TNC to NOT use digipeaters for UNPROTOCOL transmissions.

(3)Using UNPROTOCOL transmit ‘CQ CERT Comm Drill’ approximately every 30 seconds for about 2 minutes.

(4)LOG the call signs of the stations you receive calling ‘CQ CERT Comm drill’.

(5)Attempt to connect with each station heard and exchange at least your first name and city or CERT district. LOG this information.

(6)Reconfigure your TNC to use KE6NVU-2 as a digipeater for UNPROTOCOL transmissions.

(7)Repeat steps 3-5 to see if additional stations can be contacted. When connecting, use ‘VIA KE6NVU-2’.

(8)Connect with the station acting as FOC. Transmit the following message:

“{Your call sign} located near {nearest intersection} made direct contact with the following stations: {list the call sign and CERT district of each station with whom you made contact directly}.

“Contact was made through the KE6NVU-2 digipeater with the following stations: {list the call sign and CERT district of each station with whom you made contact through the digipeater}.”

If applicable add: “Station operated on emergency power”.

If applicable add: “This message prepared off-line prior to transmission”.



Stations will we awarded 2 points for each station contacted through the digipeater and 1 points for each station contacted directly. Total score will be multiplied by 1.5 if the station operated on emergency power. To qualify, all equipment used (i.e. computer, TNC, and radio) must be operated independent of commercial power mains. Total score will be multiplied by 1.25 if the final message was prepared off-line.

Results will be posted on the web site within a few days of the end of the drill.