19th March 2018
Dear Parents
Proposed Amalgamation of Eastfield Infant and Nursery School and Westfield Junior School
For some time, the Local Authority have been working on the development of both the Eastfield and Westfield sites. The L A has recognised that there are deficiencies in both school buildings that will need significant funds to update and repair.
Recently, the governing bodies of both schools havebeen approached by the Local Authority with a proposal to build a brand new primary school on the Eastfield/Westfield site and therefore to amalgamate the two schools into an all through primary school.The plan would also provide a permanent space for wrap around care and two year old places, which would continue to be led by Club4U.
Plans would provide permanent classrooms for year groups of 90 pupils per year, instead of 80 pupils on which both school’s numbers are currently set. This has led to the Infant School having to create some mixed age classes every year. Westfield has been able to over admit for a number of years due to there not being a limit on the number of pupils in a junior class and the temporary accommodation on site.
If the amalgamation is agreed, the brand new school will open its doors in September 2020 when the current Reception children are in Year 3 and the current Year 3 children are in Year 6. In the meantime, the two schools will continue as they are: separate organisations with close links to serve the families within the community.
The Governing bodies from both Eastfield and Westfield have met and agreed in principle to consider the process of amalgamation. A working party, made of representatives from both governing bodies, has been convened in order to explore the potential of amalgamation.
As part of this process the governing bodies and the Local Authority will be consulting with parents and staff. Below are the key dates for this consultation:
19th April 2018 – Consultation document will be sent to parents and the consultation period begins
2ndMay 2018 – Consultation meeting, led by the Local Authority, for all parents and members of the community. During the evening there will be two meetings, one early evening and one later, so that all interested parties can attend. Details about this meeting will be found within the consultation document
18th May 2018 – The consultation period closes at 5pm
At the end of the consultation period, the governing bodies from both schools will meet separately to decide whether to proceed with the amalgamation and will forward their recommendations onto the Local Authority.
Once the consultation period begins on the 19th of April, we look forward to hearing your views on this proposal.
Yours sincerely,
The Governing Bodies of Eastfield Infant and Nursery School and Westfield Junior School